Get Thee Behind Me, Satan


What kind of anointing makes someone boast in themselves the way you do? If you're going to boast, boast in the LORD and not in yourself.

The Lord exalts Himself in me.
Do you have a problem with it?

I boast to you
that it was the Lord
which said this to you?


Well-known member
Peter denied Jesus 3 times.
That means Peter
lied 3 times that he
did not know Jesus.

It is written...

Matthew 10
32 Whosoever therefore shall
confess me before men,
him will I confess also
before my Father
which is in heaven.

33 But whosoever shall
deny me before men,
him will I also deny
before my Father
which is in heaven.

Will Jesus honor His word
and deny Peter to God His Father?

John 6:70
Jesus answered them,
Have not I chosen you twelve,
and one of you is a devil?

Matthew 16:23
But he turned, and said unto Peter,
Get thee behind me, Satan:
thou art an offence unto me:
for thou savourest not the things that be of God,
but those that be of men.

Is Satan the devil whom Jesus referred to Peter
or was Jesus referring to Peter as Satan the devil?

Christ was speaking to Satan the Devil, who was using Peter as his mouthpiece at the moment Peter was negating Christ having to die. The fact that Christ sweated blood in the garden, shows that this was the greatest temptation Christ ever faced on earth - the temptation to shy away from crucifixion. And Peter encouraging a departure from crucifixion was Satan using Peter's mouth, hence the rebuke.


Christ was speaking to Satan the Devil, who was using Peter as his mouthpiece
For this to be correct
Satan would have had to be
in control of Peter.

Is this true?

Do you believe Satan had entered into Peter?


Christ was speaking to Satan the Devil, who was using Peter as his mouthpiece at the moment Peter was negating Christ having to die. The fact that Christ sweated blood in the garden, shows that this was the greatest temptation Christ ever faced on earth - the temptation to shy away from crucifixion. And Peter encouraging a departure from crucifixion was Satan using Peter's mouth, hence the rebuke.

Matthew 26:34
Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee,
That this night, before the **** crow,
thou shalt deny me thrice.

Matthew 26:35
Peter said unto him, Though I should die with thee,
yet will I not deny thee.

Was this Peter calling Jesus a liar or Satan?


Well-known member
For this to be correct
Satan would have had to be
in control of Peter.

Is this true?

Do you believe Satan had entered into Peter?

No, but Satan can influence all of us at times. There is a difference between being POSSESSED and being INFLUENCED by Satan. Satan was influencing Peter at that time, just as Satan influenced Peter to deny he knew Christ.

I felt a huge Satanic pull on me today when I walked into a shop to drop a printer cartridge for re-inking and some dude with nothing better to do wanted to pick a fight with me for not taking my motorcycle helmet off. I had only planned to be a few seconds in the shop dropping the cartridge off, otherwise I would have removed my helmet. Husbands and wives who are church goers and argue all the time over nothing, too are Satan inspired at these times.


No, but Satan can influence all of us at times. There is a difference between being POSSESSED and being INFLUENCED by Satan. Satan was influencing Peter at that time, just as Satan influenced Peter to deny he knew Christ.

I felt a huge Satanic pull on me today when I walked into a shop to drop a printer cartridge for re-inking and some dude with nothing better to do wanted to pick a fight with me for not taking my motorcycle helmet off. I had only planned to be a few seconds in the shop dropping the cartridge off, otherwise I would have removed my helmet. Husbands and wives who are church goers and argue all the time over nothing, too are Satan inspired at these times.

Tell me how you differentiate
from them who are being used
or influenced by Satan and them
who are possessed by Satan?

Especially when he can
appear to you as
the light.


Well-known member
Tell me how you differentiate
from them who are being used
or influenced by Satan and them
who are possessed by Satan?

Especially when he can
appear to you as
the light.

When they are rolling around on the ground, and words like sewerage is pouring out of their mouthes, or if they are in a demonic trance, or are spirit writing, or practicing Satanism, or performing occult practices, or are a medium pretending to be making contact with the dead, or.... these are signs of possession. Surely you must have seen demon possessed people at one time or another.

However NOBODY, least of all Christians, are immune from Satanic ideas entering their minds. He is the God of this world, the Prince of the power of the air, the being who can create an atmosphere in a room which is conducive to evil;, even if that room is a church.


No, but Satan can influence all of us at times. There is a difference between being POSSESSED and being INFLUENCED by Satan. Satan was influencing Peter at that time, just as Satan influenced Peter to deny he knew Christ.

