freelight's cosmic cafe

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Eclectic Theosophist
The eye that is single to the Universal EYE ("I")

The eye that is single to the Universal EYE ("I")

It's the word 'optimal' that caught my eye. Is there a way to test or characterize or examine the human mind, that will reveal the 'biologically ideal' human religion, in a scientific, objectively verifiable analysis? Our biology might tell us what to believe. It may not matter whether it's true, it just might be the biologically optimal religion, regardless.

I had set an intention to study the biology and function of the human eye, since it is a wonder in itself, and a study of its function as mirroring the inner meta-psychological functions of the mind's 'perception' of things is even more fascinating. It would appear that all the is perceived is just a play, an illusion of various light photons reflecting back to the eye in different configurations, vibrations and frequencies, and that all forms are just matter and energy so formed to be 'visible' to the naked eye, while subtler energies are invisible, yet still exist in their primal or more ethereal subsistencies.

In any case,...all that exists to consciousness, is a play of light to the physical eye, at least in this visible light-spectrum, and all else is more subtle in the invisible realms, where various factors condition how we interpret, translate and relate to whatever substance or information is present at any given time, within any given space.

I dont know that biology affects anything except the perception that is limited to or confined within a physical body, so those modifications of conscious existence would be acting within the organism itself, as so contained within that medium. If an organism has the capacity or potential for 'God-consciousness', at least the higher intelligence and cognizance of divinity, as in that immmortality-potential within the human soul, it would intuit a universal truth that is inherent in the very spirit of 'God' in all space and time, so that eternal wisdom at the heart of LIFE itself, would be seen as universal to all traditions, schools or cultures. This perception recognizes the truth at the Heart of Existence, the One God original and common to all. No single religion would or could have a monopoly on the Universal Truth and ancient wisdom.


Eclectic Theosophist
Invest your 'interest'.....

Invest your 'interest'.....


Indeed, our 'interest' in something is like a down payment into the soil of it, where the seed of new information, inspiration or illumination may bud, or bloom..bringing with it new insight, expansion of vision, enrichment of sight. Sowing your 'interest' into the field of divine Spirit will yield its own harvest, perhaps conditioned by various factors,..but where the interest is granted and allowed to explore its meaning and value in any particular divine subject, some harvest shall forthcome.


Eclectic Theosophist
Quest of the soul.............

Quest of the soul.............


Latest post - Question your assumptions :)

In this post I address Nihilos attempt to show that the words of Jesus in the UB (Urantia Book) contradict the the biblical record as being presumptuous, based on his own 'interpretation' of the gospel, from his own traditional, orthodox Christian conditioning, while the essential truth of what the UB teaches about our relationship with God as his offspring, and HE being 'Our Father' is fundamental....whether Jesus was raised from the dead or not.

I call into question our own assumptions about anything, to research, reconsider and review. Our notions or assumptions about anything, about reality, any subject or object, is subject to change, modification, even dismissal. Hence remaining open, testing all things, as even Paul admonishes, is the way to go,....maintaining a healthy skepticism. In the end, we all subjectively experience life in our own individual way, and all we have is what is subjectively interpreted, perceived or realized, and while progressing forward in space and many factors are at the fore,...affecting and helping to influence our assumptions and conclusions about anything.

The soul still alive and conscious in space and ever within the conditional flux of existence, and under the directives of those forces that determine its course, its karma, so to speak. This is just the tip of the iceberg, if we consider 'infinity' as being the 'iceberg'.

Blessings for the journey :surf:


Eclectic Theosophist
Abba / Amma

Abba / Amma


More of freelight's commentary on the divine feminine in the thread 'Is the Holy Spirit Female ?'

The truth as I see it

Honoring the Holy Spirit

Further enhancing our discussion

God is the origin of both genders and expresses BOTH

Deity is echad (one)

View attachment 26076

Greetings fellow light workers, wayshowers and cosmic visionaries. The above is just a snippet of commentary on God and gender, and exploration of the 'divine feminine', expanding on the concept of the 'Father-Mother-God', a basic expounding on the nature of 'God' and 'man' in the polarity of gender within that nature in their synergestic union. I however in the above thread while pointing to previous commentary on 'God and gender' in general, and an honoring of the divine Mother (in essence, concept and archetype) do not assume or propose that the Holy Spirit is a female 'person' as 'person' is described within an orthodox Christian trinitarian sense (as the creator of the above thread is proclaiming), but do indeed see the Holy Spirit, along with Sophia (Wisdom) and the Shekinah as being representations of the feminine aspect of Deity. I expound upon the metaphysical truths that are universal to both 'God' and 'Man' in their expression of 'gender', seeing that both 'masculine' and 'feminine' qualities of soul and spirit originate in 'God' which are mirrored in 'Man' AS 'Man'. - so, the 'father' and 'mother' aspect of 'God' and 'Man' are intrinsic to one another, as mirror reflections,....."as above, so below".

