I have defined out of existence a lot of post hoc ergo propter hoc baloney that serves no purpose but to villify a portion of the population that you don't like.
No one doesn't. Because these serial killers do NOT match the profiles of other homosexuals. They don't identify themselves as homosexuals or live openly homosexual lives so the correspondence with what most people consider homosexuality comes down to a few sexual encounters- something that can't be profiled in the first place!
I beg your pardon? I think determining who is and who is not is extremely pertinent to a conversation on whether or not homosexuals are more likely to be murderers. In fact, I'd say that aside from who is and who is not a murderer, it is the single most pertinent detail. :mrt::duh: If you don't have a definition of "homosexual" that jibes with what is commonly accepted, and if you don't stick with that definition throughout the argument than you are doing nothing but spreading nonsense.
Nope. Since your definition of "homosexual" is inaccurate to the point of being useless for identifying people. Nobody knew most of these serial killers had ever had ANY homosexual contact, remember?
None at all.
Because having homosexual encounters doesn't make a person a homosexual anymore than having heterosexual encounters makes a person a heterosexual.
They do not and I have already explained why.
How so? If the people have had homosexual encounters but these encounters are not visible then how is profiling ALL homosexuals of any use whatsoever?
Um, increasing the number of homosexuals by changing the definition to include a larger number does not mean an actual increase in the population, only the recognized number. :mrt::duh:
Not when misused so transparently...
In the minds of everyone without an agenda of hate.
Facts. I know they aren't your friends, but they help the rest of us make informed decisions.