ECT glorydaz says that Romans is Written to Unbelievers

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Not paying attention again are you Jerry?

Why would you say that.

I said:

I do not take orders from john weenie.

Then you said:

I think he has a 'Napoleonic Complex'.

In this instance your use of the pronoun "he" could in fact be referring to me. You could be saying that I have a 'Napoleonic Complex' because I told john that I do not take orders from him.

If you would make what you are saying more clear then you will eliminate the confusion about what you are trying to communicate to others.


Well-known member
Why would you say that.

I said:

I do not take orders from john weenie.

Then you said:

In this instance your use of the pronoun "he" could in fact be referring to me. You could be saying that I have a 'Napoleonic Complex' because I told john that I do not take orders from him.

If you would make what you are saying more clear then you will eliminate the confusion about what you are really saying.

It was plenty clear. You just jump before you engage your brain. You do that all the time....over and over again, and you end up thinking everyone is picking on you. You are so focused on SELF that your ears are deaf and your eyes are blind to what is being said. That's a "fault" you need to address.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
It was plenty clear.

No, it is not plesnty clear and you said nothing at all yo prove that it is plenty clear.

And once again you just IGNORE what I said here:

Tell me why you think that I made an error when I said that everyone being addressed is a believer:

You only show your ignorance when you make the claim that everyone being addressed is a believer.


Well-known member
All you are doing is to attack me instead of taking responsibility for what YOU said here:

Get over yourSELF, Jerry. Not everything is about YOU.

If I am wrong for saying that everyone being addressed is a believer then you must think that unbelievers were also being addressed.

What verse are you talking about now?

And that is exactly what you are saying and then you call me a liar for saying that you assert that both believers and unbelievers are being addressed:

No, I said you gave yourself permission to say the very thing you charged me with saying. ie. "every man." Surely you don't think "every man" is a believer.

Tell me why you think that I made an error when I said that everyone being addressed is a believer.

What verse?

Unfortunately, you've proven you can't be trusted. You could be talking about Romans 10:9-10 or you could be talking about Romans 1 or Romans 2....or even Romans 5. Then if I make the mistake of answering what I assume you're referring to, you'll jump on me like a snake on a rat. To be honest, Jerry, it's impossible to carry on a conversation with you. I may just have to add you to my ignore list. God's UNtruth is the only one I've ever had on that list, but I'm mighty tempted to have you join her. You really do make quite a pair.


Well-known member
No, it is not plesnty clear and you said nothing at all yo prove that it is plenty clear.

And once again you just IGNORE what I said here:

Tell me why you think that I made an error when I said that everyone being addressed is a believer:

You're either angry, drunk, or not well. Whichever, you're way too intense for me. :wave:


New member
Why would you say that.
I said:
I do not take orders from john weenie.
Then you said:
In this instance your use of the pronoun "he" could in fact be referring to me. You could be saying that I have a 'Napoleonic Complex' because I told john that I do not take orders from him.
If you would make what you are saying more clear then you will eliminate the confusion about what you are trying to communicate to others.

and thus you prove how badly you comprehend the everyday English vernacular. Time to come INTO the 21st century Jerry and out of Darby's 19th century English.


New member
So you do not think it is is important to understand exactly who Paul is addressing.

WE already know Jerry. It is shear arrogance on your part to insist YOU are right and everyone else is wrong.
Apparently you not only can't support your views, you also don't have a teachable spirit.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Get over yourSELF, Jerry. Not everything is about YOU.

I'm trying to make it about you but you refuse to answer what I said here:

Tell me why you think that I made an error when I said that everyone being addressed is a believer:

You only show your ignorance when you make the claim that everyone being addressed is a believer.

Did you just say that so you could call me ignorant? Why do you refuse to tell me why you called me ignorant for saying that?

Surely you had a reason or else we will all know that you are being disingenuous.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
It is shear arrogance on your part to insist YOU are right and everyone else is wrong.
Apparently you not only can't support your views, you also don't have a teachable spirit.

You cannot be serious? The great majority of Christians believe that the epistle of Romans is addressed only to believers. So I am not saying that every one is wrong! Please quote one well known Bible commenetator who says that the epistle is addressed to believers and unbelievers. It is you who thinks you are right and everyone else is wrong.

I used the Scriptures to support my ideas and all you do is run and hide from those verses. That is why you didn't even attempt to answer my remarks to what you said here:

Jerry I've already refuted this version you continually refer to.

How about the NIV, a translation which you use sometimes:

If the epistle to the Romans is addressed to unbelievers then why did Paul not mention them when he said exactly whom he was addressing?:

"To all in Rome who are loved by God and called to be his holy people: Grace and peace to you from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ. First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you, because your faith is being reported all over the world" (Ro.1:7-8; NIV).​

We can know that the word "all" in verse seven is referring to the "all" in verse eight, and that means only those with faith are being addressed:

"I thank my God through Jesus Christ for you all, that your faith is proclaimed in the whole world."

If they were ONLY believers, why does Paul say what he says in v14-15?

