Going to the Movies: past, present, future.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Gee. I know I like Fiddler on the Roof for a musical.
It's a great musical and would make my top five to ten easily. The only way I could stop the list from swelling was to limit it to my top choice.

Fiddler has one of my all time favorite scenes, the bottle dance. Powerful stuff.

Twelve Angry Men for a courtroom drama.
Probably at number two for me.

Gone with the Wind for Epic (is that an epic?)
Absolutely. It's up there with me too. So is Gandhi.

The rest I can't remember tonight. Maybe later. ;)

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
seriously, though - Judgement at Nuremberg - absolutely amazing

Spencer Tracy
Burt Lancaster
Richard Widmark
Maximillian Schell
Marlene Dietrich
Montgomery Clift
Judy Garland
and a pre-Hogan's Heroes Werner Klemperer
and a pre-Star Trek William Shatner

nominated for 11 academy awards

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Shoot. I knew I was leaving something out.

War: Patton
Historical: A Man For All Seasons
Comedy: His Girl Friday
Horror: The Shining
Romance: Sense and Sensibility

General: Shawshank, A Lion in Winter, Searching for Bobby Fisher, The Quiet Man, Witness; My Man Godfrey
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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Watched a movie on Netflix tonight that I really enjoyed, entitled Next. It stars Nick Cage and the premise is that he has the ability to see a short time into the future, except when it comes to a woman he hasn't met yet...:D There are a few moments of not too solid CGI, but the movie is engaging and I've never understood why it didn't do better and spawn sequels. Too bad. Cage, who can phone it in with the best of them, seems to be having a good time with his role. I wish someone would try it again. By the films end his power has grown a bit and the potential is hard to miss.

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Watched a movie on Netflix tonight that I really enjoyed, entitled Next. It stars Nick Cage and the premise is that he has the ability to see a short time into the future, except when it comes to a woman he hasn't met yet...:D There are a few moments of not too solid CGI, but the movie is engaging and I've never understood why it didn't do better and spawn sequels. Too bad. Cage, who can phone it in with the best of them, seems to be having a good time with his role. I wish someone would try it again. By the films end his power has grown a bit and the potential is hard to miss.
Will look into it. Sounds like a variation of Denzel's Deja Vu.

I like movies with a time displacement element.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Twelve Monkeys

Made a Bruce Willis fan out of me - i had grown to hate him in moonlighting

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Will look into it. Sounds like a variation of Denzel's Deja Vu.

I like movies with a time displacement element.

I like that one too. Both were entertaining, though Washington's has more immediacy and tempo going for it.

Watched the restored Lawrence of Arabia the other day on Netflix to remind myself of how much better movies can be without CGI enhancement and people with superpowers. Just tremendous acting, a great script and a genius director trying things that today's audiences likely wouldn't have the patience to appreciate, sadly, like the long shot across the desert that resolves with violence and the first meeting of Lawrence and Sherif Ali.

Brilliant. A movie that runs around three and a half hours and I never shifted in my seat or thought about the time.


New member
De Niro's directorial debut - "A Bronx Tale" - love that film on so many levels; a child coming of age, family values, street values, its great sense of "neighborhood," of friendships gained, friendships lost, of first love, the many lessons learned, of change, and a great sound track, an era romanticized, the movie's sense of classic French, Italian, New York films, and on and on...

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Which one? Some call the second one by King and not Stanley Kubrick the original because the screen play is from the book.
Kubrick. Nicholson is magnificent and the direction is spot on.

De Niro's directorial debut - "A Bronx Tale" - love that film on so many levels; a child coming of age, family values, street values, its great sense of "neighborhood," of friendships gained, friendships lost, of first love, the many lessons learned, of change, and a great sound track, an era romanticized, the movie's sense of classic French, Italian, New York films, and on and on...
Haven't seen it. I love De Niro, especially the earlier work and films, but I burned out on New York as subject films for a while. Same thing happened to me with Tennessee Willliams' version of a strata of Southern culture...just one too many and I couldn't muster enthusiasm.


Well-known member
"A Most Wanted Man"

Watched this on Netflix the other day and thought it was quite good. Something different, and unsettlingly true to life regarding the topic. Also, a heck of a cast:

Philip Seymour Hoffman
Rachel McAdams
Willem Dafoe
& Robin Wright.


Movies are the major way we American are exposed to myth. The plot of any story is mythological, and there are many movies today that introduce us to different ways of ordering our reality.

It's a bit like smuggling a book through customs. Once it enters the subconscious, we take off the silly wrapper and see it for what it is.

Our present myths are not compelling any more. That's why I salute well-made believable movies as well as big-budget fantasy flicks.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
The film "The judge" arrived by mail, i watched late last night, it seems good, but, for the most part, of dialog, I would say it is fair to good