God's Truth

New member
dodge, MOST MADS DO...HOLD TO...The Lord's Supper.

True, that is NOT the impression you have been given on TOL.

At the same time; consider the following...

Say that you are the ONLY Marine on TOL - does that mean you ALONE are the only Marine out there?

I have not blamed you for the impression you have been given by a few, about issues like The Lord's Supper, etc.

You have now been made aware, though.

Try to keep that in mind.

The Lord's Supper is in remembrance of the covenant.

It is about eating and drinking every day. It is about living through Christ and Jesus living through you.


New member
Which covenant? And what evidence can you give to support your answer?

It is about the covenant that is in effect right now i.e. the new covenant of grace.

Mat 26:28
For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.

Notice the word "NEW" before testament !

God's Truth

New member
Which covenant? And what evidence can you give to support your answer?

Paul is speaking to the Corinthian Gentiles. Paul says he is a minister of a NEW COVENANT.

2 Corinthians 3:6 He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant—not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.

The Greater Glory of the New Covenant

7 Now if the ministry that brought death, which was engraved in letters on stone, came with glory, so that the Israelites could not look steadily at the face of Moses because of its glory, transitory though it was, 8 will not the ministry of the Spirit be even more glorious? 9 If the ministry that brought condemnation was glorious, how much more glorious is the ministry that brings righteousness!

Paul says he is a MINISTER of a NEW COVENANT, and that it is THE MINISTRY/COVENANT of the SPIRIT.

Look how Paul quotes Jesus:

Romans 11:27
For this is my covenant unto them, when I shall take away their sins.

1 Corinthians 11:25
In the same way, after supper he took the cup, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me.”

2 Corinthians 2:12
[ Ministers of the New Covenant ] Now when I went to Troas to preach the gospel of Christ and found that the Lord had opened a door for me,

John 6:54 Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day.

John 6:55
For my flesh is real food and my blood is real drink.

Luke 22:20 In the same way, after the supper he took the cup, saying, "This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you.

Don't you know that when you come to the cross where Jesus' blood is you come to take part in the blood covenant?


Well-known member
It is about the covenant that is in effect right now i.e. the new covenant of grace.

Mat 26:28
For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.

Notice the word "NEW" before testament !

Hi , and Matt 26:28 is correct for Israel and it NOT talking about the B O C PERIOD !!

In 1 Cor 11:25 the Greek word KAINOS / NEW can be translated by the following English words , whether you like it or NOT !!

#1 , As respect for form

#2 , Recwntly made

#3 , Fresh

#4 , Of a new KIND

#5 Unheard

So , the Greek word for NEW TESTAMENT/ KAINOS DIATHEKE can be translated like this NEW ARRANGEMENT and UNHEARD ARRANGENET called the MYSTERY as written in Col 1:25 and 26 NEVER before HEARD OF !!

The Lord's supper in Matt 26 is NOT to drank until the Kingdom is setup :

The New Arrangement in 1 Cor 11;25 is always to taken , until the B O C IS DEPARTED !!

A big difference with difference , between the too !!

dan p


New member
Hi , and Matt 26:28 is correct for Israel and it NOT talking about the B O C PERIOD !!

In 1 Cor 11:25 the Greek word KAINOS / NEW can be translated by the following English words , whether you like it or NOT !!

#1 , As respect for form

#2 , Recwntly made

#3 , Fresh

#4 , Of a new KIND

#5 Unheard

So , the Greek word for NEW TESTAMENT/ KAINOS DIATHEKE can be translated like this NEW ARRANGEMENT and UNHEARD ARRANGENET called the MYSTERY as written in Col 1:25 and 26 NEVER before HEARD OF !!

The Lord's supper in Matt 26 is NOT to drank until the Kingdom is setup :

The New Arrangement in 1 Cor 11;25 is always to taken , until the B O C IS DEPARTED !!

A big difference with difference , between the too !!

dan p

FYI, Some one convinced you to buy into a lie the New Testament/covenant is in effect now. Without the New covenant there would be no grace the law would be in effect i.e. the Old Testament .


Well-known member
FYI, Some one convinced you to buy into a lie the New Testament/covenant is in effect now. Without the New covenant there would be no grace the law would be in effect i.e. the Old Testament .

Hi GRASSHOPPER , and IF we are under the NEW COVENANT cannnnnnnnnn , you explain how you were saved under that COVENANT ??

