The elect of God are those who truly trust in Jesus alone for salvation. So, saving faith is evidence of election. Has nothing to do with Calvin, Luther, Gottshalk, Melanchthon, Augustine, although they did teach this.
Election, saving faith, is a holy (wholly) gift of God.
Don't need saving faith. The faith you expend for salvation in and of itself, becomes saving faith which, by the way, 'should' leave you a new found *faith for other things in life. Things that without it, makes it impossible to please God. No gift of faith needed for the gift of God one receives as the result of such an expenditure. However, for salvation as purposed by God per John 17:3, is no free gift. The cost is one's life.
*Gal 2:20 KJV only
Salvation is the gift unless you believe there are two gifts mentioned?
If you thnk on this you should see to understand that God's grace s NOT unmerited. The requirement from us is our faith. The cost is our lives abandoned to Him in xchange for His Life that our faith becomes His Faith we then live by.