ECT For everyone that says "I obey Jesus."


New member
So you accuse Paul of lying when he speaks of MY GOSPEL. :nono:
She is most likely trying to say that you do not understand something, not that St. Paul is lying; given the level of belief she has in the written word, or at least the bible.

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New member
Evasion-non responsive.

So, you agree, that not all that "Jesus" commands, not all of his orders, are directed to everyone, and are to be obeyed?

Yes, or no.

No, you have not. Answer-go on record, for all of TOL to witness-you've been asked over 100 times, by myself/others:

So, you agree, that not all that "Jesus" commands, not all of his orders, are directed to everyone, and are to be obeyed?
Which things are you thinking we aren't to heed exactly?

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New member
More evasion, from the moron/troll. Answer TOL:

So, you agree, that not all that "Jesus" commands, not all of his orders, are directed to everyone, and are to be obeyed?

Yes, or no.
You are so very obviously lost in the wilderness.

None of GOD would provoke in such a way and damn themselves in such a way.

Might we all be guided to our undeserved home by the grace of GOD.

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New member
No, you did not, and no, Judas did not, demon. Your satanic assertions of just one piece of good news is from the pits of hell, your future vacation dwelling.

Your "you to understand that there is only one piece of good news"=

No scripture testifies to that satanic assertion, demon-you made it up, and are such a biblical buffoon, you don't even know what the term "gospel" means.

Why you're at it, clown-tell us when the Old Covenant began. I asked you that 2 weeks ago, and you gave a clown act "answer," as if you had just drank a quart of Jim Beam.

You're the TOL troll/moron-even you know it.

Shut your demonic mouth, Moron/troll of TOL.
Where is this great mod.

This isn't theology but unrelenting and unwarranted attack and defamation of character.

Very profitable conversation round these parts.

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New member
Hi and you have LEFT all the meat on the table !

What you have left is why rhere are 2 gospels in Gal 2:7 !!

#1 , One is called GOSPEL of THE UN-CIRCUMCISION given to Paul !!

#2 , The other is just called THE CIRCUMCISION given to Peter !!

The Greek ARTICLE " THE " points to a SPECIFIC thing and notice that the text does NOT called Peters message gospel , because Peters Gospel of the CIRCUMCISION has already been superceded by Paul's Gospel !!

dan p
Dan p.

I almost mistaked you for John w.

You should change your avatar as to not be associated with one as that.

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New member
The 12 tribes were spread to other nations many times. God always brings them home.

Matt 24:31 (AKJV/PCE)
(24:31) And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.

CONTEXT: Believing Israel.

God separated them for His own purposes.
Nothing new under the sun

Their tongues were divided that they couldn't understand one another. That time is past.

Israel is metaphorical for GOD'S people.

Every one is GOD'S people.

As is creation that of GOD'S.

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New member
Made up nonsense.

So to you Israel is not GOD'S people.....and Jacob? Who is that?

(I wonder if Jacob will get a notification that I mentioned him?( The dude that is a self proclaimed Jew) not GOD'S people as a whole.)

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God's Truth

New member
God doesn't care anymore who are blood related to Abraham. God cares only about those blood related to His Son Jesus.

John 1:13 children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of God.

God's Truth

New member
So "blood related" has some other meaning to you than it does to everyone else.

You just keep making up whatever nonsense pops into your head....the scripture you proffered didn't support that claim of yours.

Why am I not surprised? :kookoo:

God promised that the Savior would come from a blood relative of Abraham.

Jesus already came.


New member
Zoom....right over Pop's head.

Best get yourself an eye exam, Pops.
Oh....please do explain then.

How are Israel and Jacob not references to GOD'S people?

How are all people, who were created by GOD, not GOD'S people please?

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Gold Subscriber
Oh....please do explain then.

How are Israel and Jacob not references to GOD'S people?

How are all people, who were created by GOD, not GOD'S people please?

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Perhaps you should be more careful in your reading. Steko wasn't saying that Israel is not God's people. He was saying that they are not a metaphor for God's people.

All Israel are God's people. But not all people are Israel.