One can hunger and thirst after God and the things of God or one can mock, quench, grieve. As for me and my household...we will serve the Lord and be open, but discerning with all that He has for us.
"mock, quench, grieve"-over 1,000, 000 spam cliches served.
You have to be a member of the boc to serve the LORD God-that eliminates you.
Got me again with that zinger, "Charismatic" fruitcake, clown, as are all these charlatan "Back to Pentecost" snake oil salesmen.
"Studies might be helpful, since your exegesis of Scripture is weak to support a preconceived theology."
So there. I can spam like your spam cliche machine. Charlatan.
Lev 21:20 states that I may not approach the altar of God if I have a "blemish in my eye"(defect in my sight). I have to admit that I wear reading glasses. Does my vision have to be 20/20, or is there some wiggle room here? After all, since you swingin' from the chandeliers, modern "charismatic" cultists(I learned that from you) are obviously more spiritual than us MAD wackos, as "All the bible is written to you for your obedience", "Back to Pentecost...Alleluia!!....Majumbo Bajama slain in the spirit...Receive the anointing....Amen.....Alleluia!!..", perhaps you could place your hands on your TV(or prayer cloth, or in your anointing oil, which you received from the Holy Land for $19.95), and receive a word of knowledge? Perhaps you could get me a box suite at an upcoming Benny Hinn(or is that Benny Hill?) "miracle crusade"(or is that "miracle salve" from the Andy Griffith Show, which cures the mange, and therefore possibly my vision problem?).
The big con.....
I know, I are not being led by the are limiting God, John W.....we will pray for you.
Time to get a drink from the Holy Ghost bartender....."Praise Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesus..." Can you give me a big Amen, saints, while you are emptying your wallets in my big fat collection plate?
Con artists-fleecing the sheep.