ECT For everyone that says "I obey Jesus."

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Judas did preach the one and only gospel and good news.
No, he did not, demon. Your satanic assertions of just one piece of good news ise from the pits of hell, your future vacation dwelling.

you to understand though that there is only one gospel .
=you to understand that there is only one piece of good news=

No scripture testifies to that satanic assertion, demon-you made it up, and are such a biblical buffoon, you don't even know what the term "gospel" means.

Why you're at it, clown-tell us when the Old Covenant began. I asked you that 2 weeks ago, and you gave a clown act "answer," as if you had just drank a quart of Jim Beam.

You're the TOL troll/moron-even you know it.

God's Truth

New member
No, he did not, demon. Your satanic assertions of just one piece of good news ise from the pits of hell, your future vacation dwelling.

=you to understand that there is only one piece of good news=

No scripture testifies to that satanic assertion, demon-you made it up, and are such a biblical buffoon, you don't even know what the term "gospel" means.

Why you're at it, clown-tell us when the Old Covenant began. I asked you that 2 weeks ago, and you gave a clown act "answer," as if you had just drank a quart of Jim Beam.

You're the TOL troll/moron-even you know it.

I gave you many scriptures proving it.

You though don't want to give up your false doctrines, and you want to stay as you are.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I gave you many scriptures proving it.

No, you did not, and no, Judas did not, demon. Your satanic assertions of just one piece of good news is from the pits of hell, your future vacation dwelling.

Your "you to understand that there is only one piece of good news"=

No scripture testifies to that satanic assertion, demon-you made it up, and are such a biblical buffoon, you don't even know what the term "gospel" means.

Why you're at it, clown-tell us when the Old Covenant began. I asked you that 2 weeks ago, and you gave a clown act "answer," as if you had just drank a quart of Jim Beam.

You're the TOL troll/moron-even you know it.

You though don't want to give up your false doctrines, and you want to stay as you are.

Shut your demonic mouth, Moron/troll of TOL.


New member
Always referring to doctrine for the 12 tribes... shame on you.

P.S. Paul is NOT talking about losing his salvation as you FALSELY claim.
What is a shame is that you seem to wholly disregard the fact that the Jew was spread to every nation, as was the Gospel.

The twelve tribes of Israel represent the whole of humanity.

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Well-known member
One was to go to the Jew and the other was to go to the heathen

Try next time.

Report me if you are that offended by scripture.

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Hi and you have LEFT all the meat on the table !

What you have left is why rhere are 2 gospels in Gal 2:7 !!

#1 , One is called GOSPEL of THE UN-CIRCUMCISION given to Paul !!

#2 , The other is just called THE CIRCUMCISION given to Peter !!

The Greek ARTICLE " THE " points to a SPECIFIC thing and notice that the text does NOT called Peters message gospel , because Peters Gospel of the CIRCUMCISION has already been superceded by Paul's Gospel !!

dan p

john w

New member
Hall of Fame


Hi and commandments are the 613 Law that Israel had to obey !!

God has over 377 commands for the Body of Christ !!

dan p

Isn' this Jesus' thread?

So it is obvious he is talking about Jesus' commands or commandments. Commands is short for ommandments.


Well-known member
Isn' this Jesus' thread?

So it is obvious he is talking about Jesus' commands or commandments. Commands is short for ommandments.

Hi and the Commandments were for Israel BUT THE RISEN CHRIST is the one that gave Paul , the message and the commands for the Body of Christ !!

Here are some , in Rom 6:13 , 2 Tim 2:15 , Rom 12:2 , 1 Cor 5:7 and many more !!

dan p


Hi and the Commandments were for Israel BUT THE RISEN CHRIST is the one that gave Paul , the message and the commands for the Body of Christ !!

Here are some , in Rom 6:13 , 2 Tim 2:15 , Rom 12:2 , 1 Cor 5:7 and many more !!

dan p

That does not change the fact this thread is Jesus' commands.

Right Divider

Body part
What is a shame is that you seem to wholly disregard the fact that the Jew was spread to every nation, as was the Gospel.
The 12 tribes were spread to other nations many times. God always brings them home.

Matt 24:31 (AKJV/PCE)
(24:31) And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.

CONTEXT: Believing Israel.

The twelve tribes of Israel represent the whole of humanity.
God separated them for His own purposes.

God's Truth

New member
The 12 tribes were spread to other nations many times. God always brings them home.

Matt 24:31 (AKJV/PCE)
(24:31) And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.

CONTEXT: Believing Israel.

God separated them for His own purposes.

I gave you scriptures proving it is only one gospel.


New member
Hi and you have LEFT all the meat on the table !

What you have left is why rhere are 2 gospels in Gal 2:7 !!

#1 , One is called GOSPEL of THE UN-CIRCUMCISION given to Paul !!

#2 , The other is just called THE CIRCUMCISION given to Peter !!

The Greek ARTICLE " THE " points to a SPECIFIC thing and notice that the text does NOT called Peters message gospel , because Peters Gospel of the CIRCUMCISION has already been superceded by Paul's Gospel !!

dan p
How silly....
That's because one of the people was not circumcised, and the other people were supposedly circumcised.

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New member
Judas never preached the gospel/good news of 1 Cor. 15:1-4 KJV, i.e., "Christ died for your sins....was raised again for your justification...Believe this good news/gospel to be saved!!!!," you demon-that is satanic. He preached the gospel/good news of the kingdom, which is not the good news/gospel of 1 Cor. 15:1-4 KJV, devil child.
With all that damnation to hell and accusations of one being Satan himself makes it a little hard to get your point. Could you reword it for us dumb folk?

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