
If you actually did, you'd see the difference between Paul's
and Peters messages.

Peter---Kingdom Message----Faith and works!
Paul----Grace Message-------Faith alone without works!

Peter preached to Jews and Gentiles, as did Paul. Jews and Gentiles are saved the same way, by grace through faith.


Revelation 20:13 "And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works."

You can stay with Revelation if that is your intention.

What about Romans 14:10 and 2 Corinthians 5:10? Believers, or every one, is judged according to their works.


Galatians 2:7 "But contrariwise, when they saw that the gospel of the
uncircumcision was committed unto me, as the gospel of the circumcision
was unto Peter;"

If there weren't two different messages, why split up? However, there
was a difference between the gentile message and the House of Israel
message. The gentiles were never under the law. Paul preached, Grace
through faith without works to the gentiles. The Kingdom Message
preached to the Jews, was faith plus works.

Today, the message is, faith without works for Jew and gentile alike.

From the verse is the gospel the same for Jew and Gentile?

There may be a difference between what the verse is saying and what the gospel is.

Other than this you likely have looked at the verse in other translations.


Now you're derailing this thread. This thread deals with the judgment.
I'll not speak to you anymore about any other subject than the one this
thread was created. Try and be civil?

This is simply a matter of misunderstanding each other. I have addressed the subject the best I can according to what you have allowed. I do believe I understand what you have said, such that my responses have been appropriate, though many. Shalom.


Well-known member
This is simply a matter of misunderstanding each other. I have addressed the subject the best I can according to what you have allowed. I do believe I understand what you have said, such that my responses have been appropriate, though many. Shalom.

Untel, you have a bunch of threads already, but you felt you could take over this one, too. That's ridiculous. Your "innocent" act is getting quite tiring. I'm not buying it.

You have been searching for what can never be found through googling Jewish sites. You've decided you're some "new creation" called a Jewish/Christian, and you've taken up bits and pieces of both. Sadly, Untel, you're more confused than ever, and you need to keep from disrupting threads like this one as you wander around like the lost soul you clearly are.