New member
Yes, I name call-that is scriptural. Why don't you? Let me guess..never mind-you cannot bear it(1 Cor 3).
You are a false teacher, robbing Israel of her covenants, asserting that the LORD God is done with the remnant, believing Israel,and that "the church," the boc has taken over that role, and that the Lord Jesus Christ will not reign on earth, as King, with Israel as His kingdom of priests, ministers, witness...
Will someone please do something about this?
I have not robbed Israel of her covenant. In fact, I say they have received it.
I have not said God is done with the Israel, in fact I say they will be grafted back in, in the future, if they do not remain in unbelief.
I do not say that Christ will not reign on earth; I just believe it is the new earth; with us as His holy nation, ruling over the flesh remnant that needs to learn the gospel...the very people that he claims I am, that they too can enter in.
Chickenman..I am sorry, but this is rediculous.
Am I supposed to ignore such nonsense?
It is very hard to do.