Have You Been Reconciled to God by Jesus Christ?


If you read Mat. 10:5,6, Jesus used to forbid his disciples to take the gospel of salvation to the Gentiles, especially the Samaritans. How can you say above that Jesus was the messenger of that salvation that all men and women are sons and daughters of God? It seems rather the opposite of what you say.

Ben, you have a point. My answer is this, most of Jesus' early followers were Jews who believed him to be the Jewish Messiah based on common speculation from the accumulated scripture writings. ALL of the gospel writers were former Jews who joined the cause. They were prejudiced in the "chosen people" centric recollection of what Jesus had said and they believed he was soon to return to do what they thought a Jewish Messiah was supposed to do.

From my religion:

"The Apostle Paul, in his efforts to bring the teachings of Jesus to the favorable notice of certain groups in his day, wrote many letters of instruction and admonition. Other teachers of Jesus' gospel did likewise, but none of them realized that some of these writings would subsequently be brought together by those who would set them forth as the embodiment of the teachings of Jesus. And so, while so-called Christianity does contain more of the Master's gospel than any other religion, it does also contain much that Jesus did not teach. Aside from the incorporation of many teachings from the Persian mysteries and much of the Greek philosophy into early Christianity, two great mistakes were made:

1. The effort to connect the gospel teaching directly onto the Jewish theology, as illustrated by the Christian doctrines of the atonement —the teaching that Jesus was the sacrificed Son who would satisfy the Father's stern justice and appease the divine wrath. These teachings originated in a praiseworthy effort to make the gospel of the kingdom more acceptable to disbelieving Jews. Though these efforts failed as far as winning the Jews was concerned, they did not fail to confuse and alienate many honest souls in all subsequent generations.

2. The second great blunder of the Master's early followers, and one which all subsequent generations have persisted in perpetuating, was to organize the Christian teaching so completely about the person of Jesus. This overemphasis of the personality of Jesus in the theology of Christianity has worked to obscure his teachings, and all of this has made it increasingly difficult for Jews, Mohammedans, Hindus, and other Eastern religionists to accept the teachings of Jesus. We would not belittle the place of the person of Jesus in a religion which might bear his name, but we would not permit such consideration to eclipse his inspired life or to supplant his saving message: the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man." UB1955


Robert Pate

Well-known member
Now, Robert, that decision of Paul impressed even myself but, as usual, he disappointed me with that one too. He was in Antioch when he finally decided to fulfill the mission he always claimed to have been assigned to as an apostle of the Gentiles. He rather reminded me of the preacher who used to say, "Do as I tell you but not what I do for I am a sinner too." Paul left the synagogue of the Jews of Antioch and went to the synagogues of the Jews of Inconium. (Acts 14:1)

So What!

Paul's ministry was not to Jews, it was to the Gentiles.

Instead of sitting around picking on Paul and Jesus, you need to confront yourself with the reality of the New Testament witness and get saved.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Of course. That's why I am Reformed.

But as true as that is, it really failed to answer the question of which translation/paraphrase did you quote above. Or did you just rearrange the words of one translation/paraphrase to make it say what you think it should say?

There are more than 75 scriptures that say... Jesus is the savor of the world, salvation is for everyone.

You need to come to grips with these scriptures because they call into question what you believe.

Brother Ducky

New member
There are more than 75 scriptures that say... Jesus is the savor of the world, salvation is for everyone.

You need to come to grips with these scriptures because they call into question what you believe.

Again, you set up, what do say about AMR? Oh, a smoke screen. It should be a simple question. What translation/paraphrase did you use when you had an unusual version of Acts 13:48?

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Again, you set up, what do say about AMR? Oh, a smoke screen. It should be a simple question. What translation/paraphrase did you use when you had an unusual version of Acts 13:48?

Acts 13:48 is about the Gospel going to the Gentiles.

It is about hearing and believing. It is not about being ordained and then believing. You have it backwards because you want to believe a lie.

"For unto us was the Gospel preached, as well as unto them: but the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it" Hebrews 4:2.

If you had faith in Christ and his Gospel you would not need Calvinism.

Brother Ducky

New member
Acts 13:48 is about the Gospel going to the Gentiles.

It is about hearing and believing. It is not about being ordained and then believing. You have it backwards because you want to believe a lie.

"For unto us was the Gospel preached, as well as unto them: but the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it" Hebrews 4:2.

If you had faith in Christ and his Gospel you would not need Calvinism.

Again, you have failed to answer the question. What translation/paraphrase did you did get your unusual version of Acts 13:48? It can't be that hard of a question, can it?

Brother Ducky

New member
Acts 13:48 is about the Gospel going to the Gentiles.

It is about hearing and believing. It is not about being ordained and then believing. You have it backwards because you want to believe a lie.

