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God's Truth

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How you get that your response even attempts to answer if Romans 5:18-19 says one or two?????????
Why is it that you think you have to avoid what that scripture says, GT??????????

That one ain't you, GT.

Jesus tells us what kind of people to be to be saved.

Tell me this, how do you ever get that NO ONE is saved UNLESS they hear your type of gospel?

I got Jesus' teachings and followed what the way said, and then he saved me.

I had what the Bible says and not your type of teachers.

I never heard from anyone ever in the denominations that I studied that not obeying was the way. I never heard that ever at all.

This is a serious question; tell me how do you ever get that Jesus didn't save me when I have a powerful testimony?


Well-known member
It bothers you knowing that literally anybody can receive it on the exact same free ground that you might receive it, with no preference or merit for anything you could possibly do. You HATE that. Makes me wonder if your father was cold and impossible to please.


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Jesus tells us what kind of people to be to be saved.

Tell me this, how do you ever get that NO ONE is saved UNLESS they hear your type of gospel?

I got Jesus' teachings and followed what the way said, and then he saved me.

I had what the Bible says and not your type of teachers.

I never heard from anyone ever in the denominations that I studied that not obeying was the way. I never heard that ever at all.

This is a serious question; tell me how do you ever get that Jesus didn't save me when I have a powerful testimony?
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. - John 3:16


Well-known member
GT sets herself up to be co-redeemer, co-savior.
Blueprint for failure.

I'll say this, she's been consistent for as long as I've been here. She's convinced she has to earn and keep on earning what the Bible says as a free gift that cannot be earned.

God's Truth

New member
It bothers you knowing that literally anybody can receive it on the exact same free ground that you might receive it, with no preference or merit for anything you could possibly do. You HATE that. Makes me wonder if your father was cold and impossible to please.

What don't you get about I do not tell people here that they are not saved, unless they say that I am not, for if you tell me I am not saved, then I know you are not, because Jesus says with the measure you judge someone you will be judged.

I only want to speak about the scriptures because I love it.

You all try to tell me I am not saved and I am judged here all day every day, and I put up with it because I love talking about God and there is no place or person to whom I can talk about God so much. I have been thinking of different things lately when it comes to posting here so much. I am going to start spending some more time alone with God and rest from all the verbal abuse and attack on my joy.


Well-known member
What don't you get about I do not tell people here that they are not saved, unless they say that I am not, for if you tell me I am not saved, then I know you are not, because Jesus says with the measure you judge someone you will be judged.

I only want to speak about the scriptures because I love it.

You all try to tell me I am not saved and I am judged here all day every day, and I put up with it because I love talking about God and there is no place or person to whom I can talk about God so much.

Trying to earn God's gift only rejects it. You are damning yourself.


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Jesus tells us what kind of people to be to be saved.
That would be sinners, GT.

Tell me this, how do you ever get that NO ONE is saved UNLESS they hear your type of gospel?
Paul's gospel as revealed to him from the risen Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.

I got Jesus' teachings and followed what the way said, and then he saved me.
How much of sin did the Lord Jesus Christ NOT pay for in full?????

I had what the Bible says
Then why won't believe the Bible when it says by the righteousness and obedience of ONE????

I never heard from anyone ever in the denominations that I studied that not obeying was the way. I never heard that ever at all.
I've never heard it either, nor have I ever said it, nor have I even implied it.
So why do bring up yet another strawman to attack????

This is a serious question; tell me how do you ever get that Jesus didn't save me when I have a powerful testimony?
Your testimony?
Honey, your testimony of what you have done was not bleeding on the cross.

Stop trying to find some glory in your own flesh.

Galatians 3:3 KJV
(3) Are ye so foolish? having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh?


Get your armor ready!
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I eat Jesus every day. I live through him and he lives through me. None of that can be done without obedience. There is nothing that I would rather do than obey Jesus.
Why not trust in HIS righteousness and obedience as scripture says to????
Why do you still keep trying so hard to add two to Romans 5:18-19?
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