freelight's cosmic cafe

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Eclectic Theosophist
If there is an "objective morality" (an idea that is often debated on TOL), it exists by this reasoning: that we are all a part of the same cosmic whole, and therefor would naturally seek to maintain and advance the well-being of not just ourselves, but of the whole. This is reasoning that anyone, theist and atheist, alike, can easily grasp and assent.

Yes,...and note this 'morality' exists just as well, with or without a 'God-concept' ;)


Eclectic Theosophist
Self-centered fear, then, is the enemy. Because it's this fear of losing the self within the whole, and of the self being neglected by the whole that both causes that mental and spiritual separation (it seems to me). And faith is the antidote to that fear. Faith is the remembering that we are a part of the whole, and that the well-being of the whole and our own well-being are intrinsically intertwined. As we do for others, we are doing for ourselves. And as their well-being increases, so does ours.

It is not "every man for himself", as our ego-centric fear leads us to imagine.

'Faith' intuits or draws from that intrinsic unity of all that exists, and so naturally is nourished by service to others, which is true service to self, since 'self' is nourished thereby as well, as all others are in the 'process'. A genuine self-love is integrous, all-inclusive, holistic.


Well-known member
Awesome, have you enjoyed that city, and any of its treasures? :)

Could you share some of those jewels with us?

Met lots of artificial/masked personalities that played a relevant role in discovery of the inner path it is teaching, everything we come in contact with is a part of the Eternal Conscience, An Eternal actor on the stage of temporal conscience playing a multitude of parts to teach Divine Seeds on their way home through the valley of illusional death.

None observable Jewels like a Perl hidden in a field.


Eclectic Theosophist
Infinite consciousness.........

Infinite consciousness.........

Met lots of artificial/masked personalities that played a relevant role in discovery of the inner path it is teaching, everything we come in contact with is a part of the Eternal Conscience, An Eternal actor on the stage of temporal conscience playing a multitude of parts to teach Divine Seeds on their way home through the valley of illusional death.

None observable Jewels like a Perl hidden in a field.

Ah,....all individual streams of consciousness are returning to their heart-source, revealing that the 'light' of awareness first reveals itself as "I",....the "I" that is conscious. In non-duality teachings I've been enjoying some Rupert Spira lectures,....helping us to point to the clarity of our true nature, as that knowing prior to thought, awareness itself without any object.

Rupert touches on 'prayer' and 'healing' below, but ultimately points us back to the "I", and that awareness before any "I" reference arises. Also, how that the being conscious of being, utters its first statement as "I Am", the name of God, the identity of being itself, which is the source prior to any conception, from which and in which thoughts arise.

The Idea of God


Eclectic Theosophist
Effortless Being.......

Effortless Being.......

I heard you can get to that state with good drugs !

I would seriously with an open receptive mind, consider Rupert's sharing. Drugs may alter one's mind helping it to reach certain states of consciousness or various receptivity or phenomena, but its an artificially produced effect,....while having a clean body and open clarity of mind, where one can recognize their true essence or 'being', that quality of 'being' that is one's essential nature, is the most natural course to take, having nothing artificial whatsoever, it being the genuine reality of one's Self. This 'nature' or natural state is what is at the heart of no-thing and every-thing. Nothing exists or can be apart from the "I" of consciousness, apart from which there is no world, no experience, no relations.

If you would find a quite comfortable place to just relax and be, you would find that you don't have to put any effort in your effortless being. There is no trying to 'be', since you already are. You know that you are aware....that this awareness is prior to anything that arises and is the space-like field-context in which all experience takes place.

The highest meditation is simply to abide as that. - identifying as consciousness itself, before any assumption of mind, ego, personality, name, form, association, denomination, etc. Just BE that which is 'seeing' and 'knowing'.

You don't need a 'drug' or chemical boost to enjoy your own true nature, since that 'nature' or quality of being, is ever intrinsic to you, already ever present, in all of its potentiality and actuality.

The Highest Meditation


Eclectic Theosophist
true seeing and knowing......

true seeing and knowing......

You are a deceiver (2 Pe 2:1).

Welcome to the thread serpentdove,....God loves you too :)

As per the 'charge' above, you'll have to prove your claim in some specific case or instance and provide evidence. In the offering of 'information' there is no intention to 'deceive' (why do that?), but to enlighten, inform, invigorate, stimulate, encourage dialogue, research, etc.

As a reminder freelight is number 1 on Satan, Inc. (TOL Heretics list) in the Miscellaneous category. :burnlib:

Well, its somewhat flattering that Choleric deemed me worthy of his list although his choice of category only partly considered my recommendations which shows his own bias. I've also amply addressed this on many levels in that thread itself, so my commentary or rebuttals are openly displayed.

As far as my sharing of 'non-duality' perspectives over the years here, its nothing new.