I would agree that being ordained/chosen to eternal life is not the main thrust of the passage.

That being said, it does say that there were some who were ordained/chosen to eternal life and they, when they heard, believed. Since you believe all Scripture you believe this. Some were ordained to eternal life and when they heard, they believed. Right?!

So what translation did you use????

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Again, you have failed to answer the question. What translation/paraphrase did you did get your unusual version of Acts 13:48? It can't be that hard of a question, can it?

It was mine. Which is compatible with the rest of the Bible. No where else in the Bible does it say that anyone is saved first and then believes later.

Brother Ducky

New member
It was mine. Which is compatible with the rest of the Bible. No where else in the Bible does it say that anyone is saved first and then believes later.

So, just so I know, how much training do you have in Greek? What text were you working with? Can you explain how you arrived at your translation, and maybe a sentence diagram?

Is your translation compatible with the Greek text? If not, what are your qualifications in textual criticism?

Robert Pate

Well-known member
So, just so I know, how much training do you have in Greek? What text were you working with? Can you explain how you arrived at your translation, and maybe a sentence diagram?

Is your translation compatible with the Greek text? If not, what are your qualifications in textual criticism?

No Greek needed.

On the day of Pentecost when the Gospel came into the world for the first time, Acts 2.

1. They heard the Gospel.

2. They believed the Gospel.

3. All that heard the Gospel and believed the Gospel were saved.

The reason for this is because...

"Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God" Romans 10:17. Which is the Gospel.

Right Divider

Body part
No Greek needed.

On the day of Pentecost when the Gospel came into the world for the first time, Acts 2.

1. They heard the Gospel.

2. They believed the Gospel.

3. All that heard the Gospel and believed the Gospel were saved.

The reason for this is because...

"Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God" Romans 10:17. Which is the Gospel.
You are one confused dude RP.

Brother Ducky

New member
No Greek needed.

On the day of Pentecost when the Gospel came into the world for the first time, Acts 2.

1. They heard the Gospel.

2. They believed the Gospel.

3. All that heard the Gospel and believed the Gospel were saved.

The reason for this is because...

"Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God" Romans 10:17. Which is the Gospel.

Actually, Greek would be needed, since the original text was in Greek. Especially if you are going to swap things around in English.

It seems to me that basically you decided that you did not like what the text says and would do anything to get it to conform with your belief system.

Maybe Luke just did not say that those who believed had been ordained to eternal life. Certainly consistent with Acts 13:48.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Actually, Greek would be needed, since the original text was in Greek. Especially if you are going to swap things around in English.

It seems to me that basically you decided that you did not like what the text says and would do anything to get it to conform with your belief system.

Maybe Luke just did not say that those who believed had been ordained to eternal life. Certainly consistent with Acts 13:48.

"You strain at a gnat and swallow a camel" Matthew 23:24.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
There was not a new Gospel first presented on that lawfully required Jewish feast day. You need some scripture that's not there.

Acts 2 had never happened before. If you are saying that it did, then you should backup what you are saying with scripture.

Otherwise, all you are doing is blowing hot air.

Right Divider

Body part
Acts 2 had never happened before. If you are saying that it did, then you should backup what you are saying with scripture.

Otherwise, all you are doing is blowing hot air.
You throw words around like you know what they mean.

Define your terms. Acts 2 was NOT a NEW GOSPEL.

You're a Romans 10:2 kind of guy.


New member
The question is NOT have you been predestinated?

The question is... "Have You Been Reconciled to God by Jesus Christ?"

The word "Reconciliation" means that at one time you were alienated in your mind and enemies with God by wicked works. Yet now has God reconciled you to himself by Jesus Christ, Colossians 1:21, 22.

As far as God is concerned you have been reconciled to him by his Son Jesus Christ. However, reconciliation is a two way street. If you refuse to accept God's offer to be reconciled unto him by Jesus Christ then you are still under his wrath.

"He that believes on the Son (and is reconciled) has everlasting life: and he that does not believe on the Son (has not been reconciled) and shall NOT see life; but the wrath of God abides upon him" John 3:36.

No reconciliation means no salvation. When we accept Jesus Christ as our savior we become reconciled unto God by Jesus Christ. When God reconciles us to himself by Jesus Christ he sees us "In Christ". The death of Christ becomes our death. "In the body of his flesh through death, to present you holy and unblamable and unreprovable in his sight" Colossians 1:22.

God never sees us who are Christians outside of Jesus Christ. If God saw us outside of Christ he would see us as sinners and he would have to judge us. God must judge sin where ever he finds it. This is why Paul wrote to the Colossians..."For you are dead and your life is hid with Christ in God" Colossians 3:3. I don't know about you, but that is exactly where I want to be.

Nice post. Yes, I am reconciled to God---Jehovah---BY His Son, Jesus.
