For Sincere Inquisitors ONLY: MAD Explained


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The works of the law would mean nothing if not mixed with faith.

I've said this very thing a million times, Amos. Neither I nor any MidActs grace believer believes that keeping the law could justify a person without the foundation: faith.

By the way, from the other thread you started (about MidActs'ers lying about Paul), you come across as anything but a sincere inquirer now. So I hope you're not trying to stir up anything in here. I still really want to keep this as a non-debate thread with the MAIN purpose of informing sincere inquirers about the foundation and details of our position. Again, it's not an attempt to sway anyone. It's only to inform the sincerely interested.


With the changes that we can read in Acts (the way in which events strayed from the flow of prophecy), then it should be clear that the threat of the Luke 13 parable came to pass as Jesus said. It's especially noteworthy that the means for receiving the Spirit changed, as we see Cornelius and his household receive the Spirit BEFORE being baptized, as was the command prior to that.

Hi cm:

Heard a sermon the other day about the fig three and the olive tree.

The pastor said the fig tree was physical Israel, and the olive tree was spiritual Israel.

He then said the fig tree was cut down, and then and now the gentiles are grafted into the olive tree with the believing Jews to form ONE spiritual kingdom.

If the fig tree was cut down as per Luke 13, then where does it say that it will be alive again?

Im not an expert on trees, but I think some trees can grow back after they are chopped down, and some die when chopped down.

Since MAD believes the kingdom will be restored after the trib, how does that relate to the Luke 13 parable?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Yes, good idea. I am thinking about something Mid-Acts now, but you will have to fill it in for me.

Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of heaven, the perishable does not inherit the imperishable. This is the mystery, we will not die, but we will be changed. The perishable body will put on the imperishable body, mortal to immortal.

“Where O death, is your victory?

Where O death, is your sting?”

Thad sting of death is sin and the power of sin is the law. BUT thanks to God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

1 Corinthians 15:50-56

2 Corinthians 11:4 11:14-16

There is one Jesus who completed His work for us, beware of the deceiver who claims we must be more moral than we are saved in Christ.


New member
I've said this very thing a million times, Amos. Neither I nor any MidActs grace believer believes that keeping the law could justify a person without the foundation: faith.

By the way, from the other thread you started (about MidActs'ers lying about Paul), you come across as anything but a sincere inquirer now. So I hope you're not trying to stir up anything in here. I still really want to keep this as a non-debate thread with the MAIN purpose of informing sincere inquirers about the foundation and details of our position. Again, it's not an attempt to sway anyone. It's only to inform the sincerely interested.

I can tell you are a gentle soul and I sense your desire to inform sincere truth seekers about MAD, but I also have a desire to enlighten. So, I'll try and take my responses to posts from this tread to another specified for that purpose.

john w

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Hi cm:

Heard a sermon the other day about the fig three and the olive tree.

The pastor said the fig tree was physical Israel, and the olive tree was spiritual Israel.

He then said the fig tree was cut down, and then and now the gentiles are grafted into the olive tree with the believing Jews to form ONE spiritual kingdom.

If the fig tree was cut down as per Luke 13, then where does it say that it will be alive again?

Im not an expert on trees, but I think some trees can grow back after they are chopped down, and some die when chopped down.

Since MAD believes the kingdom will be restored after the trib, how does that relate to the Luke 13 parable?

Miscellaneous comments:

The context of Romans 11 is not "soul salvation, but access to salvation, access to the LORD God nationally, or "corporately" through the Lord Jesus Christ. Branches were used as a metaphor for access. In "time past", has access to the LORD God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob was exclusively via the instrumentality of Israel. However, Israel nationally refused her calling to go out into the world to make known to the Gentiles the Holy LORD God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. They refused to accept, or even recognize their own Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ. The LORD God, at that time, could have brought in "the time of Jacob's trouble"(Jer. 30:7, Gen. 32:7), the tribulation judgments, but, in His grace, temporarily set aside the prophetic program, and brought about a way of salvation never before know to mankind. He stripped Israel(temporarily)of her exalted status as the "channel" of access, and gave the world reconciliation through the raising up of the Apostle Paul, as He grafted the whole world into this simple plan of reconciliation...and the mystery program was revealed........................

"For if thou wert cut out of the olive tree which is wild by nature, and wert grafted contrary to nature into a good olive tree: how much more shall these, which be the natural branches, be grafted into their own olive tree?" Rom. 11:24

Perhaps: verse 24, what he is speaking of in verses 25-32, namely that Israel will someday be grafted back into that "cultivated olive tree." Someday, when the "fullness of the Gentiles has come in." He's speaking of the Gentiles, and saying that we , the body of Christ(at a corporate level) can be cut off just as Israel was, at which time Israel would once again be "grafted into their own olive tree."

