gather in His name


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hallelujah brothers and sisters this is where we gather in His name

so are you going to give us a link to the dynasties?

I hope they work

will you fix them if they don't?

I have already fixed a few

so give us a link

okay, this is for the seven heads

do you have one for the ten horns?

this is for the ten dynasties of Islam

thank you

you're welcome

good night charity

interpret ...The beast with, or with out horns

A giant prehistoric pest,
sent to stop people leaving their front Yards.
sent to devour an gobble up the strength of youth before they Know it.
sent to tinker with brain capacity, Dilute character, preventing ideal communications.
all is insignificant to the time Line that has been set out by its creator, appearing on the First Day of Never.

All significant, :) relating to man's development while not developing under authority.


New member
I agree that Islam figures in the future of the earth, and has been prophecied, but she is not the desolator that destroyed Jerusalem per Daniel 9 my friend - you will have to look closer to home for that one.


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hallelujah brothers and sisters this is where we gather in His name

today is Sunday

we put away our differences

we give thanks
we give praise

we ask for forgiveness
we ask for guidance
we ask for help

we do it together

good night charity


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hallelujah brothers and sisters this is where we gather in His name

so how does Revelation 15:2 KJV tie things together?

well you have the sea of glass, fire, victory over the beast, and his number

so are you now going to tie all this together?

they used Greek fire, on the sea of Marmara, to defeat the Muslims when they attacked Constantinople in 666

but it wasn't in 666

historians are very good about staying away from that date

but you aren't?

with wisdom and insight you can calculate that number

I just love it when you quote the bible, can you cite the passage?

yes, it is Revelation 13:18 NIV

that is pretty good for a catholic

thank you, thank you very much

so can you help those without wisdom and insight calculate the number?

you just need history and the calculator

is that next?


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hallelujah brothers and sisters this is where we gather in His name

so you are going to use wisdom and insight to calculate the number 666?

as the year they attacked Constantinople

let's get started

you just need history and the calculator

whose history?

Gibbon has it 46 years after the Hijra

that was 622 which gives you 668

not if you use the calculator

what calculator?

the Conversion of Islamic and Christian dates calculator

what does it give you?


how does that work?

that takes more wisdom

good night charity


Well-known member
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hallelujah brothers and sisters this is where we gather in His name

what about the sea of glass?

would you settle for a sheet of glass?

if that is all you got

that is all I can link to

oh no, not another link

on a calm day the Sea of Marmara is like a sheet of glass

so what does that prove?

nothing, it is just another piece of the puzzle that fits

good night charity


Well-known member
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hallelujah brothers and sisters this is where we gather in His name

do you have any more pieces that fit?

I do have another way to calculate 666?

the KJV does have count

the NKJV has calculate as others do

so what is this other calculation?

It has to do with the Julian calendar which was in effect at the time Revelation was written

aren't we now using the Gregorian calendar?

it did not come into effect until 1582

so it was the calendar started by Julius Caesar?

there is also regnal years for dating


Julius Caesar was assassinated in 44 BC


the Higra was in 622

and that gives you 666?


good night charity
Last edited:


Well-known member
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hallelujah brothers and sisters this is where we gather in His name

what made you think 666 was a year?


something in Daniel?

Revelation borrows heavily from Daniel

so what was in Daniel?

that number referred to years

you're referring to 9:2


so you started looking to see what happened in the year 666


and what did you find?

nothing except that the Muslims were on their way to Constantinople

that's it?

I also found that there was a problem with dates and calendars

good night charity


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hallelujah brothers and sisters this is where we gather in His name

so there is a problem with dates and calendars?

Gibbon mentions a problem with dates in his footnote

wasn't that during the dark ages?

there were not too many sources at that time

what calendar were they using?

the Arabs were using the Islamic calendar

when did the Gregorian calendar start?


before that there was the Julian calendar

so historians have to calculate all dates prior to our current calendar

were there other calendars?

regnal years was often used

what is that?

they were based on the current ruler

so that would require another calculation


good night charity


New member
hallelujah brothers and sisters this is where we gather in His name

so there is a problem with dates and calendars?

Gibbon mentions a problem with dates in his footnote

wasn't that during the dark ages?

there were not too many sources at that time

what calendar were they using?

the Arabs were using the Islamic calendar

when did the Gregorian calendar start?


before that there was the Julian calendar

so historians have to calculate all dates prior to our current calendar

were there other calendars?

regnal years was often used

what is that?

they were based on the current ruler

so that would require another calculation


good night charity

Perhaps America has entered a "Regnal" year calendar? Our current president is acting very much like a grand-exalted-poohbah, above correction and beyond reproach?


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hallelujah brothers and sisters this is where we gather in His name

today is Sunday

we put away our differences

we give thanks
we give praise

we ask for forgiveness
we ask for guidance
we ask for help

we do it together

good night charity


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hallelujah brothers and sisters this is where we gather in His name

so why are you doing this?

well I believe it's my job

how do you know what your job is?

you are not supposed to bury your talent

I love it when you quote the bible, can you cite the passage?

yes, it is Matthew 25:25 KJV

that is pretty good for a catholic

thank you, thank you very much

so what is your talent?

solving puzzles

how do you do that?

you just find the pieces that fit

good night charity


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hallelujah brothers and sisters this is where we gather in His name

how do you know when a piece fits?

when it is consistent with the other pieces

do you have a preconceived notion as to what it might be

everyone does based on their interpretation

is that why others are not finding what you are?

you either change your interpretation or look to the future

and is that what they are doing?


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hallelujah brothers and sisters this is where we gather in His name

so how do you interpret Revelation?

literal, historical, and recapitulation

what is recapitulation

it is a theory that the chapters are not necessarily in chronological order

where did that come from?

Victorinus of Pettau in the third century

who is that?

he wrote one of the first commentaries on Revelation

was it accepted by others?

most now use recapitulation because of him

so each chapter should be considered all by itself?

it is a good place to start

good night charity

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
I also believe Revs has been shuffled...I would be inclined to believe there was more than one author but highly skilled linguists say it is one.


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hallelujah brothers and sisters this is where we gather in His name

so you just find historical events that seem to fit what is in Revelation?

yes but they need to be consistent with the others

to what extent do you maintain a literal interpretation?

to the extent that it is possible

is that true with the thousand years?

not unless you can find one that fits

and you found one

the Byzantine Empire does seem to fit

so that is where you started?

you should always start with the biggest piece

until you can eliminate it?

so far I haven't been able to do that

good night charity