TOL Subscriber
You allow for Adam exercising choice independent of that which was predetermined by God?
No, Adam was allowed to freely exercise (secondary) moral choices according to God's predetermined moral standards (Law).
Adam was given the moral agency to freely (independently)live so, but Adam failed to submit to obedience . . causing the loss of this God-given capacity to live in harmony with God. Instead, the moral agency (will) of man corrupted, died, and came into bondage to death, sin, and the devil.
This free agency of Adam you speak of appears to be freewill if so.
Adam's moral agency (will) was immediately subjected to Divine Law and commands, and Adam was held accountable and responsible to freely subjugate his actions to the word and will of God.
IOW's the only real freedom of human will, can only be found in perfect obedience to God's moral standards (Law).
The moral agency of man is secondary and was/is never autonomous from the sovereign word and will of God.
And the biblical history and revelation has proven to all men, that only the Son of Man, the Son of God, Jesus Christ, exhibited a human free will completely obedient to the word and will of God . . and He did so on the behalf of His poor creatures, who fail to live according to the glory of God.