freelight's cosmic cafe

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Hello freelight. :) Interesting thread. As I was reading the OP, I was thinking of the first time I ate sushi. I didn't think I would like it. I was aware that it was healthy but it just didn't look very palatable. But once I tried it, it was very tasty and made me feel good.
I think spiritual food can be that way. I know that I've had to change my thinking about certain things over the years. I was really depriving myself of good healthy spiritual food. This was hindering my spiritual growth and happiness. It also affected my view of God and others. It was a barrier that I had to overcome. I have made progress but still have a ways to go.



It is even healthier if it was brown rice.

Dan Emanuel

Active member
They'res either eternal individuated life for human's, or they're is not.

If they're is not, or if they're is, dictate's the optimal neural pattern in the humans physical human brain.

The above is either true or not. If it is not true, it mean's that, regardless of whether or not they're is eternal individuated life for human's, they're is only 1 ideal state of the human brain, in term's of how it is organized to think. I.O.W., the ideal human mind is independent of whether or not human's ultimately live forever, in whatever form it happen's to take.
(For my part, full disclosure, I believe that we live forever in brand new, shiny body's that have all the wonder's of our current corruptible body's, plus super power's like flying and traveling as does the wind. We will --if we enter the eternal kingdom of God/heaven --be able to travel back and forth between the new heaven and the new earth, which may be a lot closer to each other than they are today (I suspect that heaven is >13.6-13.7 billion lightyear's away), or we may simply have the ability to physically span these inconceivably great distance's in a moment. I believe in the general resurrection of the dead, which will occur at the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and those of us who still live when He come's will be changed instantly to our new body's, while the dead shall all rise with new body's. The terrible shame will be any of those who rise up from there grave's to brand new body's, but who will not enter the kingdom of our Lord and of our God. They will live forever in torment, none the least of which is the torment of rejecting the Gospel of our Lord whenever hearing it 1st . . . being that I believe all this, of course. :))​
I believe that the optimal neural pattern for the human brain is the same, regardless of whether or not they're exist's eternal individuated life for human's. I believe that, if they're is a true or correct algorithm for transforming the human mind into its optimal physical state, that it must be the Christian faith. This is what it mean's to be a Christian, is what I'm saying, in saying this.

I believe that helping other's to achieve there optimal neural pattern is impossible apart from teaching the Christian faith. It isn't just that Jesus take's a hypothetical form in our brain's --Jesus exist's in negative or relief form in everybody's head. Believing in Him transform's and begin's to transform the brain.

That was dense and cumbersome. Please ask for any clarification and I'll try, try again!

DJ (Daniel "Dumb Jock" Emanuel)


Eclectic Theosophist
You are special............

You are special............

i thought this was only open from 2 pm to 5 am -

The 'cafe' part is just a 'plug', spiritual food service is a 24 hr. affair :) - all that's needed is an open mind. As far as jumping right into the metaphysical fun, a response to LA will help open those doors,...but these exchanges can get a little 'out there' for some, so hold onto your hats :luigi:

14:5.10 Love of adventure, curiosity, and dread of monotony—these traits inherent in evolving human nature—were not put there just to aggravate and annoy you during your short sojourn on earth, but rather to suggest to you that death is only the beginning of an endless career of adventure, an everlasting life of anticipation, an eternal voyage of discovery.



Eclectic Theosophist
Open to evolving.......

Open to evolving.......

Hello freelight. :) Interesting thread. As I was reading the OP, I was thinking of the first time I ate sushi. I didn't think I would like it. I was aware that it was healthy but it just didn't look very palatable. But once I tried it, it was very tasty and made me feel good.
I think spiritual food can be that way. I know that I've had to change my thinking about certain things over the years. I was really depriving myself of good healthy spiritual food. This was hindering my spiritual growth and happiness. It also affected my view of God and others. It was a barrier that I had to overcome. I have made progress but still have a ways to go.



patrick jane

I always consider the saying first of course, no matter the author. It just so happens that as a fellow transcendentalist,...I resonate with much of the philosophy of Emerson :)

oh, no i was hoping that this would be a great quote soon - famous

Originally Posted by patrick jane View Post

great quotes aren't necessarily great, they are only printed and repeated from famous people -





Eclectic Theosophist
let the fun begin............

let the fun begin............

What in "Heaven" - does any of this have to do with GOD???
This sounds like TV Commercials!! -- I thought You believed in Some form of God, of some Kind, not the teaching of some stupid Nonsense like This!!!

