Give me biblical support for Christmas.


[False teaching in the church :straight:] All super ingrained and planted within the church like a Trojan Horse.
It'll all be sorted out (Mt 13:30). :juggle:



So I wish you well anyway. My yes was my yes. You don't like it because you have a heretical view of Paul. I'm not going to change your mind on the point and there's no point in the conversation given that.


You just don't know what Jesus teaches like many Trinitarians.


New member
No, it couldn't and suggesting that a pagan idol, made to appease is a parallel with what I just described tolls the statute on bothering to take you seriously, you doing enough of that for both of us and then some.
ummm yes it could...and no amount of fuh fuh fuh will distract from the fact that they too merely wished to celebrate an event as you...

what's more beyond the Hebrews being able to say "you bring the sin in" is to their defense that they only heard the prohibition once and under extreme duress...perhaps a thunderclaps muddled the specifics on false worship or creating images...they just said a hasty I DO when asked to on the other hand have the entire record of their demise in persisting to compromise with the heathen around them and implement their practices to worship as not instructed..."but we thought of you" have clear and specific teaching to live as He did and not add to the word and its traditions is implied...and you have agreed to voluntarily sacrifice your ALL in pursuit and gratitude for what He did for you...died to yourself and testified to others you are not your own but HIS desirous to do HIS WILL HIS WAY...

but need to repent seek restoration but merely accuse any who you don't agree with dat they be bringin' da sin in with them...

No. And nothing I wrote does that.

"Christmas is full of people. You'll always get a mixed bag. But it's not inherently anything other than a celebration of God and the act that began our redemption." By this statement you make Christmas the beginning act of our redemption and reject all that was done HAVE TO in order to distort to your liking and will your vanity to celebrate as you please...

Like saying that to honor the sacrifice of the cross ignores creation.
LOL...the irony...

Sunday morning celebrations of the MASS that is the death of the creator and alleging His resurrection on the day of the EXACTLY ignoring what was done and ESTABLISHED at creation the seventh day Sabbath. Yours now elevate the cross even above that which was specifically outlined and given to His people...yours now elevate distort the cross in order to claim all before it was NULL and made if in vain...

Imagine what the fellows down at the Presbyterian church are going to say. Why wait, it will probably be something like, "Is he all right?"
The fellows down at the Presbyterian church should recall a time they too attempted a higher standard then "go along to get along" they too should return to God's even a poster here in this thread posted...fine Protestants protesting the Mass they were indeed...

Same mistake you made with stumbling and the last one. You're choking on black letter that isn't. A Protestant is by definition, by dogma and exegesis at odds with much of the Catholic understanding. I'm just not stamping my foot a lot. That mostly affects the arch and fails to find effect in anyone who isn't in agreement.
you are not stamping your foot a lot not to preserve your arch but to maintain your defiled of course sees no defilement in what you was said...not what comes in defiles but that what already is in defiles...causes you to blame me for bringing the sin rather than see it for yourself...that you are not at odds with the catholic mass of Christ...

Right. You read into scripture a thing not presented there. A practice you condemn when reading narrowly as it suits you.
Eve made a choice...she lied prior...she too saw it beautiful and rationalized it can't be bad...that is and her both claim she was led into temptation...which should absolve her when she blamed the snake but it did NOT did it...

Right. All you're doing is repeating the same mantra, no matter what is said to you.
you are loathe to go into my understanding but demand rather a it is...DO AS HE DID...His way not yours...and your pretty words and clever retorts...

Sometimes. Often it's a mess, an ellipses filled, convoluted mess.

Sometimes...sometimes your loathing obstructs your reading...

The "I'm thinking of you" was weak the first half dozen times you used it, which you appear determined to do in every post of late. It doesn't reflect what I've written, only the poverty of your reinvention. Likewise the judgment you put in the mouth of God. Rarely a good idea.

Fornication is often associated with adultery and idolatry...loving Him a way He did not prescribe is associated with insisting I bring the sin to what you do is your "but I was thinking of Him" will in the act of not loving Him as He outlined...actually exactly NOT as He outlined, His calendar, His way...and that HE HATES...DETESTS...calls an ABOMINATION...jealousy is His name...

But you reason since it was done the first need to do it accurately or in accordance to scripture...

Recall it was not the golden calf itself but that it was at all...even with a photo of Him who rescued them a truer likeness it would still have been an abomination...

I don't believe anyone reading you can be confused about your admiration and where it vests. You see, you know, you're etc. And you think vanity is other people's problem? :plain:
'you are bringin da sin' it does work...

If I boast it is in Him for He has showed me what He wills...I can not boast on my own as I know how often I fail myself and seek peer affection and of this world and not His HIS WAY...

Cite to scripture.

"But who can discern their own errors? Forgive my hidden faults” (Psalm 19:12).

This from a man called after His own heart. This is the spirit of true contritution...the spirit of the sacrifice for sins we don't even know we the Passover is..."Forgive them for they know NOT what they do"

Now that's a definite and unambiguously overreaching lie. Caught? Forced? No, convicted. How did you come to repent, from an over abundance of virtue? :rolleyes:
I repent when I cause the weaker brother to stumble...I can not cause you and yours to are too secure...

