I am Reformed and I have testified in this thread, that I proclaim the Gospel indiscriminately to all, and then leave it up to God as to who He might bestow His saving grace . . for I have no idea who is elect or not, or who is non-elect today, but might be regenerate to new spiritual life tomorrow.
Did you read the above testimony of Zanchius, who reminds us that Jesus Christ preached Truth to all within hearing, and He DID know who would believe or not.
The Gospel is a two-edged sword; it either blesses with salvation, or it condemns unbelief. It either saves the soul or judges the soul.
Here is Debbie Downer Nag's "The Gospel," ....
"Any person who
lives his life wrongly and does not repent of his sins, will be held responsible and judged for breaking God's laws and are justly consigned to death and hell. Sinners only receive what they have earned. Men reap what they sow."-evil "woman" Nag
....which is not "good news," but bad news, condemning each, and everyone of us, with this subjective " lives his life wrongly," and quite inadequate, as no one, has repented of all their sins, even if this were the "good news." It is not. The reason the Lord Jesus Christ died for my/our sins????????????
-Because each and every one of us, does "live his/her life wrongly," in what we do, and do not do, in how we think, and in how we do not think, because we "come short" in meeting the bar demanded by a holy LORD God-"100% compliance," and "the righteousness of God."
-"repenting of our sins," as in "stop sinning," is impossible, as we commit sins, that we do not even know we commit. Regardless, the statement denies that the Lord Jesus Christ died for them. The entire reason that He did die for every last one of them? Because we cannot/do not repent of them!
A 7 year old "gets" this; most alleged "Christians" do not.