Welcome to the thread La,

I would remind you to 'relax' (free chill pills at the counter) and let your expectations go. Just BE :) - also, you may want to go over the OP carefully again,....I lay out some general guidelines and a vision for the thread, from which anyone can respond to in a 'creative/fun' manner,...that's the point of the thread,....a 'cool retreat' for travelers who'd like to enjoy some spiritual refreshment.

If one wants to make it all about 'God', they are free to,...but don't think you've got a monopoly on 'God', however you define the term,...after all, you're at the cosmic café,....our concept and worship of 'God' is 'universal'.

( Remember; )? - "The Back Alley", is where ((( "BATTLES" ))) Take Place!! - Not some stupid cooking or whatever you have here in this nonsense!!

One of my caliber if quite cognizant of where I choose to place my thread.....did you read the OP? :think: - and yes,...I will indulge throwing a little 'ego' into the mix, recognizing that its part of the play of our dialogue here. What is eternally/infinitely of more interest and value will always be at the fore of course.

And please, as I've suggested before, you don't have to YELL (using all those exclamation points),....a calm delivery is sufficient without 'hyping' it up.

GOD is the "TRUTH", NOTHING but the Truth / The Word of GOD / Christ; - Not FALSE!! - What you have here is Everything but the TRUTH / The Word of God / Christ; but F-A-L-S-E!!!

Just to remind you, I've taken you on fully as well in the Q&A thread you made addressed to me, my commentaries have addressed your concerns amply, - but if you insist on bringing up the propositions above,.....this isn't necessarily a thread on 'God' or 'absolute truth', but we will likely go there. We can get totally 'cosmic' ,...but lets just remember where we are at,...and as far as 'battles' go...remember the OP? Why not look at your own belief-system, opinions or assumptions and see if there is something you could 'contend' against or question there,..that is if these 'beliefs' or 'concepts' are not doing much for you. A little soul-searching at times is essential :sherlock:

- And you are Religious? - What does that mean?? --- It means that you are not Carnal Minded like this stuff IS!!!

Still ranting on that I see. I guess I'm about as 'religious' as I might define it,..but I don't recall anywhere harping on that point. Consciousness includes all facets of mind....physical, intellectual, spiritual. Its all-inclusive. Lets not get too picky or dualistic over pitting the 'spirit' against the 'flesh', like Paul got 'stuck' in. How bout getting 'unstuck'? :)

Spiritual minded is of GOD, Not the Contradiction / Satan / the Darkness. - Spiritual Darkness means ( "NOT THERE" )!!! SOOO - You are Not there where GOD IS, but IN the Contradiction of God // SATAN / Darkness!! - Thus you cannot S-E-E GOD!!!

Well,...just had a brian implosion there. (giggles). 'God' is the one universal reality always-being, Omni-present, Him there is no darkness, as long as I abide in the free space of 'cosmic consciousness',...I'm ever abiding in the Light, Light. Light is what I AM (pure undifferentiated awareness). I am that.

One whose eye is single(simple) has pure vision, as the pure in heart see 'God'. In that 'purity' there is no obstruction, division, difference or separation....there is only that. As I identify with that pure awareness, I am that.....all else is a superimposition of mind, an assumption of various false identities, temporary guises, concepts, rote, words, etc.

Christ is the "LIGHT" of the Word of God // the Truth. - Not the Darkness like this STUFF. Christ is the Light, and SATAN Is the Contradiction of the Light / Truth // Christ // - T-H-A-T -- L-I-G-H-T!!!!!!!!!!

No need to dualize everything assuming the 'light' will triumph over the darkness...when 'God' as LIGHT is All There IS in truth, I abide in that all-pervading reality assuming its preeminence. When I identify wholly with 'God', there is no difference between my essence/consciousness and God's essence/consciousness for we are One, because there is no 'other' besides 'God'. God is all. The primordial One is prior to the play of duality so transcends over the seeming 'battle' of opposites (although includes them), yet we still contend and appear to have 'conflict' in the perceived world of dualities. But we must come back to the primal oneness which is our origin and root, and inhere in it, allowing that unity to synthesize and swallow up all divisions. There's a paradox there,..but the work of salvation or enlightenment is about re-turning to original unity.

OOHH Yes, you will - or may not respond with JUNK, but you cannot respond With the TRUTH, And the TRUTH Is Not Untrue!!!!

I respond as I feel the words come,....such is the nature of the prophetic,...or as I just flow in 'creative dialogue'. That's the fun of it, which I hope you catch onto, so our discussions become enjoyable! (see there, I have just one 'exclamation point' in my whole post :) ) - hows that for thrifty?

