Cross Reference
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Guilt can be good.
Guilt can be good.
Satan caused the fall? Didn't realize you believed that.
Yes, you are saying Adam as a man was not created in the image and likeness of God, because Adam was not "created experimentally in Righteousness and True Holiness"; but that the elect who were in Adam were created in the image and likeness of God.
Yes, that's a fact. However, freewill religion erroneously teaches that all of mankind was created in the image of God.
Yes, thats error, because if that were True all men without exception would be conformed into the Image of Christ Rom 8:29
29 For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.
You could not have been in Adam in the beginning if the consequences of Ro 8:29 does not come to pass, that is being conformed to the Image of God's Son !
Listen, when satan via the serpent caused the fall, it did not in one bit hinder or oppose God's Purpose
Satan caused the fall? Didn't realize you believed that.
Its been posted in my threads plenty of times, shows you dont read them !
Without God's Supreme Will of First Cause, nothing exists, has being, or can act !
One can give a million reasons why lucifer , adam or who and whatever is the cause of sin, even the sin nature James 1:13, none of that exists or acts without God's Supreme will of First cause according to His Eternal Purpose.
Now understand this, people who do not acknowledge God as the First and Primary cause of sin and death in this world according to His Purpose, they are nothing more than proud ignorant atheist and idolators at heart !
Beloved, you're gonna love THIS:
Oh but I do read your threads; now you should reread your own threads!
You're either drunk, confused, or "a proud ignorant atheist and idolators at heart". (Your words - see above)
You rant and rave and don't even agree with yourself! How am I ever gonna agree with you?
Please read this again, AND AGAIN, AND AGAIN , and again,...,... until you realize what you did!
So who caused the Fall?
I have posted in my threads and explained thoroughly who caused the fall and why, even more than once !
Explain to me what I posted, the logic I used behind it, dont ask me questions.
Yes, you sure did:
You said "One can give a million reasons why lucifer , adam or who and whatever is the cause of sin, even the sin nature James 1:13, none of that exists or acts without God's Supreme will of First cause". (#969)
Then you said "the serpent caused the fall" (#1210).
I've been telling you that you don't really believe what you say; now you've proven it. Ha;atrol:
That's what I did.:yoshi: :rotfl:
I have posted in my threads and explained thoroughly who caused the fall and why, even more than once !
Exactly; that's why I wonder what you really believe.
I have posted in my threads and explained thoroughly who caused the fall and why, and what I believe, even more than once !
Right; and what you say disagrees with what you say.
No; I haven't failed.No it doesn't, you have failed to read all of my comments, I have explained my views in my threads !
Posted from the TOL App!
No; I haven't failed.
What you said proves your self-pride and confusion. In your vehemence, you directly contradicted yourself. :noid:
You don't know if you're elect.
You don't know if you're elect.
To say this another way, a false religion... ...This cannot be denied, if it is, its to the deniers condemnation !