Forced Vaccination is Wrong


Well-known member
A real controversy based on poorly done science.

Says the arm-chair scientist who'll believe the establishment, whatever it claims.

And now we are stuck with people stating as fact the shots had a sterilizing agent int them.

I keep telling you it's not a sterilizing agent, and also told you it's not a contraceptive agent as the study claimed (but you don't care).

Another controversy alleging that vaccines cause autism that was also based on poorly done science, worse, science done with a predetermined agenda, and we are stuck with people stating as fact vaccines cause autism.

You have been brainwashed regarding the autism-mmr connection.
Read this: Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism
Read this: Explaining the Skeptic Guide’s Deception Regarding Autism Diagnosis
The smoking gun: An Investigation of the Association Between
MMR Vaccination and Autism in Denmark

Since you are likely to ignore the facts in those documents and just ask how I think you were brainwashed, I suggest you read the book Influence by Robert Cialdini for the answer.

Do us all a favor. Instead of creating false panics by reporting bad science as fact, report on the real risks of both vaccines and the diseases they prevent.

Tell that to the Catholic Church in Kenyan, if you believe they've done that. I've done no such thing.

Use vetted scientific research and give people accurate facts so they can make an informed decision.

I've been doing that. You are the one who has been giving inaccurate information on this and other threads.


Well-known member
Indeed ... perhaps next years these states will put the CHILDREN ahead of the parent's silly conspiracies ...

You are a sick individual. Have you ever lost a child? People have lost children to vaccinations. It's reprehensible that you would characterize the sometimes fatal side-effects of vaccines as "silly conspiracies." Those who would push policies that will cause people to lose children will reap what they sow. That is the way of the God you spit on.


New member
Do us all a favor. Instead of creating false panics by reporting bad science as fact, report on the real risks of both vaccines and the diseases they prevent. Use vetted scientific research and give people accurate facts so they can make an informed decision.

As if pro-vaccinators haven't been spreading hype and panic lately. Accurate facts seem to be something you are short on, too, CM.

Don't expect concerned journalists to have all the answers. In the meantime, I won't expect dueling immunologists to have all the answers, either.

Did you know that Great Britain had to put a conscience clause into their vaccinations laws they wrote in the 1850's? HAD TO. It was another culture war, just like this one and this one will end like that one did.
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Well-known member
A real controversy based on poorly done science. And now we are stuck with people stating as fact the shots had a sterilizing agent int them. Another controversy alleging that vaccines cause autism that was also based on poorly done science, worse, science done with a predetermined agenda, and we are stuck with people stating as fact vaccines cause autism.

Do us all a favor. Instead of creating false panics by reporting bad science as fact, report on the real risks of both vaccines and the diseases they prevent. Use vetted scientific research and give people accurate facts so they can make an informed decision.

I think it telling that you demand cites from others to bolster their arguments but offer none yourself. That, in and of itself, is not damning. I think that you routinely ignoring the cites you ask for to be the more telling of your habits. It speaks of your intent, which is obviously not to learn or listen much less discuss. Actually, I can't think of a purpose to your posts unless you are either a shill for the pharmaceutical industry or are reflexively excusing yourself for past decisions as it regards forcing your own children to be inoculated.


Well-known member
Actually, I can't think of a purpose to your posts unless you are either a shill for the pharmaceutical industry or are reflexively excusing yourself for past decisions as it regards forcing your own children to be inoculated.

His wife is a pharmacist. Maybe that's why? :idunno:


Well-known member

Hopefully the California initiative will fail, too.

The time worn tool of gradualism will eventually find this foisted upon us, I fear, with those who decline being incarcerated and/or quarantined. What role this plays in God's grand scheme I'm not entirely sure of ... such things clear up in retrospect.


New member
The time worn tool of gradualism will eventually find this foisted upon us, I fear, with those who decline being incarcerated and/or quarantined. What role this plays in God's grand scheme I'm not entirely sure of ... such things clear up in retrospect.

Idle theories... I just edited mine out. There are so many ways this vaccine push could be used against us, but I don't think that we will be forced.

But I think it's all just a replay of the 1800s again. All over the world, all the time, they are just playing the game to see if we will allow draconian vaccination laws. We must never say yes.

Notice that the anti-vaccination movement back then did not stop the eradication of smallpox even when they won the battle to insert a conscience clause.
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New member
I think it telling that you demand cites from others to bolster their arguments but offer none yourself. That, in and of itself, is not damning.

And to be fair, he's thrown in a few links, especially when asked.

I think that you routinely ignoring the cites you ask for to be the more telling of your habits.

It speaks to the fact that he doesn't have all the important answers.

That isn't so bad, either, but without acknowledgement of this fact, he seems reckless and overeager, even blind.

I think being hesitant about vaccines makes more sense when you lack all the evidence necessary to be certain it's really safe.

Especially since all those Gardasil risks he took the first time around are now in vain. Now he needs to risk Gardasil 9. I say, for pity's sake (not medical advice) don't take it, but if you do, don't give your daughters that injection without first taking it yourself!!

First take the Gardasil 9, parents, and see how YOU react before risking your children!

It speaks of your intent, which is obviously not to learn or listen much less discuss.

He seems to think the matter is settled.

Actually, I can't think of a purpose to your posts unless you are either a shill for the pharmaceutical industry or are reflexively excusing yourself for past decisions as it regards forcing your own children to be inoculated.

I think he's trying to make the world a better place, he's just on the wrong side of the debate.

He may also be worried in the back of his mind about falling stock prices or in denial that big pharma doesn't really have his interests at heart, after his wife working for them all these years and getting all those checks.

Pretty hard to know, but I hope that he realizes the mistake he made before it's too late.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
First, you give us all this:
Says the arm-chair scientist who'll believe the establishment, whatever it claims.

