A god that wants people to sing joyfully to it while other people burn in agony for eternity is a demon that does not know the first thing about compassion or morality.
Ro 5:8 :blabla:
A god that wants people to sing joyfully to it while other people burn in agony for eternity is a demon that does not know the first thing about compassion or morality.
Torture is absolutely wrong, and supporting anyone who advocates it is vile. That holds true, even if an powerful creator advocates torture.
The wicked will end up in hell, why should they not?
These people are not concerned with your immortal soul or your self-esteem for the evening. They are concerned with preserving their world view...
See how Uber wants to vent his spleen, he cries for justice....then slam-bams God for being angry at sin all the day long.
I doesn't even begin to sound right to me. God is love and that means God does not coerce us with threats of terrible punishments. I believe in universal salvation and I do not think that is cheap grace, either.
No, what you need to do is come up with a different model of God...
For everyone who is concerned about my eternal soul
[God-haters rightly go to hell (Ps 89:14). :burnlib:] I doesn't even begin to sound right to me. God is love and that means God does not coerce us with threats of terrible punishments.
...God dos not threaten us or coerce us with horrible punishments.
I heartedly agree, Tim. God is a loving God; and when you love others, you do not seek to coerce them...
I'm not concerned for your soul, it's your baby.
I heartedly agree, Tim. God is a loving God; and when you love others, you do not seek to coerce them with threats of terrible punishments.
Your version of god is unjust.
You act as if God can just do anything at all and remain a just and righteous (same thing) God. He can't.
God created mankind perfect and we rebelled. That rebellion was against the God of Life. God is Life. When we rebelled we rebelled against Life. What other consequence can their be other than death?
God is not the God of death! But if He embraced those who rejected Life, that's exactly what He'd become. He would become His opposite. Love would become Hate, Righteousness would become Evil, Justice would become Corruption, Heaven would become Hell.
Besides, if the Bible doesn't teach that people are sent to Hell, it doesn't teach anything. Are you going to stand there on judgement day and educate God about what is and isn't loving? Is that going to be your defense? Who are you to judge God?