Sorry beloved57 but I'm compelled by God (according to your own doctrine) to rain on your parade :rain:
If there is no free will there is no sin either.
Extremist Calvinists teach free grace, free salvation ... AND free wrath, free damnation.
To say there is no free will is equal to saying there is no such thing as human moral nature.
Morality can ONLY apply to those possessing volition, choice.
No free will means the author of this thread did not write it himself freely but was constrained to do so.
It thus also implies that no one else responding does so of their own free will but by "fate" or the "will of God", and that no matter what they say.
Thus how can anyone, at any time, accept the author's point of view? They cannot and reason, logic, scripture have nothing to do with any discussion ever, anywhere. All is "God's will" and nothing else, ever.
The doctrine of no free will is thus a pernicious doctrine of demons for it relieves men from any guilt whatsoever as there can be no guilt without self-determination.
The bible recognizes this everywhere. God ordains human governments and human courts of law based on the FACT of free will.
The Calvinist anti-free will doctrine is utterly foolish, illogical and contra scripture. Those preaching it always contradict themselves by the very preaching of it!
The best refutation of this extremist and unbalanced type of Calvinism was given centuries ago by John Fletcher in his "Checks to Antinomianism" -available online at archive dot org - check it out.
Beloved57 & others interested by the truth, you really need to read it before giving more of such unbiblical, unreasonable, salient falsehoods.

If there is no free will there is no sin either.
Extremist Calvinists teach free grace, free salvation ... AND free wrath, free damnation.
To say there is no free will is equal to saying there is no such thing as human moral nature.
Morality can ONLY apply to those possessing volition, choice.
No free will means the author of this thread did not write it himself freely but was constrained to do so.
It thus also implies that no one else responding does so of their own free will but by "fate" or the "will of God", and that no matter what they say.
Thus how can anyone, at any time, accept the author's point of view? They cannot and reason, logic, scripture have nothing to do with any discussion ever, anywhere. All is "God's will" and nothing else, ever.
The doctrine of no free will is thus a pernicious doctrine of demons for it relieves men from any guilt whatsoever as there can be no guilt without self-determination.
The bible recognizes this everywhere. God ordains human governments and human courts of law based on the FACT of free will.
The Calvinist anti-free will doctrine is utterly foolish, illogical and contra scripture. Those preaching it always contradict themselves by the very preaching of it!
The best refutation of this extremist and unbalanced type of Calvinism was given centuries ago by John Fletcher in his "Checks to Antinomianism" -available online at archive dot org - check it out.
Beloved57 & others interested by the truth, you really need to read it before giving more of such unbiblical, unreasonable, salient falsehoods.