New member
You consistently read your notions into things, and then follow that with isolating a passage that it assert what you have read into things.
Present tense isn't my notion, Danoh.
You consistently read your notions into things, and then follow that with isolating a passage that it assert what you have read into things.
Exactly. He asked Yeshua to take it away because he either couldn't control it or just kept repeating it. Yeshua said my grace is sufficient to point out to Paul the necessity of his reliance on Him and the necessity for Paul and all believers to strive to remain in Him.
So as the Apostle wrote he was blaspheming? c'mon where are your brains?
Romans 7 is Saul not Paul
You can't seriously believe that the great apostle served sin with his flesh....
I think peter forgave paul
warned us about him
You might be right about what IMJerusha believes,...
Exactly. He asked Yeshua to take it away because he either couldn't control it or just kept repeating it. Yeshua said my grace is sufficient to point out to Paul the necessity of his reliance on Him and the necessity for Paul and all believers to strive to remain in Him.
And why is that? Is there something wrong with being under the Law of Yeshua? That is what I believe. And what is the Law of Yeshua? It is God's Law...God's Will; that which has been written on our hearts.
If you could not keep Moses law you sure fire cain't keep Christ's word not if you treat them as commandments to be saved by.
I've got to go to beddybyes my lovelies...Good night God bless, I enjoyed the debate.![]()
This is the best post you've ever written. My Compliments.
You are slandering Paul. Paul did not struggle with sin. Paul trained himself. He beat his body to make it submissive to him.
Pray tell how the admission of sin is blasphemy?
No I'm not.
And yet you've disagreed with it repeatedly. I don't understand you, Grosnick.
You say we are to obey and then say Paul didn't.
Paul said he didn't. He likened being in the faith to running a race like an athlete. He strove for perfection; didn't claim he was perfect.
Paul was not a hypocrite.
Paul did not tell people not to sin and then sin himself. Paul said he was careful not to sin so that he would not be disqualified.
And yet that is exactly what Yeshua told his Disciples in John 15. We don't remain in Yeshua without the help of the Ruach. That is why Yeshua stated "apart from me you can do nothing."