So this presumably applies to man's non-cooperation? Thus:
So even any apparent and presumed or alleged rebellion by man is, at its core cause and functionality, Monergism; even if it looks like Synergism.
Still waiting.
First of all... Why and how could man ever be in a contingent mutual relationship with a Holy and Righteous God based upon Synergism? Man is not Creator, but created.
If you understood Ponerology (Evil-ology) and Hamartiology, you'd know exactly what is Monergistic without having that double standard.
Tov and Ra'a are most often (mis-)translated as "good" and "evil", respectively. More fittingly, tov is more overarchingly translated as "functional", while ra'a is privation or negation OF tov by adding something for subtraction.
Example... An intricate mechanism of gears and levers is designed to be tov (functional). The addition of a foreign object in the intricate mechanism subtracts tov (functionality) as ra'a (dys-/mal-/non-functionality) by whatever degree from slight to great.
The serpent added to God's Word to subtract functionality. Eve did the same. Spiritual death ensued, as did the onset of sin.
What you don't comprehend is that God's Monergism includes every contingent potentiality and plausibile possibility in His eternal and immutable mind.
It's the serpent who interrupted the Syngerism of man by God's Monergism. God is demonstrating His sovereignty and power by redeeming man TO Synergistic functionality FROM the Edenic onset of dysfunctionality.
If you'd ever stop engaging in Modernistic attempts at logic and concepts and study lexicography for a few years, you might have some hope of ever actually understanding all that you challenge in your pretense of understanding.
You're merely a perpetual skeptic lobbying for the sovereignty of man over God and His Word. I'm no longer convinced you are genuine. This is some odd kind of competition for you. And you presume that your foundation of reasoning and your concepts are somehow valid as a fulcrum point to pry at everything.
You're merely here to be a Devil's Advocate for all things. You don't want the truth. You want to leverage your false truth AS the truth by any means. And I don't think it's even intentional, which is even more sad.
Believe or don't. If you have the Synergism for it, you're without excuse. It's available to all.
Just remember... Eve was deceived because of her physical senses and desire for the good of the tree, not the evil. And it was the tree of da-ath... physical senses knowledge. That's where you are right now. I'd stop chowing and start fasting that fruit if I were you.