God is opposed to homosexuality.


That only matters if you're Jewish or Christian. If you're not, Jewish and Christian religious laws are meaningless.

I am both. But I know God's Law is not relegated to believers. Believers are not under the Law somehow (and to research and find out what this means). Unbelievers either are born under the Law or not or some combination. But the world is accountable to God by the Law God gave the nation of Israel.

Romans 3:19 NASB - 19 Now we know that whatever the Law says, it speaks to those who are under the Law, so that every mouth may be closed and all the world may become accountable to God;

Jose Fly

New member
I am both. But I know God's Law is not relegated to believers. Believers are not under the Law somehow (and to research and find out what this means). Unbelievers either are born under the Law or not or some combination. But the world is accountable to God by the Law God gave the nation of Israel.

No, I, not being a Christian, am not under any sort of Christian law, in the same way that you, not being a Muslim, are not under any sort of Islamic law.

Romans 3:19 NASB - 19 Now we know that whatever the Law says, it speaks to those who are under the Law, so that every mouth may be closed and all the world may become accountable to God;

Quoting the Bible to non-Christians is as unpersuasive as Mormons quoting the Book of Mormon to you.


God is opposed to homosexuality.

John 13:34

"I give you a new command: Love one another. Just as I have loved you, you must also love one another. "

This is the only command Jesus gave as a command.

Belief that there is a God and that He isn't an a-hole like false representatives make Him out to be is optional.

Once you know the real Jesus, you can't help but know He is God.

Hope, Faith and Love abide in the following of the real teachings of the Creator of Humanity that created it to be loved and love like Him.

Time line of the age of the earth is an optional stance. Jesus never said you must believe in a 4000 year old earth to Love and understand my Love.


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Jose Fly

New member
John 13:34

"I give you a new command: Love one another. Just as I have loved you, you must also love one another. "

This is the only command Jesus gave as a command.

Belief that there is a God and that He isn't an a-hole like false representatives make Him out to be is optional.

Hope, Faith and Love abide in the following of the real teachings of the Creator of Humanity that created it to be loved and love like Him.

Time line of the age of the earth is an optional stance. Jesus never said you must believe in a 4000 year old earth to Love and understand my Love.

That's nice and all, but whether or not that's the only law that applies to today's Christians is an internal debate among Christians. For the rest of us it's irrelevant.


No, I, not being a Christian, am not under any sort of Christian law, in the same way that you, not being a Muslim, are not under any sort of Islamic law.

Quoting the Bible to non-Christians is as unpersuasive as Mormons quoting the Book of Mormon to you.
Christians are not under the Law, according to the Bible.

The book of Mormon is not the same as the Bible. The Bible is the Word of God. It is inspired by God, God-Breathed. Holy men of God wrote or penned the text under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.


That's nice and all, but whether or not that's the only law that applies to today's Christians is an internal debate among Christians. For the rest of us it's irrelevant.

You are here because He put eternity in your heart.

You are curious, and your view point is important, because as an outsider you can rapidly distinguish between a good Father and a bad one.

Why else would you have read things here.

You know that hate breeds judgment and death, while love breeds peace, unless in protection of the weak and innocent, and life.

Do you agree with that last sentence?

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Jose Fly

New member
Christians are not under the Law, according to the Bible.

So it's ok for a Christian to be gay?

The book of Mormon is not the same as the Bible. The Bible is the Word of God. It is inspired by God, God-Breathed. Holy men of God wrote or penned the text under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

I realize that's what you believe, but again, that's irrelevant to the rest of us who don't share that belief.

Jose Fly

New member
You are here because He put eternity in your heart.

You are curious, and your view point is important, because as an outsider you can rapidly distinguish between a good Father and a bad one.

Why else would you have read things here.

You know that hate breeds judgment and death, while love breeds peace, unless in protection of the weak and innocent, and life.

Do you agree with that last sentence?

Sure, I agree with it, but you're kind of drifting away from my point. Again, if Christians believe being gay is a sin, then they shouldn't be gay. But they can't expect to impose that belief on non-Christians.


And that includes the freedom of non-Christians to not live under Christian law, correct?

But democracy that incites freedom is the result of the pure message of Jesus.

The moral code of Moses and the code of Hamorobby (inspired by Moses) are the foundations of democratic government.

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So it's ok for a Christian to be gay?

I realize that's what you believe, but again, that's irrelevant to the rest of us who don't share that belief.

Saying I have to believe as you do or that I must believe the book of Mormon the same as I do the Bible, or that some believe the book of Mormon and some believe the Bible, does not help in regard to truth. You ought to believe the Bible as it is God's word. It is God's word to man.

Christians know it is not okay to be gay. It is not okay to practice the homosexual lifestyle. This is because it is not okay to sin. Christians know it is not okay to sin. What needs to happen is to confess Jesus as Lord and repent and believe the gospel confessing your sins to God.


Sure, I agree with it, but you're kind of drifting away from my point. Again, if Christians believe being gay is a sin, then they shouldn't be gay. But they can't expect to impose that belief on non-Christians.


Sin means any deviation from perfection.

A true follower of Jesus knows that only God is Perfect.

His Love covers our deviations, while we are commissioned to return that love to all mankind unto death.

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God is opposed to homosexuality.

So it's ok for a Christian to be gay?

I realize that's what you believe, but again, that's irrelevant to the rest of us who don't share that belief.

I'm so going to get crucified for saying this!


The gay believer in Christ is counted perfect by God, while God is the one counted gay. This is the core of the good news.

He who knew no sin, took on ALL sin past and present, that the sinner could be counted sinless.

I add, the changes that occur from accepting Jesus happen naturally over a long period of time and happen from within the heart towards ones self and mankind.

No one is to judge the life of a follower in Christ, walking in Love.

The emulation of the Love of Jesus brings about a different stance in life.

Whether the person remains a sinner in flesh or not is up to the provision of God.

To get away from imperfect people, all people would have to get away from themselves.

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Jose Fly

New member
Saying I have to believe as you do or that I must believe the book of Mormon the same as I do the Bible, or that some believe the book of Mormon and some believe the Bible, does not help in regard to truth. You ought to believe the Bible as it is God's word. It is God's word to man.

Christians know it is not okay to be gay. It is not okay to practice the homosexual lifestyle. This is because it is not okay to sin. Christians know it is not okay to sin. What needs to happen is to confess Jesus as Lord and repent and believe the gospel confessing your sins to God.

Thanks for your time.