If you accept your delusion that people are born as homosexals then I guess this would be difficult to answer.
Nowhere have I claimed that people are born gay, nor does my point require it. An inclination alone also is not enough. Like I said (how many times now?) SELF-IDENTIFICATION!
Luckily your baseless assertions are a crock and people are created hetrosexual so I can answer this with a "Yes" even if it doesn't exactly fit with the series of questions I asked. You might as well have asked, "If a person is inclined to be human is he one in fact?"
This isn't about philosophy...
And again, I notice, you seem singularly incapable of answering even one of the series of questions I give....
You mean I don't anwer them the way you want. What a crying shame.
Clearly not. All you are pointing out is that people are capable of controlling that which requires controlling.
You answered your own question. Congratulations.
How are those cases different than a homosexual who doesn't act on their urges? According to your line of reason there isn't any such animal.
No, in the dictionary as well.

A noun
1 homosexual, homo, gay
someone who practices homosexuality;
having a sexual attraction to persons of the same sex
B adjective
1 homosexual
sexually attracted to members of your own sex
How are people classified as homosexual, PB?
How many times have I already explained this, Stripe? Not just by action, not just by inclination, but also by self-identification. :mrt::duh:
And given the lack of any means for classification which do you think would be the status quo?
You mean a means of classification that doesn't suit your agenda?
I find it hard to believe that a man who has no sexual history could call himself a homosexual.
And yet they still do... Same as those teenaged heterosexuals there are plenty of young people who realize early on what they are and who they like long before they make any kind of decision to date yet alone have sex.
What would he base that classification on?
Recognition of his or own sexual and romantic attractions... :mrt::duh:
If he were basing it upon his feelings then I would be surprised if he were to then go on to act in contradiction to those feelings.
Like embracing the fallacy of the consequent?
I know it has happened and other things come into play, but the point is that, in every case, a homosexual act is the only thing that can be used to delineate a person as being homosexual.
I know you WANT it to be, but it just isn't. So sorry.
That you are prepared to accept a person's word on the matter in spite of the facts just reveals your ignorance and gullibility.
You're really reaching here. It's not a matter of gullibility to allow someone to identify themselves as sexual and romantic beings. Weirdo.
I see. So you have no patience.
Enough to keep this little dog and pony show running for
n pages...
I tell you what, PB. You find us a guy who calls himself homosexual who has never had a homosexual encounter and you might have a point ... for that one instance...
I've already explained one type of person who exactly fits that profile. You're reluctance to face the facts really isn't ultimately my problem.
As it stands I might well be out of line with the popular or even dictionary definition of the word, but then words are malleable things. Perhaps one day "homosexual" will refer to a perversion from the norm again.
And perhaps someday monkeys might fly out of my butt. For now you are being willfully dishonest when you promote your agenda with fudged statistics like this. It would be like reversing the meaning for the words "driveway" and "parkway" in your own vocabulary because you think it just makes more sense that way, but neglecting to make this little change known to others when you those terms.
I don't think you've quite understood the problem, PB. Your problem is not that homosexuality is being stygmatised by association with serial killers.
My problem is that homosexually is being unjustifiably linked to a completely different kind of sexual expression.
Your problem is that homosexuality is stigmatised and the abundance of evil that sprouts from them is a big, "I told you so" from God.
Your problem is that you are so eager to demonstrate that God chastises this particular sin above and beyond all others and that it is particularly loathsome that you are willing to lie to do it. :nono:
I understand that Bob feels comfortable expressing that sentiment from God. Hence the radio show and thread.
God has never said anything about gay people being more likely to be serial killers. Fun fact.
This can be easily seen in that it is not only you that defers from defending white males as being over-represented in the sample of serial killers. People automatically defer from that defence because nobody in their right mind believes that being a white male is a perversion. If that factor can then be eliminated then it must be something else that causes men to act at the extremes of violent behaviour. If it is not homosexuality that might be largely responsible then, what, do you believe mass murderers are born such and have a natural inclination?
Who said mass murderers are born? If you look at their histories it is pretty obvious that they are made.
So you think that listing people as homosexuals because they engage in homosexual relationships is wrong.
I think selectively ignoring the fact that these people have heterosexual relationships (I wouldn't call murder "a relationship" by the way) in favor of focusing on their criminally insane behaviour as defining their sexual orientation is wrong and dishonest.
You believe this because you think homosexuals are defined by their DNA rather than the choices they make.
Since when is self-identification not a choice they make? The presence of ex-homosexuals should testify that I do not believe this caricature.
Yet you can find no other act based group (truck drivers, murderers or Chinese speakers) that also fall into this category of being defined by DNA.
I don't define them by DNA. But just for kicks, all of humanity and it's various branches from race down to individual are defined by DNA. :mrt::duh:
PB, even if you are right (you're not, but let's just pretend for a second) the only means by which it would be appropriate to conduct a statistical study on the link between homosexuality and mass murder would be to define homosexuality through the sexual history of the perp.
And since the volunteered sexual history isn't likely to include the kind of childhood sexual trauma that usually mold serial killers into the monsters they become, you understand why profiling gays and lesbians is nothing but a red herring from the religious right. Those serial killers were NOT openly gay.