If you're speaking of the video-presentations above, the teacher offers clear insights into the nature of consciousness, giving 'pointers' so one can consider and re-cognize their own true nature, which has as its essential quality, 'awareness'. 'Non-Duality' insights or pointers have nothing to do with 'dogma' or necessarily any 'religious teaching' per se, but are honest inquiries into the nature of 'Self', the nature of one's being...discovering it and knowing it. It is realizing that there is what is aware, the 'seeing' and 'knowing' itself. Staying there, and being that. Its a total identification as awareness, with no objects, false-associations or assumptions, just free seeing, open knowing. With no false assumptions or presumptions, there is only that.

All thoughts, ideas, concepts, points of view, perceptions arise in awareness. There is no experience or knowing apart from awareness.


Eclectic Theosophist
Its universal............

Its universal............

I'm present right now, and I appreciate the thread. I brought my own :coffee:

Hi Mr. Deets :)

Thanks for your 'appreciation',.....there are all kinds of treats in The Present....just abide in the eternal NOW, if there is anywhere else you could be ;) In the silence, is where you may intuit the very essence of reality, because reality can be nowhere else, but in the presence of awareness.

Bringing your own coffee is ok, but we have some special brews that are outa this world....samples on the house.

patrick jane

Your viewership and replies would greatly increase if you kept your posts shorter, I think. Be concise, not saying 4 things 10 different ways.


TOL Subscriber
Hi Mr. Deets :)

Thanks for your 'appreciation',.....there are all kinds of treats in The Present....just abide in the eternal NOW, if there is anywhere else you could be ;) In the silence, is where you may intuit the very essence of reality, because reality can be nowhere else, but in the presence of awareness.

Bringing your own coffee is ok, but we have some special brews that are outa this world....samples on the house.



Eclectic Theosophist
Universal law..............

Universal law..............

Smiles returned :)

Here is a wonderful Maori Poem, that has within it the same universal principles espoused in Theosophy,....about the continuity of life, thru brith, death, rebirth...the ever-flowing unfolding cyclic movement of form and consciousness.



The sun may be coloured, yet ever the sun
Will sweep on its course till the Cycle is run.
And when into chaos the system is hurled
Again shall the Builder reshape a new world.

Your path may be clouded, uncertain in your goal:
Move on – for your orbit is fixed to your soul.
And though it may lead into darkness of night
The torch of the Builder shall give it new light.

You were. You will be! Know this while you are:
Your spirit has travelled both long and afar.
It came from the Source, to the Source it returns –
The Spark which was lighted eternally burns.

It slept in a jewel. It leapt in a wave.
It roamed in the forest. It rose from the grave.
It took on strange garbs for long eons of years
And now in the soul of yourself It appears.

From body to body your spirit speeds on
It seeks a new form when the old one has gone
And the form that it finds is the fabric you wrought
On the loom of the Mind from the fibre of Thought.

As dew is drawn upwards, in rain to descend
Your thoughts drift away and in Destiny blend.
You cannot escape them, for petty or great,
Or evil or noble, they fashion your Fate.

Somewhere on some planet, sometime and somehow
You will reflect your thoughts of your Now.
My Law is unerring, no blood can atone –
The structure you built you will live in – alone.
Your lives with your longings will ever keep pace
And all that you ask for, and all you desire
Must come at your bidding, as flame out of fire.

Once list’ to that Voice and all tumult is done –
Your life is the life of the Infinite One.
In the hurrying race you are conscious of pause
With love for the purpose, and love for the Cause.

You are your own Devil, you are your own God
You fashioned the paths your footsteps have trod.
And no one can save you from Error or Sin
Until you have hark’d to the Spirit within.

- source



Eclectic Theosophist



For those truth-seekers and philosopher interested in 'infinity', lets "go there" if we may. In October23's thread "Is God Infinite ?" I have these following posts -

> Yes, God is Infinite :) (also link to my Infinity Blog, 12 entries on the Agni Yogi book entited 'Infinity',...great mind expanding stuff)


> Exploring terms

We share just a tid-bit from Paper 105 on 'Deity and Reality' -​
105:0.1 TO EVEN HIGH ORDERS of universe intelligences infinity is only partially comprehensible, and the finality of reality is only relatively understandable. The human mind, as it seeks to penetrate the eternity-mystery of the origin and destiny of all that is called real, may helpfully approach the problem by conceiving eternity-infinity as an almost limitless ellipse which is produced by one absolute cause, and which functions throughout this universal circle of endless diversification, ever seeking some absolute and infinite potential of destiny.

105:0.2 When the mortal intellect attempts to grasp the concept of reality totality, such a finite mind is face to face with infinity-reality; reality totality is infinity and therefore can never be fully comprehended by any mind that is subinfinite in concept capacity

To me, infinity is the most awesome concept to consider, explore and research. It inspires the mind to probe to its very limits, then engages that which alone can fathom or contemplate the infinite, which is that fragment of infinity in man himself....since only the infinite can disclose the infinite.​

3:4.7 Finite appreciation of infinite qualities far transcends the logically limited capacities of the creature because of the fact that mortal man is made in the image of God—there lives within him a fragment of infinity. Therefore man's nearest and dearest approach to God is by and through love, for God is love. And all of such a unique relationship is an actual experience in cosmic sociology, the Creator-creature relationship—the Father-child affection.

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