Going to the Movies: past, present, future.

Another Me - From IMDb, "A teenager finds her perfect life upended when she's stalked by a mysterious doppelganger who has her eyes set on assuming her identity."

This is not a bad movie, but it's not a good one either. The acting is fine, but the story and the "twists" are highly predictable. I'd rate it 2.5 on a 5 scale.
I recently watched a movie called Creep. From IMDb,
Trapped in a London subway station, a woman who's being pursued by a potential attacker heads into the unknown labyrinth of tunnels beneath the city's streets.
It's not really worth watching. I've seen better movies of this type before. My rating, 1.5 on a 5.0 scale.
I recently watched Guardians of the Universe. I had low expectations but was blown away on what a good Sci-Fi movie it was. I recommend it highly. I rate it 4.5 out of 5.0 stars. Well worth seeing more than once.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I recently watched Guardians of the Universe. I had low expectations but was blown away on what a good Sci-Fi movie it was. I recommend it highly. I rate it 4.5 out of 5.0 stars. Well worth seeing more than once.
My wife was the same way. I talked her into it and she's glad that I did.
I didn't get to see the beginning, but the movie Hannibal Brooks (1969) about a British WWII POW escaping with an elephant he's been caring for, trying to reach Switzerland. It was a good movie I would not mind watching again. Even though there's some shooting in it, I think younger viewers might enjoy it without the urge to join the NRA. I'd rate it 4 out of 5 stars, maybe a triffle less.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
I recently watched Guardians of the Universe. I had low expectations but was blown away on what a good Sci-Fi movie it was. I recommend it highly. I rate it 4.5 out of 5.0 stars. Well worth seeing more than once.
I went to see it twice; the second time in 3D.

I'm planning to do that for the new Avengers tomorrow. Maybe.
Night Unto Night (1949)

Starring: Ronald Reagan, Viveca Lindfors and Broderick Crawford

This fascinating title 'Night Unto Night' was perhaps an American film ahead of it's time. In the late 40's you might expect Europe and Britain would be more prone to produce works with the themes found in 'Night'. Maybe this explains why the film was better received outside the USA.

It's a serious story written by Philip Wylie, also known for 'Island of Lost Souls', 'When Worlds Collide', etc. Here we have a story that reaches into the darkness of the human condition, uncovering the vulnerable surfaces that either hold us together or tear us apart. Obviously, after producing this film Warner Brothers did not quite know what to do with it so, shelved it for over a year. It's more along the lines of the socially conscious stories that First National Pictures were unafraid to make in the 30's IE; 'Heroes For Sale' etc. The screenplay adaptation by Kathryn Scola, who had earlier worked on 'The Glass Key', 'A Modern Hero', etc, has a sharp edge to it, bringing to life Wylies' troubled characters quite nicely. The two European female imports do very well in vastly different character turns. Swedish Viveca Lindfors is near perfect as the haunted feminine lead, while Danish Osa Massen plays her superficial, vampish sister to the hilt.
I can only add to the above comment (copied from IMDb) is the wonderful work by Broderick Crawford, maybe his best. I like old black and white movies because of their realistic use of light and darkness, the hard edges of the shadows. I find nothing more distracting than watching a good movie only to be distracted by shadows that that shouldn't be there.

I close by saying this is a much better story than others have rated it on IMDb. I'd rate it roughly at 4 on a 5 scale.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Now and then you read about an actor who was offered a part and turned it down or was contractually unable to take a role and you wonder if it would have been better or worse or only different in an interesting way.

What if Rob Lowe was Iron Man...how different would it be?

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Saw a movie on Netflix the other night that I watch from time to time, being a Tommy Lee Jones fan, In the Electric Mist. It's one of the few movies made based on the works of James Lee Burke, both being about Dave Robicheaux, a character worth getting to know. Robicheaux is a retired New Orleans detective and a recovering alcoholic with a violent penchant for disregarding the letter of the law where the worst sort of criminals are concerned.

Anyway, one of the things I like about this movie is the work of the late Levon Helm as the ghost of Confederate general John Bell Hood. Robicheaux's occasional conversations with the dead man are worth the price of admission, but the story is pretty good anyway.

The book, by nearly the same title, is better. But going back to the book with Jones and Helm in mind improved even that. :D


New member
The Four Blood Moons is available on Netflix. I watched it with my family. It had some inspiring stories about the Israeli wars. I'm not sure how true they are, but I enjoyed it nonetheless.
I am somewhat surprised to recommend it.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Every now and then I have to do a list...I was looking through Rotten Tomatoes and they have a bit where they ask different people for five favorite films...got me thinking. I could do that by genre but that's about it and even then great films are being left in the dust.

So far, my favorite by genre at the moment...

Western: The Searchers
Romantic comedy: While You Were Sleeping
Courtroom Drama: To Kill a Mockingbird
Action: Die Hard
Adventure: Raiders of the Lost Ark
Science Fiction: Blade Runner
Sports: Bull Durham
Epic: Lawrence of Arabia
Film Noir: The Maltese Falcon
Fantasy: Groundhog Day
Christmas: It's a Wonderful Life
Mystery: The Maltese Falcon/Ususal Suspects (I can't decide)
Musicals: My Fair Lady
Inspirational: Field of Dreams
Political: Mr. Smith Goes to Washington


Well-known member
Every now and then I have to do a list...I was looking through Rotten Tomatoes and they have a bit where they ask different people for five favorite films...got me thinking. I could do that by genre but that's about it and even then great films are being left in the dust.

So far, my favorite by genre at the moment...

Western: The Searchers
Romantic comedy: While You Were Sleeping
Courtroom Drama: To Kill a Mockingbird
Action: Die Hard
Adventure: Raiders of the Lost Ark
Science Fiction: Blade Runner
Sports: Bull Durham
Epic: Lawrence of Arabia
Film Noir: The Maltese Falcon
Fantasy: Groundhog Day
Christmas: It's a Wonderful Life
Mystery: The Maltese Falcon/Ususal Suspects (I can't decide)
Musicals: My Fair Lady
Inspirational: Field of Dreams
Political: Mr. Smith Goes to Washington

Gee. I know I like Fiddler on the Roof for a musical.

Twelve Angry Men for a courtroom drama.

Gone with the Wind for Epic (is that an epic?)

The rest I can't remember tonight. Maybe later. ;)

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Western: blazing saddles
Romantic comedy: blazing sadddles
Courtroom Drama: judgement at nuremberg