With that, the conductor of the thread here enabled by the site owner to engage as such,...we can continue on a creative journey here, as mutual partners. This is our 'co-creation'. Lets be careful on what we 'create',...because we experience that 'creation', and must deal with the consequences thereof, hence every 'word' we use has creative power to affect our dialogue together. The Universe has given us space and time, what we do with it is our gift back to the Universe.


Eclectic Theosophist
Love provides.........

Love provides.........

Mark Twain did have a good share of common sense and rationality about him. Its a good question, since many have put the character of 'satan', 'lucifer', 'the devil', etc. into a somewhat 'fixed' role, as if these sentient beings could not change,, but it just so happens if God's love is infinite, then there could be a possibility that even fallen angels or rebel sons of God COULD repent and re-turn to 'God', being restored in his service....and why not?

Some early church fathers like Origen believed in 'universal reconciliation', and entertained the possibility that even 'satan' might be saved when all things and beings are reconciled in Christ. "all shall be made alive in Christ". There are some that contend that the first 5 centuries of Christian theology was more kin towards 'universalism' than what later evolved into a more exclusive conditional salvation system. Im a universalist at heart seeing the divine will ultimately triumph... love being all-supreme. In such a context, if love does ultimately triumph...then God's will is indeed ultimately victorious, and in the end 'God' does become all in all. The only other alternative is a system of 'conditional immortality' where the free-will of each soul is 'sovereign' as regards its personal destiny, some souls choosing life, some souls bearing the consequence of their final choice as the 'second death' (disintegration of individual existence).

I might add that in some schools...the devil (whether depicted as 'satan' or 'lucifer') has already converted over in the spirit-world and is now serving 'God'. Awesome eh ? Man has enough of his own problems with his own propensity towards sin and selfishness to attain self-mastery over himself, than assuming a devil or 'satan' is to blame for tempting him, for man is for the most part tempted by his own desires. As I've said before, long as a sentient being has the ability to repent, there is hope of salvation, since God will not turn away a truly penitent heart or contrite spirit, who calls upon his name. Therefore in every situation, 'repentance' is the key.

It might behoove some that the Bible is not the only artifact of religious literature that contains 'revelation', since revelation is on-going, enlightenment progressive. Therefore there really is no 'closed canon', as revelations are given when the time is ripe for them, during seasons or dispensations. Love's provision is ever available,(unless one could totally and finally reject such love), for such is Love's will and nature to provide for.


New member

Ah, where shall we begin? First my proposal, guidelines and vision for this thread, which I suggest all posters/readers to respect, in which respect will then be given back, per forum rules and common courtesy. That's the 'ideal' here.

My project-theme for the thread is a fun, casual, kick-back atmosphere, like a 'cafe'...where you can relax, have a few health snacks on the menu, enjoy some excellent beverages and also some nice smaller size meals to wet your palate and nourish your soul. Fellow poets, soul-voyagers, connoisseurs and traders are welcome, but the goods are 'metaphysical' ;)

I know the proposed theme for this forum is supposed to be where no holds barred battles take place',...but even in that context I offer a re-direct on that; - this will be a safe-haven from the mean streets surrounding the alley, for travelers....a place for those looking to question their own beliefs, opinions, assumptions about 'God', 'religion', 'reality', etc. A 'reality-check point'. Such takes intellectual honesty and brutal transparency (hence the battle with one's own self, where sorting out what is 'true' from what is 'false' takes place). This inner search may include admitting you don't know (agnosis) about a particular subject or even about anything at all :idunno: It might also include acknowledging that your 'belief' or 'opinion' about anything is just that (just an 'belief' or 'opinion')...its subject to change. "wax on, wax off".

I coming from a more liberal eclectic background and prospectus am available to facilitate and direct 'creative dialogue' with those interested in probing their own minds and maybe breaking thru old paradigms to explore new dimensions and expand consciousness. That's what I'm all about anyways, for those who know least so far in this life-journey. Life is the experience of what you do with-in the space and time afforded you,..this is what creation is.

You're in freelights cozy little pub so be cognizant of what you're in for (for some this will be delightful, for others not so much :crackup:). If a 'fight' breaks out anywhere,...let it be against your own inner demons and 'assumptions' about life, or even your own view of yourself. Remember, its just a point of view. Expect all the goodies and benefits that come with our 'creating' (provided you have the creativity and intelligence to engage in actual 'dialogue' for the mere enjoyment or learning-potential of such), we venture forward as co-creators :)

At this point in your journey (having stopped at the cosmic café), have a peaceful reflection and meditation about where you are at in life (here in the 'eternal now'), what its all about, and where you are going, and what significance this might have within the greater cosmos. Knock yourself out, but be kind to yourself in the process. This will also be a venue to probe freelight's mind on various religious/philosophical subjects, in a fun adventurous way, as if I didn't share enough on that in other threads quite generously :idea: As Emerson said, "hitch your wagon to a star"....and enjoy the ride :surf:

