God is Jesus vs. Jesus is God

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Well-known member
Says the one lying to himself and others on this forum.

You just called me a liar, SHERMAN did you notice?

Is he going to be punished like I was?

Or do we have a double standard here.

Maybe you just like to punish old Navy Vets. Who knows.

I expect that what is good for the Goose is good for the Gander.


Well-known member
You cannot answer a direct question can you?

Jesus being God or not God has nothing to do with the post....but you knew that.

You categorically said that the trinity as a word was not found in the bible....I replied neither is omniscience, omnipotence, and omnipresence.

Are you therefore denying God is all 3 of these (omniscience, omnipotence, and omnipresence.)?

Now either affirm or deny your pathetic excuse doesn't hold up. I know what you believe, but your answer was the word trinity wasn't in the bible. I just blew that out of the water.

Stop trying to change the subject matter, your opinion does not matter to me on the words in question.

Move on with your life.


Well-known member
Stop trying to change the subject matter, your opinion does not matter to me on the words in question.

Move on with your life.

Move on with yours dude. You said it, I didn't. So now you need a new reason to use to believe Jesus was just an ordinary pathetic man. Jesus isn't even in heaven according to you.....Deal with it or shut up.

God's Truth

New member
Keypurr thinks that the Word indwelt Jesus (Whom he claims is just a man) and that somehow created the Christ, none of whom are God.

He doesn't believe these scriptures that plainly say Christ is God.

See Deuteronomy 32:18. You deserted the Rock, who fathered you; you forgot the God who gave you birth.

1 Corinthians 10:4 and drank the same spiritual drink; for they drank from the spiritual rock that accompanied them, and that rock was Christ.


I am sure that keypurr refuted already. you guys dont accept it because you dont like it.

That's how it goes in trinity forums.


Well-known member
Doc Brumley, why was a sinless man baptized????

Is not baptism washing away of the sins??

What answer did Jesus give to John when he was Baptized?

Now the big question: What was he anointed with??


Well-known member
Move on with yours dude. You said it, I didn't. So now you need a new reason to use to believe Jesus was just an ordinary pathetic man. Jesus isn't even in heaven according to you.....Deal with it or shut up.

Where did I say Jesus was not in heaven????

Did you go to school with JR?.


Well-known member
He doesn't believe these scriptures that plainly say Christ is God.

See Deuteronomy 32:18. You deserted the Rock, who fathered you; you forgot the God who gave you birth.

1 Corinthians 10:4 and drank the same spiritual drink; for they drank from the spiritual rock that accompanied them, and that rock was Christ.

We have been debating this point for about ten years now.

Your verses prove nothing about the MAN Jesus.


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By people with adgendas. Are you really that stupid? The RCC is famous for that.

Careful, you're entering conspiracy territory saying something like that.

Dave, the people who translated the Bible in to the versions available today (and for the major versions, there were multiple teams of translators) took extreme care to not add personal bias into the translations.

See, Dave, here's the thing: the manuscripts we have today (from several different time periods) all say the same thing, there's variance is the words used, but the message is the same. You can, to this day, compare the Koine Greek and Hebrew texts with our modern translations, and they read almost exactly the same way. There are several different types of Bible, and I won't go into detail about all of them here, but the important thing to note is that the NKJV (and others of the same type as the NKJV) most accurately represents what was said in the original languages. What's nice about the NKJV though is that it, while using the minority texts, also includes the alternate version of the verse from the majority texts.

Casting doubt on the translation teams' abilities to accurately translate and update the Bible does not do you any good, Keypurr.


And you dont accept us BECAUSE YOU DON"T LIKE IT!

That's how it goes in mindless drones.

See 2 can play your game...now if you can actually discuss things without using kindergarten attacks as the one above, we might get somewhere.

I don't accept it because it is a false gospel.


Well-known member
are you calling keypurr a cultist?

what is the reason for calling him a cultist?

His saying the translators are corrupt is the same saying cultists use all the time. I didn't call him a cultist, I said he is saying what they say verebatim. So, if the show fits, wear it.


Well-known member
I asked you where the Body of Jesus was yesterday. In a nutshell you said He wasn't there.


I speak of things that are over your head Doc because you refuse to give them some serious thought.
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