God is opposed to homosexuality.
So it's ok for a Christian to be gay?
I realize that's what you believe, but again, that's irrelevant to the rest of us who don't share that belief.
I'm so going to get crucified for saying this!
The gay believer in Christ is counted perfect by God, while God is the one counted gay. This is the core of the good news.
He who knew no sin, took on ALL sin past and present, that the sinner could be counted sinless.
I add, the changes that occur from accepting Jesus happen naturally over a long period of time and happen from within the heart towards ones self and mankind.
No one is to judge the life of a follower in Christ, walking in Love.
The emulation of the Love of Jesus brings about a different stance in life.
Whether the person remains a sinner in flesh or not is up to the provision of God.
To get away from imperfect people, all people would have to get away from themselves.
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