Luke 22:3
Then entered Satan into Judas surnamed Iscariot,
being of the number of the twelve.


When they are rolling around on the ground, and words like sewerage is pouring out of their mouthes, or if they are in a demonic trance, or are spirit writing, or practicing Satanism, or performing occult practices, or are a medium pretending to be making contact with the dead, or.... these are signs of possession. Surely you must have seen demon possessed people at one time or another.

However NOBODY, least of all Christians, are immune from Satanic ideas entering their minds. He is the God of this world, the Prince of the power of the air, the being who can create an atmosphere in a room which is conducive to evil;, even if that room is a church.

Do you believe Judas
ever rolled around on the ground,
and words like sewerage
is pouring out of his mouth,
or was in a demonic trance,
or are spirit writing,
or practicing Satanism,
or performing occult practices,
or are a medium pretending to be making contact with the dead?


You have talked to people who
were possessed by a devil or devils
many times and never even knew it.

In fact you thought
they were saved and a child of God.

You even called the pastor.

And brother and sister.

You even looked up to them.

You even heard them speak in tongues
believing it was the Spirit of God
speaking through them.


Well-known member
You have talked to people who
were possessed by a devil or devils
many times and never even knew it.

In fact you thought
they were saved and a child of God.

You even called the pastor.

Which just proves my point that there are degrees of Satanic influence, from mild temptation, to Satan directly taking possession of the person's will and mind.

When Christ told Judas "What you do, do quickly" He was actually speaking directly to Satan.
Satan left Judas, and at that time he regained his mind enough to feel remorse at betraying Christ.


Which just proves my point that there are degrees of Satanic influence, from mild temptation, to Satan directly taking possession of the person's will and mind.

When Christ told Judas "What you do, do quickly" He was actually speaking directly to Satan.
Satan left Judas, and at that time he regained his mind enough to feel remorse at betraying Christ.

What it proves is you do not have no wisdom or knowledge
as to that which is and that which is not.

And even if a angel of God
walked up to you and told you
that which I am telling you

you would not believe it.

You are already deeply infected with the lies
of this world.

You might even be possessed?

The majority people who are possessed

do not know they do not know.


Well-known member
What it proves is you do not have no wisdom or knowledge
as to that which is and that which is not.

And even if a angel of God
walked up to you and told you
that which I am telling you

you would not believe it.

You are already deeply infected with the lies
of this world.

You might even be possessed?

The majority people who are possessed

do not know they do not know.

Word, Satan is called "The accuser of the brethren".

Your whole tone is accusational.

I prefer to give folks the benefit of the doubt. Also I cannot be bothered with justifying myself to someone who throws out accusations. So bye.


Word, Satan is called "The accuser of the brethren".

Your whole tone is accusational.

I prefer to give folks the benefit of the doubt. Also I cannot be bothered with justifying myself to someone who throws out accusations. So bye.
Why are you accusing me in this post?


Here is my challenge to any of you.

Pick which one you say is the truth.

A. I am possessed with the Spirit of God.

B. I am possessed with the spirit of the devil.

Who among you can walk your talk?


Well-known member
Here is my challenge to any of you.

Pick which one you say is the truth.

A. I am possessed with the Spirit of God.

B. I am possessed with the spirit of the devil.

Who among you can walk your talk?

Your approach since first coming on this board bears striking similarities to this :

But there was a certain man, called Simon, which beforetime in the same city used sorcery, and bewitched the people of Samaria, giving out that himself was some great one:
To whom they all gave heed, from the least to the greatest, saying, This man is the great power of God.

Acts 8:9-10

You were the one who claimed to be the Spirit of God. Now you insinuate Judas was a friend of Jesus (even though Jesus called him a devil - John 6:70) and that Peter was demon-possessed. This is plainly NOT scriptural and certainly displays your disdain for the bible (you even say "your bible" as though it isn't yours...are you Muslim?). Your self-aggrandizing is not of God.

Over against that is the Spirit of Christ:

Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

Matthew 11:28-30

Electronic communication is not one that lends itself easily to knowing an individual. We can know what words are put up on the screen - but are they even yours? Maybe you are a kid just trying to cause trouble. But no true believer would make the claims you have made. Not even in jest.

So do you have a devil? Maybe. Are you possessed with the Spirit of God? No evidence of that whatsoever.


Anyone else?

Here is my challenge to any of you.

Pick which one you say is the truth.

A. I am possessed with the Spirit of God.

B. I am possessed with the spirit of the devil.

Who among you can walk your talk?