Cross Reference
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It's possible.
Good answer. What do you suppose would make it possible? It is a dead book, you know?
It's possible.
Well that's what scripture says.
All were atoned for but those who will accept the free gift were foreknown and predestined.
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Not futile but a fact - you did not substantiate your's there for all to see.
But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect...
Ex cathedra?
And you failed to demonstrate it.
Then man was NOT created in the image of God!!
You don't even know what "image of God" means lexically. And stop deifying man, schismatic heretic Copeland-ite.
And what is your ordo solutis, to narrow God's act of salvation to a couple of verses?nang claims that if a person hears and believes the gospel that they were somehow regenerated just before hearing and believing. What a mess
Adam was created sinless and innocent, to be made holy through the making a series of moral choices that would have led to his glorification by eating of the tree of Life.
What I find interesting is that Sonnet, the absence of his confession of faith in Jesus notwithstanding, understands more of the scriptures than anyone I have read in all my years, on this forum; almost without error when objectively making his points. But then, that is just me who does confess Christ and I am considered a heretic. 'Go figger'.
You're making the Paul of Romans 10:1ff disingenuous. Woefully so.
Jesus atoned for those predestined to be excluded from regeneration? Are you serious?
What conceit. A proving by your well lathered mouth that "Knowledge" indeed, "puffeth up".
Proving that God will leave no stone unturned to get His point across.
No - verses 1-5 deal with then unbeliever.
And there we have it.
Gnosis (knowledge) is used ONCE in all of scripture in a negative sense, and that in context to behavior regarding meat sacrificed to idols (1Cor. 8:1). Nowhere else is it used with reference to being "puffed up". It is also used of how husbands and wives "know" one another, as well as many other usages including "knowing" God, etc.
And gnosis (knowledge) is not epignosis (knowledge) or oida (knowledge); and none of those are the 100+ other words related to knowing and understanding and discerning and having wisdom or prudence or discretion, etc.
Love abounds in knowledge (epignosis - Philippians 1:9).
So you've clearly demonstrated that it is YOU who is "puffed up" in such nominal alleged knowledge that you violate the very scripture you attempt to proof-text for ad hominem.
YOU are everything that is wrong with one entire dumbed-down facet of the modernized pseudo-Christian movement, which is the various cults of Third Wave Charismaticism as false Pentecostalism.
Congrats on demonstrating the lack of knowledge we are commanded to have.
The Holy Spirit has always illuminated minds and revealed God's Truth to a remnant of mankind. It is not a NT phenomena.
And I feel this exegesis of the passage is forced. There is no need for these categories. Either a visible church member truly possesses the mind of Christ, via the Holy Spirit, or he does not.
That is the warning and the teaching Paul presented.
The Holy Spirit has always illuminated minds and revealed God's Truth to a remnant of mankind. It is not a NT phenomena.