New member
i suspect you're not a fan of eternal damnation either
No I am not. I mean why would God keep a human alive and hurt them every second for 100 years , plus 1,000 years, plus another 70,000 years ; then keep them conscious and hurt them for another 500,000 years , plus another 6 million years of this incredible insane punishing, and then add to that 99 million more years of conscious pain , and then take them through 33 billion more years of punishing, and , incredibly this madness - after all that -- has really just began, because its going to last another 824 trillion more years plus another 947 million more years of hurting them daily, throw in another 999,999,888,674 billion years and then on into infinity!
Do you realize the insanity of this teaching and belief? And believers in God have swallowed this teaching hook , line and sinker! This eternal damnation is teaching that God must be insane! Only an insane being would punish a human for eternity; I don't think people who believe this stuff really have considered just how long eternity is. I mean I can understand a believer taking up for their religion , but agreeing with this stuff is madness!
But that is the sheer power of the seduction of the human mind ; the powers that be can get you to believe in pink elephants , we are no match for these powers. And these powers target believers.