Also explain where you go when you DIE ??

dan p


New member
Hi GRASSHOPPER , and IF we are under the NEW COVENANT cannnnnnnnnn , you explain how you were saved under that COVENANT ??

Also explain where you go when you DIE ??

dan p

The same way everyone is saved in the NT.....Eph 2:8-10

lol, grasshopper implies you believe you know something that others don't, and nothing could be farther from the truth. I have rarely seen anyone as confused and clueless as yourself.


Well-known member
The same way everyone is saved in the NT.....Eph 2:8-10

lol, grasshopper implies you believe you know something that others don't, and nothing could be farther from the truth. I have rarely seen anyone as confused and clueless as yourself.

Hi and let me explain why you are IMMATURE and INEXPERIENCED ,:\\

#1 , You use Paul when it pleasesm you !!

#2 , You do not use CONTEXT !!

#3 yOU can not explain where a person goes at DEATH !!

#4 Jews go to Abraham's Bosom at time of DEATH , Luke 16:22 , and angel's took them there !!

#5 Read verse 23 says where Abraham Bosom is todat , IN HELL !!

Understand GRASSHOPPER ??

dan p


New member
Which covenant? And what evidence can you give to support your answer?

Jerry pay attention to "context".

Act 20:28
Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood.

That does not look forward to Israel it is He has purchased as in past tense, done, that work is what is in effect now !


New member
Hi and let me explain why you are IMMATURE and INEXPERIENCED ,:\\

#1 , You use Paul when it pleasesm you !!

#2 , You do not use CONTEXT !!

#3 yOU can not explain where a person goes at DEATH !!

#4 Jews go to Abraham's Bosom at time of DEATH , Luke 16:22 , and angel's took them there !!

#5 Read verse 23 says where Abraham Bosom is todat , IN HELL !!

Understand GRASSHOPPER ??

dan p

lol,dan I trust and quote ALL the Apostles. I quote Paul when and where he shows that MAD is a man made concept and is not of God.

Paul is your pope and even Paul does not agree with MAD.


New member
Hi and let me explain why you are IMMATURE and INEXPERIENCED ,:\\

#1 , You use Paul when it pleasesm you !!

#2 , You do not use CONTEXT !!

#3 yOU can not explain where a person goes at DEATH !!

#4 Jews go to Abraham's Bosom at time of DEATH , Luke 16:22 , and angel's took them there !!

#5 Read verse 23 says where Abraham Bosom is todat , IN HELL !!

Understand GRASSHOPPER ??

dan p

lol, I have NEVER seen you keep anything in context. You destroy the context in most everything you quote to try to prove MAD is valid when in scripture it is clearly NOT taught in scripture.

Chew on this and notice the context as in

Act 20:28
Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood.

That does not look forward to Israel it is He has purchased as in past tense, done, that work is what is in effect now i.e. grace!


Well-known member
lol, I have NEVER seen you keep anything in context. You destroy the context in most everything you quote to try to prove MAD is valid when in scripture it is clearly NOT taught in scripture.

Chew on this and notice the context as in

Act 20:28
Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood.

That does not look forward to Israel it is He has purchased as in past tense, done, that work is what is in effect now i.e. grace!

Hi and Paul was teaching what is written in Acts 20:24 !!

In Acts 21:21 , Paul taught AGAINST the Law of Moses !!

If you want to try and explain Acts 20:28 , there are 4 verbs , and 2 are in the Aorist tense and the other 2 mare in the PRESENT TENSE , so explain if you want to and then I will explain what they mean !!

dan p


Well-known member
Hi and Paul was teaching what is written in Acts 20:24 !!

In Acts 21:21 , Paul taught AGAINST the Law of Moses !!

If you want to try and explain Acts 20:28 , there are 4 verbs , and 2 are in the Aorist tense and the other 2 mare in the PRESENT TENSE , so explain if you want to and then I will explain what they mean !!

dan p

Hi and just a reminder , if you will reply ??

dan p


Well-known member
Hi to all , and many say that they have drunk Jesus Blood and have eaten his body , like the RCC claims to do !!

Is this true , and when asked how it can be DONE , he refused to produce a verse !!

What he has not done is see what the bible says !!

In Matt 26:26 it reads , Take eat , this is my BODY !!

In verse 27 , For this is my blood , of the NEW Testament !!

But read what it says NEXT !!

