Wasn't Hitler straight?
And Stalin?
And Stalin?
Well, if a man rapes only boys and never girls before killing his victims, that pretty well answers the question.No- there is a relationship between the kind of extreme pyschosis that causes a person to become a serial killer and a breakdown of sexual identity; for example the projection of childhood sexual abuse upon same sex victims. How many of these serial killers you so willfully classify as gay considered themselves homosexuals? :think:
Well, if a man rapes only boys and never girls before killing his victims, that pretty well answers the question.
Your standard for what is universally evil and wrong is not accepted by everyone, and IF you want to actually make laws based on your religion and deity it is up to you to prove your basis of morality is beyond question.
So you want right and wrong to be a point of view?
It isn't my standard. It is God's standard.
You can put him on ignore your whole life. He will move on with out you, and you will spend eternity as you are now, dead.
Yes we understand this is always the excuse you come up with when you have no defense of your position and behavior ... blame it on a deity.
This is what makes my morals so superior to your's, Nick ... I actually believe in personal responsibility for MY actions.
It could be worse ... I could be stuck in the same place as you for eternity ...
No it doesn't. All it means is that he's a bisexual and bisexuals are nothing but backslidden homos.And if the same man is married and ONLY has consensual, adult sex with women and NEVER with men, that kind of answers that question differently, doesn't it?
No it doesn't. All it means is that he's a bisexual and bisexuals are nothing but backslidden homos.
You're right. I should know better than to engage a brat in a debate. You gave a typical bratty response: if you can't attack the statistics, attack the source. The article's statistics came from Psychological Reports, 1993 and a paper presented at Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, 1983.
Why exactly do you act so bitter and hostile much of the time? I don't understand why a grown man resorts to name calling so consistently.
What's your problem?
He's a Christian?
If a man molests 100 children an none of them are boys, do you actually think that man might be a homosexual?I've got a newsflash for you- you DON'T get to decide people's sexual orientation for them or to define what those orientations mean or how they are manifested. A pedophile is neither a homosexual or a bisexual- he is a pedophile. Whether he molests boys or girls means diddleysquat and it has diddleysquat cubed to do with his sexual orientation. It is a completely different pyschological condition from homosexuality. Trying to paint homosexuals with the same brush you use to tar and feather pedophiles impresses nobody but the gullible and the stupid.
Another fun fact: the entire point you and Bob are trying to make is invalid because you are using different criteria for determining sexuality in the comparison made- your own bizarro-world standard for who is a homosexual to determine which of the baddies fits the bill, and people's self recognition of their own sexual identity to determine what percentage of the population these criminals are "a disproportionate" representation of. This should be glaringly obvious to anyone who isn't desperate to push an agenda.
Don't respond to my posts like a brat and I won't call you one.Why exactly do you act so bitter and hostile much of the time? I don't understand why a grown man resorts to name calling so consistently.
What's your problem?
If a man only molests girls and never boys do you actually think that man might be a homosexual?
Don't respond to my posts like a brat and I won't call you one.
Let's try this again Granite. This time, try to respond like an adult instead of a brat.
You said you'd warn your friends about the consequences of drinking too much but not about the consequences of a homosexual lifestyle. But since the research from Psychological Reports, 1993 and a paper presented at Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, 1983 and a paper presented at Eastern Psychological Association, April 17, 1993 all show the consequences of a homosexual lifestyle to be at least as deleterious if not worse than drinking too much, then why wouldn't you warn them about that also?
By cowardly running away from answering my question in post #194, you just proved my point Granite.Jeff, belittling me may in some way make you feel better but in the end all it does it make you look small, petty, and angry. I don't know why you consistently act as though I murdered your parents, burned your house down, and ran over your dog. Frankly, I don't care. If you can address me and treat me like a man, then we can talk. If you can't bring yourself to do that much, I can only conclude you've got a problem you need to address in your own way in your own time. Provided that's possible, get back to me. Until then, attempting to have a mature discussion with you's like nailing Jello to a wall.
Sorry for whatever burr's in your saddle, but I didn't put it there. Take it easy. Or easier.
Let me rephrase the question: If a man molests 100 children an none of them are boys, do you actually think that man might be a homosexual? Yes or no.Not necessarily ... sometimes it is a crime of opportunity ... such as who is the easiest target.
A father might decide to molest his son instead of his daughter because the son is more easily intimidated. My older sister was molested by a family member, and I was not. I *think* the difference is because she was easier to manipulate than I was.
One question I would like to ask though is how is trying to focus on the sexual orientation and basing that on overall punishment any different than all those people that support "hate crime laws"?
I am not sure at the end of the day *why* it would matter what the sex the child is that molester chose to molest is ... this is something that should be a death penalty offense, no if's and's or but's about it.
Let me rephrase the question: If a man molests 100 children an none of them are boys, do you actually think that man might be a homosexual? Yes or no.
If a man molests 100 children an none of them are boys, do you actually think that man might be a homosexual?