I merely speak to as what He did and did not bday need for it...

I'm omitting the laundry list of unsupported accusations. There's no profit in them or attempting to dissuade a man who would decry the Pope but who in every meaningful sense seems dedicated to acting like one.

I am no pope...I desire His way...His means...and since you insist to persist that is the end of the matter...I will merely pray "forgive the Town Heretic for he knows not what he does"...

Now you're getting "how to win an argument" cues from Stripe? Obedience will not save you. Grace will.
obedience never merited grace is true but when we realize what was done for us our gratitude compels it...we desire to be with Him and do JUST AS He did...kinda like you desire to celebrate His birth...kinda

No, the desire to please God flows from grace. Grace itself speaks to our failing, to our insufficiency, which the law instructed us in before Christ came.
yup just said that...we were failing even before we started to try...but now some of us are trying new things new ways...not just continuing as we were or following after others around us and expecting grace to keep us to "go and sin no more"

That's dishonest. To say a thing is not a sin is not to say, "I sin NOT".
you determine to say what is a claim I bring it to your celebration...if it is not sin how can you sin?

Ironically, you sin in that false accusation and evidence the vanity that drives you to oppose Christendom as you will momentarily, or as you will begin to.
if Christendom itself veers of the path of the Way...His way...well so be desire to be His includes your being with us living and loving JUST AS HE DID...not to hold it over you...

That was a courageous dodge. :) If you're going to condemn the doing of that which he did not do or command then you're hoisted on your own petard, or keyboard, or antibiotic, etc.
He did condemn it...doing His Father's will included not countering His desire for true worship with vanity...ask the dead Hebrews who though otherwise and sought to please not only Him but you do

In Christian orthodoxy the answer is the same. God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Do you deny the truth of that?

Yes there is God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost...I do not deny that...

All of them opposed to traditions developed by man even if (or especially in) vain attempts to better worship Him than He specifically outlined...

A true Father does not give a rock when asked for bread from His children...and His children shouldn't share pebbles as food...

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
"Christmas is full of people. You'll always get a mixed bag. But it's not inherently anything other than a celebration of God and the act that began our redemption."
Right. Though why not just use the quote function?
By this statement you make Christmas the beginning act of our redemption and reject all that was done before
No, I don't and I told you why the last time you wrote that.

LOL...the irony...
There's nothing ironic in it. It's pointing out another flaw in your approach.

Sunday morning celebrations of the MASS
See, your Catholic hostility is throwing shadows all over this conversation. I omit the part that completely misses the plain truth I related in my last. Quote that and deal with it if you like. Else, find a priest, again, and hash out the rest. Here's the simple logic that escapes you: pointing out the value of one thing in no way inherently devalues another.

The fellows down at the Presbyterian church should recall a time they too attempted a higher standard then "go along to get along"
Seriously, you don't have to keep hammering the point. It's impossible to miss your feeling of moral superiority, even when you masked it with others uncompromising...though that one lasted about as long as it took me to suggest you meant you.

you are not stamping your foot a lot not to preserve your arch but to maintain your defiled heart
Or you're proud, wrong, and assumptive.

...causes you to blame me for bringing the sin rather than see it for yourself
Only one of us is casting blame. I'm simply telling you that you create a sin that you should then avoid. But you aren't creating it for me.

Eve made a choice
Everyone does. Do you think you're better than Eve? Or are you simply forgiven?

you are loathe to go into my understanding
I think you're doing enough of the loathing for both of us. It's peculiar.

and your pretty words and clever retorts...
You appear to have an issue with my rhetorical ability. You try to reduce it to something you can look down on, which seems to be a theme for you.

Fornication is often associated with adultery and idolatry...loving Him a way He did not prescribe is associated with idolatry
I'd agree you do that a great deal, read sin and horror into silence. insisting I bring the sin to what you do is your "but I was thinking of Him"
That's still not a remotely close representation of my answer, but if the truth pains you I suppose you have to go with another option.

will in the act of not loving Him as He outlined...actually exactly NOT as He outlined, His calendar, His way...and that HE HATES...DETESTS...calls an ABOMINATION...jealousy is His name...
I get you. Your God is the law and your worship is loathing, judgment and chastisement. You think that's novel and true, but it's only painful and needless. The law demonstrated our insufficiency, but the cross wasn't erected to condemn us, but to save us in an act of love.

If I boast it is in Him for He has showed me what He wills
Odd how often you show upon in a sentence purporting to be about Him. When you speak for Him instead of Him you boast.

"But who can discern their own errors? Forgive my hidden faults” (Psalm 19:12).
These are not acts absent will or realization. Who recalls half their failings in a day?

This from a man called after His own heart. This is the spirit of true contritution...the spirit of the sacrifice for sins we don't even know we the Passover is..."Forgive them for they know NOT what they do"
I spoke to will, not memory.

I repent when I cause the weaker brother to stumble...I can not cause you and yours to are too secure...
If I said it you'd accuse me of self-justification. But the fact is we cannot apply that without context or all of Christendom grinds to a halt for fear of someone's misunderstanding.