Luke 13:6-9
The "vineyard"-The house of Israel

"For the vineyard of the LORD of hosts is the house of Israel, and the men of Judah his pleasant plant: and he looked for judgment, but behold oppression; for righteousness, but behold a cry.-The house of Israel:" Is. 5:7

"Thou hast brought a vine out of Egypt: thou hast cast out the heathen, and planted it." Psalms 80:8

"A certain man"-The Lord Jesus Christ

Fig trees, olive trees, vine,bramble: Jer. 24, 29:17; Hosea 9:10;Judges 9:8-13;

Olive:covenant, spiritual blessings/Psalms 45:7, Zech. 4:1-4(anointing oil made from Ex.30:24-25, a "type" of the Holy Spirit)
Fig: Religious life/Joel 1:6-9, Mt. 21:18-20, Luke 13:6-9(Adam and Eve-fig Gen 3:7="religious aprons")
Vine: National Israel
Bramble: Apostate Israel/Hosea 9:6, 10,18, Ez. 2:6, Mt. 13:7,22

Prophecy-certain events are scheduled to happen to each of these trees after the Lord Jesus Christ's earthly ministry:

-Bramble:Hosea 10:9 -Apostate Jewish religion will flourish, and overshadow the truth(2 Peter 2:1-3,5; 1 John 2:18,19; Jude 4-19). These false teachers will be hand sown by the enemy, Satan(Mt. 13:39)

-Fig: What will become of them after His death is the context of Luke 13:6-9. The Lord Jesus Christ looked for fruit-none.

-Olive: It was stripped of its branches, and, in place of stripped branches, Israel, wild olive branches, Gentiles, were grafted in(context is corporate)

-Vine Representing Israel as a nation, with branches being individuals.

What becomes of the vine after the Lord Jesus Christ's ministry is the topic of John 15:1-6.

Per Hosea 10:1, Israel had become a self righteous nation, and the religious leaders falsely believed that they were the seed of Abraham, in which all the world would be blessed, But they added to the Law, and trusted themselves, and their favored positions, to gain favor with the LORD God.

The Matthew 3:9-19 warning=an empty vine cannot bring forth fruit=Israel had become lifeless.

John 15:1 ff:" I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman."

The Lord Jesus Christ is speaking of the Tribulation period, after the "seizure by force"/"rapture", the Lord Jesus Christ will enter "dead" Israel again, and give life to 144000 branches(Rev. 7:6-9). Those branches who reject the Lord Jesus Christ, will be broken of and burned up during the Trib=the process is national Israel's "Baptism with Fire", referenced in Mt. 3:11-12-purging branches.

A vine branch has only one function/purpose:to bear fruit.

I think. I need to study this issue more-obviously.

Some say the fig tree represents national Israel, the olive tree her covenant blessings, and the vine her spiritual blessings.

May want to check this out from another poster:

"All Christians are grafted into the Jewish tree, hence all of the true Israel will be saved: This is an old traditional, but false, interpretation of the passage. The Body of Christ is grafted into the root. The previous holy tree of Israel is completely pulled out (temporarily), and the new tree is grafted in. It's a new tree entirely. That's what the language says. That's what the botanical structure of the olive tree also dictates. See the following papers on Romans 11 (These are PDF documents): "

And, consider, that many "Covenant" proponents view Israel as the root, and that Gentiles are grafted into Israel.

However, how can Israel be cut off from the root, if she is the root?

Is not the Lord Jesus Christ the root?


Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
I can tell you are a gentle soul and I sense your desire to inform sincere truth seekers about MAD, but I also have a desire to enlighten. So, I'll try and take my responses to posts from this tread to another specified for that purpose.

Thanks so much for your understanding. It is not, as godrulz continues to falsely assert, that I want to censor the opposition. I just want one single non-debate thread where observers don't have to deal with distracting arguments, etc. So again, thanks for respecting that.



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Tetelestai: Master Dendrologist. (TMD...I like it) :chuckle:
Hi cm:

Heard a sermon the other day about the fig three and the olive tree.

The pastor said the fig tree was physical Israel, and the olive tree was spiritual Israel.

He then said the fig tree was cut down, and then and now the gentiles are grafted into the olive tree with the believing Jews to form ONE spiritual kingdom.

