Get Thee Behind Me, Satan

God's Truth

New member
Or they can come to deceive as an angel of darkness.

Either way

You will know them by their spirit.

You just went against what the Bible says about knowing them by their fruits, then you said you will know them by their spirits. Can you show me the scripture that says you will know them by their spirits and not their fruits? You then speak of dark angels, and I do not see scripture about dark angels. Could you give me the scriptures that you are quoting?

God's Truth

New member
Please know, Word, that I am just trying to help you in the Lord.
Some people will be offended and get further from the Lord. Some people will humble themselves and get closer.

I do know that what you mean about knowing them by their spirit, and about dark angels. However, we should say it the way the written Word says it.


You just went against what the Bible says about knowing them by their fruits, then you said you will know them by their spirits. Can you show me the scripture that says you will know them by their spirits and not their fruits? You then speak of dark angels, and I do not see scripture about dark angels. Could you give me the scriptures that you are quoting?
Moron not everything that God or jesus said is in the bible.

Not all the scriptures of truth are in the bible.

Not every truth is written in the bible.

And even if I did show you you would
just say something along the lines...

you took that out of context.


Please know, Word, that I am just trying to help you in the Lord.
Some people will be offended and get further from the Lord. Some people will humble themselves and get closer.

I do know that what you mean about knowing them by their spirit, and about dark angels. However, we should say it the way the written Word says it.

You are a joke.

You are a lot more stupid than when I last conversed with you.

I see it has already taken effect upon you.

You have a curse upon you.

Part of the curse is that you would not be able
to see it or recognize it not even if you are told.

God is awesome is He not?

God's Truth

New member
You are a joke.

You are a lot more stupid than when I last conversed with you.

I see it has already taken effect upon you.

You have a curse upon you.

Part of the curse is that you would not be able
to see it or recognize it not even if you are told.

God is awesome is He not?

You judged yourself correctly when you called me retarded.


You judged yourself correctly when you called me retarded.

You have a retarded spirit.

In fact you have more than 1 that has possessed you.

You know it and I know it.

And since you have lost to me in battle things are going to get

even worse for you.

A whole lot worse.


Mental illness and mental retardation are serious illnesses. I hope you get the help you need. Good bye.
I am going to petition the Lord God for your life and your soul.

Life for life.

Soul for soul.

You against me

in spiritual war


God will judge between you and I.

To the victor goes the spoils.


Lazy afternoon

Peter denied Jesus 3 times.
That means Peter
lied 3 times that he
did not know Jesus.

It is written...

Matthew 10
32 Whosoever therefore shall
confess me before men,
him will I confess also
before my Father
which is in heaven.

33 But whosoever shall
deny me before men,
him will I also deny
before my Father
which is in heaven.

Will Jesus honor His word
and deny Peter to God His Father?

John 6:70
Jesus answered them,
Have not I chosen you twelve,
and one of you is a devil?

Matthew 16:23
But he turned, and said unto Peter,
Get thee behind me, Satan:
thou art an offence unto me:
for thou savourest not the things that be of God,
but those that be of men.

Is Satan the devil whom Jesus referred to Peter
or was Jesus referring to Peter as Satan the devil?

The issue was the fleshy heart of Peter which satan used to provoke Jesus.


Lazy afternoon

I am going to petition the Lord God for your life and your soul.

Life for life.

Soul for soul.

You against me

in spiritual war


God will judge between you and I.

To the victor goes the spoils.


So you still think you are God.