I'm going to go a ways with you here:
I Realize that you are a Genius of some-sort not sure how much or far, but I think You Are. - However, it's not just being a "Genius" that is the important thing. It's where ones Ingenuity lies. -- Hitler and Obama are / were Geniuses, but Geniuses of "LYING", and nothing else. - Moses and Jesus were Geniuses, but geniuses of Truth, and nothing else. - Normal People today, regardless of their Genius, it's where their Ingenuity lies. However, I see that your ingenuity / genius lies only in Yourself; not with anything else. There is not Any Single thing or thing written that you can hold to, but every thing that you can but in with your own belief, to make your belief Grow. --- I could go farther, but no need; I think that's enough!!

PAUL, DAVID -- 091215


Eclectic Theosophist
The genius of Spirit is a seed in all........

The genius of Spirit is a seed in all........

I'm going to go a ways with you here:
I Realize that you are a Genius of some-sort not sure how much or far, but I think You Are. - However, it's not just being a "Genius" that is the important thing. It's where ones Ingenuity lies. -- Hitler and Obama are / were Geniuses, but Geniuses of "LYING", and nothing else. - Moses and Jesus were Geniuses, but geniuses of Truth, and nothing else. - Normal People today, regardless of their Genius, it's where their Ingenuity lies. However, I see that your ingenuity / genius lies only in Yourself; not with anything else. There is not Any Single thing or thing written that you can hold to, but every thing that you can but in with your own belief, to make your belief Grow. --- I could go farther, but no need; I think that's enough!!

PAUL, DAVID -- 091215

Hi Lets,

I trust you did read my past post-response to yours here :)

I don't claim genius (although I think we all have the 'germ' of genius within, waiting to be developed), but value ingenuity in our craft as we engage in discussion. Our sharing of language (logos) is just that,...hence my focus on 'creative dialogue'.

This space is a canvas, paint as you wish, but know that with each stroke and each syllable we are 'co-creating' with Spirit at every turn,...and all actions, words, thoughts carry their corresponding results or effects. We can co-create anything we like within our powers.

As far as my 'ingenuity' lying only in my 'Self' or in my own 'beliefs',....well, far as I know...there is no reality that can be known or realized apart from my 'Self' (my conscious center), the field and nexus of knowledge. I AM. - this very conscious identity is 'God'. 'God' includes All There Is. This is the truth of 'non-duality' where primal consciousness is at the heart of all, - all is arising in this consciousness, so there is no reality apart from this awareness. This is it (reality itself) - it is clearly being.... prior to any words or concepts,...being What IS.

Now of course when we discuss various theologies or religious traditions/cults/beliefs/myths, etc... its 'relative'...figurative, metaphoric, conceptual...word-symbols that we relate to and with in any given religious or philosophical context. Hence we use the 'terms' and 'meanings' commonly understood or defined in those particular schools, or religious writings/culture. That's whats cool about studying 'comparative religions', and universal laws and principles, we get the 'bigger picture' and see how all relates having their origin and destiny in a primal unity at the Heart. 'God' is the primal Heart. Hence 'God' is like the Great Central SUN, and all expressions or revelations of 'God' within various religious traditions or schools....are 'rays' of that sun. I could go on, since this is the essence of the Ancient or Perennial Wisdom ;)


Eclectic Theosophist
Mutual respect as 'earned'......

Mutual respect as 'earned'......

Hello freelight. :) Interesting thread. As I was reading the OP, I was thinking of the first time I ate sushi. I didn't think I would like it. I was aware that it was healthy but it just didn't look very palatable. But once I tried it, it was very tasty and made me feel good.
I think spiritual food can be that way. I know that I've had to change my thinking about certain things over the years. I was really depriving myself of good healthy spiritual food. This was hindering my spiritual growth and happiness. It also affected my view of God and others. It was a barrier that I had to overcome. I have made progress but still have a ways to go.


Hi tj,

Thanks for sharing. It just so happens that in our life-journey we find ourselves changing our minds about certain things when circumstances allow for our experience of those things to teach us something new.

Thanks for being kind, courteous and respectful.


Hi tj,

Thanks for sharing. It just so happens that in our life-journey we find ourselves changing our minds about certain things when circumstances allow for our experience of those things to teach us something new.

Thanks for being kind, courteous and respectful.
Good point. Experiences are the best teachers. Some, however, think truth can only be found in the experiences of others captured in miniature snapshots in texts claiming the authority of God.
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