I merely speak to as what He did and did not bday need for it...
No one, least of all me, has argued about whether or not Jews celebrated birthdays, though what is celebrated with Christ is a bit larger than the literal day. Rather, it is marked as something unique in the history of man, just as angels, shepherds, wise men, and the God who set a star over Bethlehem noted.

I am no pope
And yet you pronounce on matters of faith in a voice that leaves no observable room for fallibility.

...I will merely pray "forgive the Town Heretic for he knows not what he does"...
While I find the judgment arrogant, the sentiment that flows from it is wonderful at the end. I think that's probably what should have happened between us after a pass. I will pray for you and you for me and God will work out His desire in both of us.

obedience never merited grace is true but when we realize what was done for us our gratitude compels it
I've been having that argument with our Catholic brethren for ages. And others tied up in works. I love my neighbor and seek the good because I find pleasure in His pleasure. Love is compelling. Gratitude in love is overwhelming.

you determine to say what is a sin
You're the one between us accusing the other of sin. Rather, I said, "To say a thing is not a sin is not to say, "I sin NOT". claim I bring it to your celebration
If I did then I did a poor job of what I meant to say, which was that you attempt it and that it would be a sin in your house.

if Christendom itself veers of the path of the Way...His way...well so be it
That's the Pope in you again, and a bit of vanity, assuming that the error is in the greater part of those who love Him. I'm not saying it's impossible, but it's improbability should at least make us humble and careful, and meek in approach. desire to be His includes your being with us living and loving JUST AS HE DID...not to hold it over you...
You want me to be righteous as you see it. And so long as the concern is for me it's good. But concern for me should evidence itself in how you approach me and the thing you believe is an unintended corruption.

He did condemn it...doing His Father's will included not countering His desire for true worship with vanity...ask the dead Hebrews who though otherwise and sought to please not only Him but you do
Spoken prior and answered prior.

Yes there is God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost...I do not deny that...
But I didn't ask that, so your yes isn't a yes and that's a problem for you.

I won't ask you again. Silence can be a sort of answer.
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But I didn't ask that, so your yes isn't a yes and that's a problem for you.

I won't ask you again. Silence can be a sort of answer.

You are trying to put word into his mouth. It is typical tactic to call other Christians who don't agree with your doctrine heretical.

I love my neighbor and seek the good because I find pleasure in His pleasure. Love is compelling. Gratitude in love is overwhelming.

You label Christians who don't agree with your doctrine "heretic" or "non-believer" is not such loving Christian thing to do.

You just parrot your few slogan of your doctrines and expect others to do the same. if they don't they are "heretical".

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
You insulted clefty plenty with pretentiousness.
I know you believe that, but all it reduces to is you offering an insult, again. And that really doesn't set you apart from your complaint, does it.

On the point, I've answered insult here and there, but stepped around it more often than not and omitted a good deal of his insult to remove the temptation to respond more harshly.

You have done plenty to me with me
See how easy it is to be done with all the posturing and false inquiry and get to what really matters to you. You felt slighted and here was a chance to unload. Not even really about clefty, is it.

or with others behind my back
No, I never did. I've never spoken of you privately with anyone here. My comments remain public record.

There was this one time when you literally made a thread aimed at me and after I answered the OP you put me on ignore then continued to talk about me...which was funny. But that's not behind anything you didn't erect.

You are trying to put word into his mouth.
No, nothing in that could be fairly and honestly described as attempting that. Rather, I asked him if Jesus is God. I asked him three times.

It is typical tactic to call other Christians who don't agree with your doctrine heretical.
It's not a tactic and I asked him to define himself within the orthodoxy of Christendom. He understands that. He chose to do something else.

You label Christians who don't agree with your doctrine "heretic" or "non-believer" is not such loving Christian thing to do.
Rather, I recognize that those who do not subscribe to orthodoxy of Christian belief in the trinity are by definition heretics. It's not a judgment I'm passing. It's a fact I'm recognizing. As simple as owning a dictionary and having an answer on the point.

You just parrot your few slogan of your doctrines and expect others to do the same. if they don't they are "heretical".
No, I don't spend much time on it unless I first read someone like you taking exception to scripture, as you do with Paul. Or someone like Clefty writing against the trinity, which I recalled from not long ago. I asked him again to be sure I wasn't mistaken. It's a serious thing and not a point I want to assume where there's any chance of my attributing a thing through a fault of memory.



No, I never did. I've never spoken of you privately with anyone here.

I read your discourse with one of the posters here.

You were trying so hard to prove I am non-believer.

It was long, long discussion.

Not too many people try to slander so hard like you do with friendly manner.

You are always speak like gentleman yet what you say is so negative message.


You said that already. All you're exposing is your grudge and temper.

When did I suggest you were either?

That's my point. At least you claim to be saved. this is not humble attitude. Jesus is the Judge. You are self-clamed saved one. You are not the Judge, remember?



It is arrogance to claim to be saved. The time has not yet to come, and Jesus will claim who are saved or not.