I'm thinkin' him/her would be closer?
It would seem you have a bone to pick with the Calvinists you grew up with?
Tulip bee may have been on to sumpthin' with the x cut in that avatar?
This account is a sock?
You clearly don't.
You are now siding with an atheist.
You should be on your knees asking God for more of the Holy Spirit.
Why aren't you wondering how you could have gotten James so completely backwards?
That proof text I'm supposed to put in my pipe and smoke does nothing to fix your problem from yesterday.
Stop resisting.
Ad hominem (Latin for "to the man" or "to the person"), short for argumentum ad hominem, is a logical fallacy in which an argument is rebutted by attacking the character, motive, or other attribute of the person making the argument, or persons associated with the argument, rather than attacking the substance of the argument itself.
That's what I said.
It being man's concept.
Colossians 2:9
For in him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily
People against the Trinity are simply in denial. They take issue with it for any reason other than theological- they merely pretend that's the case and will deny otherwise. It's pretty hopeless with them![]()
You don't understand. Here, Paul has just given his theological doctrine of God's grace from chapters 1-8, then he breaks stride in chapters 9-11 by focusing on the nationally elected Israel. He explains that the disobedience of Israel as a nation in the unpardonable sin of Mt12 has resulted in salvation for the Gentiles.
If God does not fulfill His promises to the nation of Israel then the church (gentile and Jewish believers) shouldn't expect God to fulfill the promise of glorification to us. But He will do that, God will save all of Israel in a day.
Paul who grew up with the generation that committed the unpardonable sin (as he himself did) is merely stating his sadness of his generation's blindness.
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The forgiving and saving grace of God comes to sinners unconditionally through faith; not by works.
Repentance is not required to be forgiven (justified) by God; rather repentance is evidence the sinner has been saved by God's power and grace, through gifted faith, alone.
All empirical and scriptural knowledge, denies any hope of universal forgiveness (atonement). Such is simply wishful thinking, that only perverts the Truth.
Nick's earlier thread OP includes the quote of Romans 5:18 to suggest that the death of Jesus Christ universally paid for "all" sins, but Romans 5:19 quantifies Paul's gospel message as pertaining only to "many."
Fine. It is not worth reporting a post based on this alone.
THREE SPECIFIC REASONS FOR PARABOLIC TEACHINGThis argument would need some support which you don't provide. Paul guilty of the unpardonable sin???
'...merely stating his sadness of his generation's blindness'?
You can't preach salvation though faith - and describe it by quoting from Deut 30:11 ('not too difficult for you or beyond your reach') if all the while you are cognizant of the fact that the sine qua non is being of the elect.
Woefully disingenuous.
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