But Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday is four days.
For Jews in Jesus' day a twenty-four hour day began at sundown.
The first day of Passover began on Thursday
and Jesus died on the afternoon of the 14th.
Luke says, "That day was the Preparation and the Sabbath drew near." (Luke 23:54 NKJV)
The term "drew near" is translated from epiphosko which is translated dawn in Matthew 28:1.
Since Jesus was entombed as the Thursday Sabbath began then one day later would be as Friday began. The beginning of Saturday began at sundown and was the second day. The beginning of Sunday began at sundown and was the third day.
Jesus fulfilled the wave sheaf offering by presenting himself to the Father on the day after the weekly Sabbath, which was Sunday morning.
No way. Jesus instructed His disciples to go into the city and prepare(hetoimazo) the Passover so that He could eat it with them that night after sundown which would be the beginning of the 15th.
No way. Jesus instructed His disciples to go into the city and prepare(hetoimazo) the Passover...
Did Jesus die on the preparation day?
Yes, on the 'paraskeue'.
But, not on the day that His disciples were preparing(hetoimazo) for Him to eat the Passover meal with them.
How long does it take to prepare bread and wine?
You do realize don't you that Jesus is the High Priest of the Melchizedek order, not the Aaronic order.
The Melchizedek order observes the NT Passover of bread and wine which was ordained by the Father through Jesus.
For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death till He comes. (1 Corinthians 11:26 NKJV)
What did they eat for Passover and what did his disciples eat the next year on Passover?
Did they continue to sacrifice animals?
But, how's this connected to the subject of which day the Lord was crucified, or are you just deliberately changing the subject?
That's all mumbo-jumbo because you've already missed the day sequence in your first statement, because the text plainly says that on the first day when the lambs must be killed(the 14th), the Lord Jesus instructed His disciples to prepare(hetoimazo) for the Passover meal which He would eat with them that night after sundown which begins the 15th.
I'm trying to understand what you are saying. Where in scripture is paraskeue defined as the sixth day of the week?
So you're saying Jesus observed the Passover established through Moses?
This means that Jesus would have died on the Sabbath which is contrary to scripture.
Why do you say your nonscriptural definition of paraskeue overrides scripture?
Mar 15:42 And now when the even was come, because it was the preparation[paraskeue], that is, the day before the sabbath,
No. He died on the Preparation/paraskeue, that is, the day before the Sabbath.
No. He died on the Preparation/paraskeue, that is, the day before the Sabbath.
So how did Jesus die on the preparation day and eat the Passover that night?
Which Sabbath? The Jews today observe Shavout on Sivan 6 which is fifty days from Nisan 16, which is always the day after a Sabbath.
Normally there are three Sabbaths during Passover week.
He ate the Passover at the same time that all Israel did
Mar 15:42 And now when the even was come, because it was the
Preparation [paraskeue], that is, the day before the sabbath,
He ate the Passover at the same time that all Israel did at the beginning of the 15th, which is after the sundown of the 14th.
He was crucified the next morning, still the 15th and died that afternoon of the 15th which was the preparation[paraskeue] for the Sabbath.
Mark was making it a point to inform his readers what the term 'paraskeue' means. If he meant any other sabbath than the seventh day Sabbath, he would have said so.
According to John 18:28 and John 19:14, Christ ate his lamb a night ahead
of the Jews.
Apparently the official religious calendar was off that year; but Christ, being
a prophet in intimate contact with God, was privy to exactly when.