If the fig tree was cut down as per Luke 13, then where does it say that it will be alive again?

Im not an expert on trees, but I think some trees can grow back after they are chopped down, and some die when chopped down.

Since MAD believes the kingdom will be restored after the trib, how does that relate to the Luke 13 parable?
Interesting take from the preacher. Did he demonstrate from scripture why he thought that?

Here are some reasons why I believe God will still, in spite of "cutting down the tree", restore the kingdom one day:
  • Revelation 20-22 describe that future kingdom, so we know it will be restored
  • Romans 11:12 speaks of their fulness one day, despite their present failure
  • Romans 11:15 speaks of their future acceptance, despite their present casting away
  • Romans 11:25 says that blindness has happened to Israel in part until the fulness of hte Gentiles has come in
  • Romans 11:29 says that the gifts and the calling are irrevocable
  • The promise of the land was made to Abraham (first) and is, therefore, unconditional since he is long dead and cannot do anything to undo that promise
  • The promise of the kingdom was to David (first) and is therefore unconditional since he cannot do anything to undo it
  • The circumcision epistles still speak of that future day of the fulfillment of the promise to Israel
Those are just off the top of my head. These also relate to the Luke 13 parable in that with the promises being ultimately irrevocable, then the cutting of foretold in Luke 13 cannot be everlasting.

Thanks, my friend, for the questions.

Thanks, John, for weighing in on it. STP has a good take on the subject, too. He's detailed it out in several other posts.

Y'all be good now, ya hear!


Pam Baldwin

New member
The Olive Tree

Hey, I know that I'm just "jumping in" without having read the whole thread.....and again, I apologize if this was already posted. (and ask to point me to those posts!)

An olive tree is made up of the root and the branches. It has no "trunk" as we think of a trunk. Each branch goes directly into root, they intertwine to make up a "trunk".

The root is Christ (holy) Rom 11:16. Israel (each elect one ) is grafted into the root. Upon their rejection (as a nation) of their Messiah, that tree was dismantled. The branches were removed from the root. Only the root is left, and so we see the Body being grafted into the Body-Christ.

After the Rapture, the root is left and Israel is grafted back into that root.

Pam :upright:

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
The Olive Tree

Hey, I know that I'm just "jumping in" without having read the whole thread.....and again, I apologize if this was already posted. (and ask to point me to those posts!)

An olive tree is made up of the root and the branches. It has no "trunk" as we think of a trunk. Each branch goes directly into root, they intertwine to make up a "trunk".

The root is Christ (holy) Rom 11:16. Israel (each elect one ) is grafted into the root. Upon their rejection (as a nation) of their Messiah, that tree was dismantled. The branches were removed from the root. Only the root is left, and so we see the Body being grafted into the Body-Christ.

After the Rapture, the root is left and Israel is grafted back into that root.

Pam :upright:
The only thing I would say is that Christ is the vine-the whole thing-Isreal is the root, we [the church, whether Jew or Gentile] are the branches.
If the rapture is the ushering in of the millennium reign and not the end of the world as is supposed, then heaven and earth are united in Him, it will not matter if as a Jew you reign on earth or as the church you reign in heaven since they are now made one.
" the fulness of time to unite all things in Him, whether they be things in heaven or things on earth."

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
Hi cm:

Heard a sermon the other day about the fig three and the olive tree.

The pastor said the fig tree was physical Israel, and the olive tree was spiritual Israel.

He then said the fig tree was cut down, and then and now the gentiles are grafted into the olive tree with the believing Jews to form ONE spiritual kingdom.

If the fig tree was cut down as per Luke 13, then where does it say that it will be alive again?

Im not an expert on trees, but I think some trees can grow back after they are chopped down, and some die when chopped down.

Since MAD believes the kingdom will be restored after the trib, how does that relate to the Luke 13 parable?
I would say that Christ is the VINE we [the church, Jew or Gentile] are the branches Isreal, the nation is the root.
The FIG tree as I have always understood, correct me if I'm wrong, is the law, Jesus cursed the fig tree because it gave a great show but bore no fruit, and he said "let no man eat fruit from you again" I believe it is a mistake to believe that the law will ever be re-instated [at least by God] the millennium age is the gospel in full triumph reign it is the kingdom of God on earth which we are taught to pray "Thy kingdom come Thy will be done" it is the kingdom that Jesus came announcing.
After the rapture the church will reign with Him in heaven and Isreal on earth, but since heaven and earth will be one what will be the difference?

