Have you learned the shema?


Eclectic Theosophist
One head, many hats.......

One head, many hats.......

No freelight. You do not understand.

You ought to read the Torah and turn to the one and only true God.

I've specifically asked you a few questions related to the subject of our present discussion, but you have failed to provide an answer. My insight and understanding of the Shema have been amply provided, as much as 'creative dialogue' and inspiration allows. Since the Spirit is always flowing, breathing,...there is always yet more insights to share. This is the Way of the Spirit.

I can private message you about your concerns if you would like.

No Thanks,....since this very thread is where we are discussing the subject, for other readers also to profit from. This is an "open" discussion, there is nothing that needs to be 'private' about what is already omnipresent and all-pervading. The Shema proclaims openly the reality of 'God' and his singular uniqueness, rank, nature and being.

See here.

Do you know that the T in TaNaKh is for Torah?

That's wonderful, but it has little to do with our subject at hand. What if I told you the 'V' in the Vedas stood for Vishnu? :) (I'm just making that up for the moment) - in any case,....perhaps our discussion of the Shema has been exhausted at this point, unless anything new could be added.



I've specifically asked you a few questions related to the subject of our present discussion, but you have failed to provide an answer. My insight and understanding of the Shema have been amply provided, as much as 'creative dialogue' and inspiration allows. Since the Spirit is always flowing, breathing,...there is always yet more insights to share. This is the Way of the Spirit.

No Thanks,....since this very thread is where we are discussing the subject, for other readers also to profit from. This is an "open" discussion, there is nothing that needs to be 'private' about what is already omnipresent and all-pervading. The Shema proclaims openly the reality of 'God' and his singular uniqueness, rank, nature and being.

See here.

That's wonderful, but it has little to do with our subject at hand. What if I told you the 'V' in the Vedas stood for Vishnu? :) (I'm just making that up for the moment) - in any case,....perhaps our discussion of the Shema has been exhausted at this point, unless anything new could be added.

No thank you freelight.



New member

Yes, it does. The Law of God is not just contained in the Mosaic Law or "Torah" as you define it. The Law of God covers the entire Bible from Genesis to Revelation. Using "Torah" as defined as a segment of the OT is completely incorrect. According to Jesus, there is more to it than the first five books.


Yes, it does. The Law of God is not just contained in the Mosaic Law or "Torah" as you define it. The Law of God covers the entire Bible from Genesis to Revelation. Using "Torah" as defined as a segment of the OT is completely incorrect. According to Jesus, there is more to it than the first five books.
Do you know what the reading of the old covenant is?

2 Corinthians 3:14 NASB - 14 But their minds were hardened; for until this very day at the reading of the old covenant the same veil remains unlifted, because it is removed in Christ.


New member
Do you know what the reading of the old covenant is?

2 Corinthians 3:14 NASB - 14 But their minds were hardened; for until this very day at the reading of the old covenant the same veil remains unlifted, because it is removed in Christ.

So why are you promoting a covenant that veils the eyes as much today as it did when God gave it? Why are you promoting Torah? Why do you not promote the NT of Jesus Christ?


So why are you promoting a covenant that veils the eyes as much today as it did when God gave it? Why are you promoting Torah? Why do you not promote the NT of Jesus Christ?
We may need to discuss what you are saying, but I can say unequivocally that it is good to study Torah.

Do you know what the old covenant is?

As for the rest of what you are saying I do not know what to say or how to respond. I do not think the way you do.



New member
We may need to discuss what you are saying, but I can say unequivocally that it is good to study Torah.

Do you know what the old covenant is?

The old covenant is the Law of Moses - all 613 commandments, laws, and statutes.

As for the rest of what you are saying I do not know what to say or how to respond. I do not think the way you do.


Why do you call yourself a Christian?