I am obligated both to Greeks and non-Greeks, both to the wise and the foolish. That is why I am so eager to preach the gospel also to you who are in Rome.

Why on earth would Paul want to preach the gospel to them if they were all BELIEVERS?

The primary meaning of the Greek word translated "preached the gospel" at Romans 1:15 is "to bring good news, to announce glad tidings" (Thayer's Greek English Lexicon).

That is why we see this translation:

"so, as much as in me is, I am ready also to you who are in Rome to proclaim good news" (Ro.1:15; YLT).​

And this one:

"So, as much as is in me, I am eager to preach the Good News to you also who are in Rome" (Ro.1:15; HNV).​

There is more than one instance of good news that was preached to believers so there is absolutely no evidence that Paul is speaking about preaching the gospel to unbelievers. Again, If the epistle to the Romans is addressed to unbelievers then why did Paul not mention them when he said exactly who he was addressing?:

"To all in Rome who are loved by God and called to be his holy people: Grace and peace to you from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ. First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you, because your faith is being reported all over the world" (Ro.1:7-8; NIV).​

We can know that the word "all" in verse seven is referring to the "all" in verse eight, and that means only those with faith are being addressed.

and thus you prove how badly you comprehend the everyday English vernacular. Time to come INTO the 21st century Jerry and out of Darby's 19th century English.

All you prove is the fact that you do not believe what is written in the verses which I quoted in the NIV, which was not translated in the 19th century.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
I will be out of touch for a week because I am leaving now to go out to west Texas for my 50th year high school reunion.

God's Truth

New member
Get over yourSELF, Jerry. Not everything is about YOU.

What verse are you talking about now?

No, I said you gave yourself permission to say the very thing you charged me with saying. ie. "every man." Surely you don't think "every man" is a believer.

What verse?

Unfortunately, you've proven you can't be trusted. You could be talking about Romans 10:9-10 or you could be talking about Romans 1 or Romans 2....or even Romans 5. Then if I make the mistake of answering what I assume you're referring to, you'll jump on me like a snake on a rat. To be honest, Jerry, it's impossible to carry on a conversation with you. I may just have to add you to my ignore list. God's UNtruth is the only one I've ever had on that list, but I'm mighty tempted to have you join her. You really do make quite a pair.

You are obsessed with me. You gossip and slander me with your untruths incessantly.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
and thus you prove how badly you comprehend the everyday English vernacular. Time to come INTO the 21st century Jerry and out of Darby's 19th century English.

"the everyday English vernacular"-you

Like your, "LOL?" Sup wit dat? My bad. Whatev's....

There is no such thing as "the everyday English vernacular"-you made that up.

"Darby's 19th century English"-you

That would be? You just thought that you'd initate noTettosterone.

Sit down, Stanley Myron.


New member
You cannot be serious? The great majority of Christians believe that the epistle of Romans is addressed only to believers. So I am not saying that every one is wrong! Please quote one well known Bible commenetator who says that the epistle is addressed to believers and unbelievers. It is you who thinks you are right and everyone else is wrong.

As serious as a heart attack Jerry. You saying this doesn't make it fact, and ANYONE with a basic Sunday school level understanding of reading, knows the entire Bible is for believers and unbelievers. The fact is most scholars don't deal with this issue because it is fairly cut and dried, and you're the one that is :"Kicking against the goads".
As usual though you ignore my questions about Rom 1:13-14 (NIV)

I used the Scriptures to support my ideas and all you do is run and hide from those verses. That is why you didn't even attempt to answer my remarks to what you said here:

and I said, a few times now, IF you answer my questions, I will reciprocate. ALL you do is ask more questions when asked about the assertions you have already made. Hope you spend you time Texas rethinking your strategy here.


Well-known member
with a basic Sunday school level understanding of reading,
the entire Bible is for believers and unbelievers.

Well, I think Jer' is on a wrong tack here, but where in the world do you get this idea that the Bible, or any part of it, is written for anyone who is outside the Faith? It was written by men of great faith, holy men of God, within the Faith, first of the Jews, and then of Christ, and was written FOR the Faith community in which it was written and distributed...

Did the Jews distribute copies of the Torah to unbelieving Goyim?

Or did Christians distribute copies of the Gospels or the Epistles or Acts to non-Christians?

Your assertion was just a little shocking to my aging ears...



Well-known member
Well, I think Jer' is on a wrong tack here, but where in the world do you get this idea that the Bible, or any part of it, is written for anyone who is outside the Faith? It was written by men of great faith, holy men of God, within the Faith, first of the Jews, and then of Christ, and was written FOR the Faith community in which it was written and distributed...

Did the Jews distribute copies of the Torah to unbelieving Goyim?

Or did Christians distribute copies of the Gospels or the Epistles or Acts to non-Christians?

Your assertion was just a little shocking to my aging ears...


God's word to mankind? It's why we send Bibles all over the world printed in every language. It's why they are in the drawers of motel rooms. I'm pretty sure that's what Stan meant.