Guilt-What To Do With It


Well it depends what you determine as a Christian, I'm a Christian as in I follow Christ. I'm not a Christian as mainstream Christianity see as Christian, because for one i don't believe in the trinity and they do and i don't believe the I'm eternally saved by saying "i believe" many give lip service, but they don't live it!

I believe that God the father is also the God, father and head of Christ Jesus.

Jesus Christ didn't belong to any denomination, he lived by the will of the father as do I, I follow Jesus squeaky, not a denomination and I don't have to worship God in a stone building, I can worship him from my heart in spirit and in truth!

I said
I believe you, that's good enough for me.


I think that most of the people in here should stop and study on guilt. Because before you can get out of the milk understanding your going to have to learn to deal with guilt. And every time you get convicted the devil will be there to tell you. It don't mean that.
But God is not willing that any should perish but that ALL should come to repentance. Repentance is a humiliating state of mind. Its how you find the Holy Spirit within you.


If you cant learn to deal with your own guilt you will never be able to grow in the Spirit. God wants everyone to learn how to repent.

2Pe 3:9

The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us,[fn] not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance



You need to know how to handle guilt. Because to get to the truth in the Word. You will go through lots of guilt(emotional). The devil is always there to tell you" it doesnt mean that". And yet God tells you that you must believe it. If you believe it you will repent of it. If you repent of it you are forgiven. If you lie to yourself and dont repent, you will be charged with it. And bear a chastizement.

XXX You cant get rid of guilt by lieing to yourself. There are two kinds of guilt. The emotional kind which is an unclean spirit and there is the belief kind which we all must believe. Now what happens is this. When the Holy Spirit convicts you of a sin with a verse your unclean spirits overwhelms you with an emotion and then the devil lies to you. And says it doesnt mean that. But if you accept the belief the Holy Spirit can give you verses like Paul. And without guilt to motivate you into changing a belief, you will never do it on your own.

Which is the same thing you done. By repenting you can get rid of the emotion, and deal with the belief. The feeling of guilt is an unclean spirit. That looks for opportunities to rear his ugly head. And he does it every time you go against something you have believed. One feeling tells you that you should do something, another feeling stops you, then the feeling of guilt punishes you. But if your in the Holy Spirit and you have crucified your emotions with the truth that is in the Word of God. You can be guilty of something without a feeling. Because the Holy Spirit convicts you. If you can believe the Holy Spirit. You must learn to suffer with guilt, to find the truth.
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I said\
You better be careful about saying no to these revelations. Your saying no to what Jesus said.

again I will clearly point out that these "revelations" are NOT what JESUS said! they are NOT in the Bible! they are things YOU say but they are not revelations and they are not in the BIBLE. You, Squeaky are the one that needs to be careful. You need to ask the Holy Spirit to lead your life and show that YOU are GUILTY when you give false prophesies that are NOT in the BIBLE and say that they are "revelations from Jesus." ITS sick that you keep trying to pretend Jesus is giving you revelations when the BIBLE PROHIBITS AND CONDEMNS such actions.

again I will point out that MOHAMMED and JOSEPH SMITH and many others who had gravely led so many of Jesus' sheep away claim they are giving others "revelations from Jesus or the Holy Spirit" but they were FALSE PROPHETS!!!

STOP filling up the forum with this crap. do you see how many threads you have in a row that you keep "bumping" when most of them nobody ever replies to them...because they are DELUSIONAL. There is NO TRUTH in anything you say because you say these are "revelations from Jesus" that are found NOT in the BIBLE!

stop spamming the forum with back-to-back NONESENCE! there are many many people, including myself, on here that ACTUALLY want to talk about the BIBLE and the TRUTH found WITHIN it! but you are filling up the entire forum with UNTRUTH that is NOT found WITHIN the BIBLE!


I said\
You better be careful about saying no to these revelations. Your saying no to what Jesus said.

I do not mean to contend with you but to open up a conversation ((only) if you want to have one) about what you say. I do not disagree with the Bible. It is God's word.





I do not mean to contend with you but to open up a conversation ((only) if you want to have one) about what you say. I do not disagree with the Bible. It is God's word.



I said
lol It is hard to open a conversation when you reply "No". But I am always willing.


I said
lol It is hard to open a conversation when you reply "No". But I am always willing.

That is good. When I say no it is because you need to know that I disagree. Then you can ignore me or decide to have a conversation with someone who disagrees with you. This helps people to know what is being discussed. That is why I say no and do not cloud my response with my own words and not give you the chance to interact with me about my disagreement with you. You have an OP or a post, and I disagree. Then we can talk about it if you want.





That is good. When I say no it is because you need to know that I disagree. Then you can ignore me or decide to have a conversation with someone who disagrees with you. This helps people to know what is being discussed. That is why I say no and do not cloud my response with my own words and not give you the chance to interact with me about my disagreement with you. You have an OP or a post, and I disagree. Then we can talk about it if you want.



I said
Ok talk.


I said
Ok talk.


Okay. What should we talk about? Owing that I am not talking to you but I am typing, this is our chosen way or method to talk about what it is that you have said that I disagree with.