I keep telling you it's not a sterilizing agent, and also told you it's not a contraceptive agent as the study claimed (but you don't care).

You have been brainwashed regarding the autism-mmr connection.
Read this: Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism
Read this: Explaining the Skeptic Guide’s Deception Regarding Autism Diagnosis
The smoking gun: An Investigation of the Association Between
MMR Vaccination and Autism in Denmark

Since you are likely to ignore the facts in those documents and just ask how I think you were brainwashed, I suggest you read the book Influence by Robert Cialdini for the answer.

Tell that to the Catholic Church in Kenyan, if you believe they've done that. I've done no such thing.

I've been doing that. You are the one who has been giving inaccurate information on this and other threads.
Followed immediatly by this.
You are a sick individual. Have you ever lost a child? People have lost children to vaccinations. It's reprehensible that you would characterize the sometimes fatal side-effects of vaccines as "silly conspiracies." Those who would push policies that will cause people to lose children will reap what they sow. That is the way of the God you spit on.
When you decide to settle on a position, please let us know.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
As if pro-vaccinators haven't been spreading hype and panic lately. Accurate facts seem to be something you are short on, too, CM.
I have linked to my facts and I stand by them. As to those who are pro vaccine, the issue is no less passionate to them than it is to you and they meet your degree of rhetoric with an equal degree of rhetoric. Right or wrong, it is human nature.

Don't expect concerned journalists to have all the answers. In the meantime, I won't expect dueling immunologists to have all the answers, either.
Journalists will lead with the big sotries: "Vaccinations linked to Autism" and it grabs the public's attention and starts debates such as these. Journalists are far less likely to publish the follow up story that the study linking the two were faked.

Did you know that Great Britain had to put a conscience clause into their vaccinations laws they wrote in the 1850's? HAD TO. It was another culture war, just like this one and this one will end like that one did.
In the end, I think that a "forced" vaccination policy will fail. Time will tell if that is a good thing or not.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
I think it telling that you demand cites from others to bolster their arguments but offer none yourself.
Not true. I have provided multiple links to various sources on this thread.

That, in and of itself, is not damning. I think that you routinely ignoring the cites you ask for to be the more telling of your habits. It speaks of your intent, which is obviously not to learn or listen much less discuss. Actually, I can't think of a purpose to your posts unless you are either a shill for the pharmaceutical industry or are reflexively excusing yourself for past decisions as it regards forcing your own children to be inoculated.
In matters such as these one of the first things I look at in the links provided is who is the group behind the the blog. How are they funded, what is there back story, what is there education and back ground. Many of the links provided are to non-medical, non-scientific pages that are approaching an issue with an agenda. When evaluating medical treatments, I first want to know what the medical professionals and researchers have to say first. Then I look at opinion pieces and see if there is more digging that needs to be done.

I have reached the conclusion that childhood immunization programs do far more good than harm.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
His wife is a pharmacist. Maybe that's why? :idunno:
I explained this once to 1PM. My wife is a pharmacist, not a doctor. She does not proscribe vaccinations nor do pharmacies dispense them with the exception of flu vaccines.

As a pharmacist who has studied vaccines as part of her training, yes, she does support childhood immunizations. We both do. Money has nothing to do with that support. Our friends and family do.


Ok, but if a person fails to vaccinate their child, and that child catches a disease for which there is a vaccine and then spreads it to another person, the parent should be charged with assault and spend some time in jail. If that person dies, they should be charged with manslaughter. They should also be charged with child abuse.
An unlikely scenario at best, when thou considers how Polio outbreaks are caused by the vaccine which is supposed to prevent it.


New member
I have linked to my facts and I stand by them.

You have made many statements of "fact" like that the abortion vaccine is available when it is not yet.

Like your "fact" that Depo Provera was the "vaccine" we were discussing? You have made errors about your facts and nobody is going to be perfect at making their case, but we are talking about forcing vaccines for pity's sake, you could at least admit the limitations of what you know.

Especially since you think it might be okay to force something people are afraid of causing them harm as long as it seems to be a harmless jab to you.

Assault is a crime, even if no bodily harm is done. You can't poke needles into a person who denies you access to their skin without assaulting them. This whole forcing idea is evil. On many, many levels.

You've been called on some of your errors and barely acknowledge them. Don't pretend to be so sure of yourself on issues you can't present accurately.

As to those who are pro vaccine, the issue is no less passionate to them than it is to you and they meet your degree of rhetoric with an equal degree of rhetoric. Right or wrong, it is human nature.

That's like me saying - "you don't know enough to make me a pincushion"

And them saying - "you're a criminal if you don't let us make you and your vulnerable babies pincushions."

I think I know who's the extremist. :plain:

Journalists will lead with the big sotries: "Vaccinations linked to Autism"

And what about journalists who lead with big stories against the anti-vaccine movement? Seen plenty of those. Many designed to scare doctors who comply with the Nuremburg Code.

and it grabs the public's attention and starts debates such as these.

Journalists didn't start the debates we see today. More like dualing immunologists who were developing vaccines like Salk and Sabin. They were constantly attacking the safety and efficacy arguments for each other's vaccines, and insulting each other, pointing to real dangers and concerns with both live/killed vaccine methods.

Journalists are far less likely to publish the follow up story that the study linking the two were faked.

As though you have a single study that proved it or that the follow-up story with the "evidence" against the link was mostly created by a criminal, who's work was not critiqued like Wakefield's was. In fact, I had heard of the link way before I heard of Wakefield.

Does everybody forget when the autism connection first came up? It was way before the one media patsy Dr. came out.

In the end, I think that a "forced" vaccination policy will fail. Time will tell if that is a good thing or not.

I hope it fails, for your sake, and for mine. It could never be a good thing.