Totton Linnet

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don't you think this applies to faith vs. good works?
If you mean that those who dismiss the epistle of James as not being an epistle of Christ's gospel to Jew and Gentile alike I absolute agree with you that such people are foolish, and more foolish than they know. James does not set faith in opposition to works he says that true faith [if it is true faith] will produce works. :) been waiting to say that awhile.


Well-known member
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If you mean that those who dismiss the epistle of James as not being an epistle of Christ's gospel to Jew and Gentile alike I absolute agree with you that such people are foolish, and more foolish than they know. James does not set faith in opposition to works he says that true faith [if it is true faith] will produce works. :) been waiting to say that awhile.

and I have been waiting for you to say that

Pam Baldwin

New member
Hi Totton Linnet

I would say that Christ is the VINE we [the church, Jew or Gentile] are the branches Isreal, the nation is the root.

Yes, Christ is the vine, He's also the Door, the Light, The Way, The Lamb....
But Rom 11 we are talking about the olive tree.

Israel is the branches. The root is holy. You say the "nation" is the are you saying that the root and the branches are two different entities? Who exactly do you mean is the "nation"? I thought that that was Israel.

Can you clarify?

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
Hi Totton Linnet

Yes, Christ is the vine, He's also the Door, the Light, The Way, The Lamb....
But Rom 11 we are talking about the olive tree.

Israel is the branches. The root is holy. You say the "nation" is the are you saying that the root and the branches are two different entities? Who exactly do you mean is the "nation"? I thought that that was Israel.

Can you clarify?
The olive tree I have always understood as the kingdom of God, Isreal as the branch at the present time is grafted out but will be grafted back in the millenium, Paul teaches that the branches [presently the church, Jew and Gentile] are by no means independent of the root, the root supports the branches, I suppose it is more accurate to say that the remnant of Isreal is the root, that is the apostles and the apostolic church.
The millennium IS the kingdom of God, whether fortold in the prophets, announced by Jesus, established by the apostles and to become fully manifest upon Christ's [He is the King of the kingdom] return, the church will be raptured to reign with Him in heaven and Isreal will be born again at a stroke, as it is written "a nation shall be born again in one day" they will reign on earth, but during that thousand year reign heaven and earth will be one. First comes the rebellion, Antichrist and the great persecution or tribulation.

Pam Baldwin

New member
The olive tree I have always understood as the kingdom of God, Isreal as the branch at the present time is grafted out but will be grafted back in the millenium, Paul teaches that the branches [presently the church, Jew and Gentile] are by no means independent of the root, the root supports the branches, I suppose it is more accurate to say that the remnant of Isreal is the root, that is the apostles and the apostolic church.

Thanks Totton Linnet.

I agree that Israel was grafted out during the Body age, and will be grafted back into the root in the Millenium.

But when you say that the root is the remnant, then in essence, God really didn't graft anyone out, right?:think: It's still the same tree....only with a few more branches. Am I understanding you right?

And anyways, we get our life from Christ...we are "in Christ".

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
Thanks Totton Linnet.

I agree that Israel was grafted out during the Body age, and will be grafted back into the root in the Millenium.

But when you say that the root is the remnant, then in essence, God really didn't graft anyone out, right?:think: It's still the same tree....only with a few more branches. Am I understanding you right?

And anyways, we get our life from Christ...we are "in Christ".

To say yes [which I do actually believe] is to invite trouble but if we say all Isreal is saved, how all encompassing is the word "all " here Paul seems to teach all Isreal will be saved but then says but not all Jews are the seed of Abraham.
The 11th chapter of Romans is one of the deepest passages of scripture in the bible, Paul makes it clear that the hardening has come upon Isreal for the sole purpose of bringing the Gentiles in, until the full number are brought in. It closes with this...
As regards the gospel they are enemies of God for your sake but as regards election the are beloved for the sake of their forefathers for the gifts and the call of God a irrevocable just as you were once disobedient to God but now have recieved mercy because of their disobedience, so now they have been disobedient in order that by the mercy shown to you they may also recieve mercy. For God has consigned ALL MEN to disobedience that He may have mercy on ALL. I am no universalist, not at all, but I see a much wider mercy than is generally supposed.
It is safe to say ALL the elect.
Grafted out of the olive=grafted out the kingdom i.e. it's blessings
The Kingdom of God is the manifestation of the fruits of righteousness, the blesssings of righteousness. That's what Isreal has at the present been grafted out of, not neccesarily salvation. [that's got you pondering :)]