As far as 'personality' is concerned, this must originate in 'God', so that 'God' is the source of all 'personality' and all that is 'non' or 'trans-personal' as well, since the infinity of 'God' includes all and is all, undefined and defined, known and unknown. It is well enough to re-cognize 'God' as 'father' and 'mother', without having to divide 'God' into a trinity of 3 persons each having their own unique or special genders, since 'God' as a uni-personal Being, being One (echad) is an original Monad, and this Original Personality is the source of all personality and all personalities, so that even as The Universal Father...IT is still the source of all that is 'male' and 'female' as it exists, interacts and relates in the cosmos. Since 'God' is 'one', the honor and worship of this One Infinite Spirit-Source and Potentializer of all reality, is forever a Father-Mother, as far as any kind of creation or generation is concerned. This is all I exposit or propose as a universal context or foundation, from which any number of various perspectives or extensions may ensue.

From this premise, I may further my study of the divine feminine and Goddess traditions of our world's religions and mythologies to futher enhance the comprehension of the feminine archetype and role within the whole. It stands as universally true and relationally sound that if a 'Father' exists, so does a 'Mother' and their offspring, and this recognition and truth of creation is both metaphysical and apparent in the material world, which is a reflection of the spiritual.


Eclectic Theosophist
Marcion and Marcionites.......

Marcion and Marcionites.......


Below is a wonderful intro interview by Miguel Conner with Dr. Robert Price on Marcion of Sinope, a key figure in early Christian theism and doctrinal developments, particularly interesting as a sect dealing with or resolving the apparent 'tensions' between Judaism and 'Paulinism' (Paul's letters and theology), whereby he gained a considerable following and put together the first 'canon' of NT writings or books that the later 'orthodox' Church modelled their own after, to establish their own 'canon' of 'scripture'. Marcionism is very key in early Christianity studies and how it relates to similar growing trend of various Gnostic philosophies, although Marcionism is unique unto itself in some ways as a sister chapter of a growing kind of 'Catholicism' and church structure/order forming in the 2nd century as various Christian sects were competing in some ways with one another, while the Roman Catholic Church and those supported by the most political power and populace gained the upper hand as the ruling 'church-state' eventually. I'd been meaning to do a thread on Marcionism, but here is just a little tidbit interview. You can skip the routine 'prelude narrative' by Miguel as some find it to be 'drivel', 'lewd' or 'uninteresting'....while others enjoy the creative poetry, and go right to the interview at 15:18.

My interest in Marcionism is mostly in exploring the 'tension-flux' between Judaism and developing Christian offshoots in the first few centuries, a trend for some to notice the difference between the 'God' of the OT and the 'God' revealed by Jesus (seemingly 2 different gods), the evolution and redactions of the letters ascribed to Paul, and so on.
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Eclectic Theosophist
Let Infinite JOY be your strength........

Let Infinite JOY be your strength........


Salutations all,

Some recent commentaries, here - my current transmissions are more in discourse form, more poetic, prophetic, philosophic, although this has been my fashion usually in religious sharing :) Extending into even more liberal realms, I may be doing some commentary on the Jane Robert's Seth material on 'God' and the nature of 'creation'. - should be sure to stir the coals in some fires :) - but, I agree with some of the universal themes and principles, such as in how our thoughts, beliefs, ideas and dreams affect our experience of 'reality', being conditional factors. The term "we create our own reality" has relative truth, but the key is how various factors affect the experience of reality, hence its relativity. It still holds that all expereince, all meanings and values are interpreted translations within consciousness, so that consciousness is the essential context and medium for all existing, all 'potentials' and 'actuals'.

Recent commentaries -

- Discourse on the 10 commandments, the old and new concepts
- Defending marhig's theology from john w's ridiculous charge of being a 'wolf' :rolleyes:

- One can also just look up a posters archive of forum posts, that archive their last 100 posts :)
- View Forum Posts

- plenty of food for thought and spiritual research for your soul's enjoyment, for in the end, all you have is your own analysis and interpretation allowing for whatever meaning or value ANYTHING has. That is all, and this is all what is considered, determined or assumed in consciousness. As long as any potential, capacity, ability for change, transformation or progress EXISTS...there is hope, futurity, progressive revelation, expansion of being, evolution, etc.

We also consider the concept of infinity, which I so love! :) - I'd like to continue my commentary on the Infinity books of the Angi Yogi Society, as these are so universal and inspiring as to augment and uplife the whole. - Infinity Blog :cool:


Eclectic Theosophist
Matrix of infinity......

Matrix of infinity......


Hi all,

I've attempted to get our discussion on the feminine aspect of God back on topic here.

All my commentary on the subject of Deity and gender can be accessed on that thread, as well as previous blog portal here.

Such is an exploration of all aspects of divine nature thru the synergy of masculine/feminine intercourse, in all dimensions and forms. A God within dimension, relativity and form interacts thru creative order, patterns and archetypes, gender being one of those vehicles. This does not limit God to those definitions, but only recognizes their significance or meaning within such contexts. Beyond these parameters God exists prior to and beyond definition, as infinity, which is the unknowable.


Eclectic Theosophist
Blessings all,

Not sure how TOL has been going lately, but my path has always had its own nuance, eclecticity and sense of adventure,....I've just gotten back with a few new posts, to stir the creative embers, hope all are doing well, and in good spirits, using their gifts and talents to engage in resourceful and inspiring dialogue.

All that exists is Consciousness, engaging its own exploration of Itself, thru many worlds known and known, since 'God' includes the Totality of ALL, being All. Anyways,...just thought to chime back in my 'cafe' to see how the crew is doing, and if any are discovering new insights, expanding consciousness or blazing new trails into the infinite :)

Blessings to all, updates to come.....
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