I will not DRINK hence forth of this fruit of the vine , until that DAY when I drink it NEW with you in my Father's Kingdom !!

This also what they can not see :

#O , Looks like the NEW TESTAMENT / DIATHEKE is Jewish ONLY !!

#1 , The bread that Jesus broke represented His BODY !!

#2 , The fruit of the vine , represented His BLOOD !!

#3, And Jesus will drink it with them ONLY in His Father's Kingdom !!

#4 This Kingdom must have LAND , IP , RIGHT !!

#5 Looks like all Jews to me !!

#6 , So what sins were FORGIVEN in verse 28 and to WHOM ??

#7 Were they saved by GRACE ??

#8 Matt 26 :28 is not for the B O C , don't you see !!

dan p

Literally? No. But since that is an idiom referring to believing his doctrines, then yes.

God's Truth

New member
dodge, MOST MADS DO...HOLD TO...The Lord's Supper.

True, that is NOT the impression you have been given on TOL.

At the same time; consider the following...

Say that you are the ONLY Marine on TOL - does that mean you ALONE are the only Marine out there?

I have not blamed you for the impression you have been given by a few, about issues like The Lord's Supper, etc.

You have now been made aware, though.

Try to keep that in mind.

The Madists believe in FAITH ALONE, they go against OBEYING, how do you EVER get that they know about eating and drinking? All you have proven is that you both do not know.
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New member
Hi to all , and many say that they have drunk Jesus Blood and have eaten his body , like the RCC claims to do !!

Is this true , and when asked how it can be DONE , he refused to produce a verse !!

What he has not done is see what the bible says !!

In Matt 26:26 it reads , Take eat , this is my BODY !!

In verse 27 , For this is my blood , of the NEW Testament !!

But read what it says NEXT !!

I will not DRINK hence forth of this fruit of the vine , until that DAY when I drink it NEW with you in my Father's Kingdom !!

Oh Dan. I know that everyone is about to disagree with me. But, what is life without a little spice.

You have made the charge for others to read verses in context. I think it is a valid charge. I agree with Dodge and God's Truth here though. MAD's do not read a majority of the Bible in context. (Granted, that is another topic all together, so back to the original post)

In context, the Last Supper bears a lot of weight, correct? In this event, Christ is the only one with knowledge of what is going to happen to Him. He knows that He will literally be pouring His blood out for humanity. But, as you insisted, as do all Christians, the words spoken at the Last Supper have to bear an even deeper theological meaning.

First off, the quote about Christ not drinking of the fruit of the vine until in Heaven, that has no bearing on the original point that you insisted on discussing. Second, how is the drinking and eating of Christ's body and blood, symbolic? As with any good argument or point, you need to bring sufficient evidence to such a claim.

Now here is where the pitchforks will appear. Take the Last Supper, in context, with John 6. Christ, talking to a multitude, says "Unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood, you will have no inheritance with me." And the people pondered and began to murmur. Why? Because, they understood His words to mean a literal consumption of His literal body and blood! But rather than correct them, since He knew their ponderings, He stated the same thing two more times. "Unless you eat my body and drink my blood...." At no point does Christ correct the people's thinking. Any time, in all of Scripture, there was a misunderstanding, or a parable, it is clearly addressed, or stated as such. So why, would John, the author who lived with Christ, not add clarification here? Why would Christ, when the people left Him, not correct them, since they had just "misunderstood" Him?

The logical rationale would be that they did not misunderstand Him. That He was speaking literally. Combine that with the Last Supper, and you get a literal Communion, as the RCC holds.

But why trust just that? Why not examine writings of the days of the apostles?

Study of early letters and documents reveal that the apostles and early Christians believed in the literal Body and Blood of Christ being present in Communion and the Last Supper.

So, turn your charge for others on yourself. Read verses and passages in context. Not just this passage of discussion, but all passages. (as Dodge and God's Truth have pointed out)


Well-known member
Literally? No. But since that is an idiom referring to believing his doctrines, then yes.

Hi and there are groups on the bible Jews and GENTILES !!

The Jews had the LAW of MOSES and the GENTILES did not !!

And there are 2 groups , BELIEVE IT OR NOT !!

dan p


Well-known member
The Madists GO AGAINST FAITH ALONE, they go against OBEYING, how do you EVER get that they know about eating and drinking? All you have proven is that you both do not know.

And all you have proven is that you have no clue what the "Madists go against..."