I did plenty of both, and could continue at length. I didn't know you were merely debating. I thought I was serving you as admonished in scripture. I didn't abruptly disenagage because I can't go forward with an apologetic. I disengaged because you are not inclined to hear while simply dismissing much of what is said because you're only contending for a position.
And stop abusing scripture. You did not ask in the context of that passage at all. You are debating competitively, not asking as inquiry regarding salvation. Neither Jesus nor the Apostles ran such a qauntlet, so no one is mandated to go toe to toe with those who ignore truth presented.
You confirm that you are disingenuous when you misemploy the text to twist its application. I'm not compelled to satisfy the lengths to which you will go to assert man's Synergism without even knowing what it means. Your strawman is not the context of that passage, and you should know that.
You're here with motives, which is why I disengaged. You like this as a game.
LOL. I'd say you're attempting such, not me. You wrongly frame your whole argument for debate, and then presume others haven't addressed it or refuted it in whatever measure.
You don't start with God's attributes. You don't assess time versus timelessness. You just subtly present well-rehearsed exploitations of the false binary according to a baseline relative only to your presuppositions.
Others do it, too; including Calvinists in their own ways. You're not about truth at all, though. You're about presuming to win a debate. You're at the track, but with no dog in the race. Disingenuous. And probably oblivious to even that. Sad.
No. You don't even know what Synergism is, having mistakenly compared it to the Edenic lapse. You don't see that you're standing on the wrong side of a veil, which is why you can't see. You don't want to see. You want to debate. And it's for the sake of debate. You've practiced and honed a certain position to exploit the difficult paradox between the Calvinist and Arminian positions; so you have a self-ground lens through which you attempt to establish man's righteousness in some minute degree over God's love.
You don't even know uou're contending against God's love, because you're on lock-down to promote one side of a false binary.
The futility to which I was referring was not subject matter, but seeing your motives for what they are. You, sir, are every bit as contentious as you may be genuine. You're here for yourself. To speak, not to hear. So you can't and won't.