I believe Paul was talking about water baptism when he said we are buried with Him in baptism wherein ye are also raised with Him through faith of the operation of God who hath raised Him from the dead
I believe Paul was talking about water baptism when he said we are buried with Him in baptism wherein ye are also raised with Him through faith of the operation of God who hath raised Him from the dead
Baptism basically means when something is placed into or intimately identified with something else, to the point they are now inseparable. Believers are spiritually baptized (identified with) Christ when they are placed into/identified with Him in His DEATH (Rom 6:3). It was not a symbol or a picture -- that identification with Him in His death IS COUNTED BY GOD AS REAL. No water is required for that, nor was any Jewish water rite in the OT or the NT so identified as a likeness His death.
It is as Nang says a testimony
Its an outward sign of an inward act,
Is it possible to be saved of course, is advisable and good doctrine no.
Like what...magic gold fillings at Charismatic revivals? Holy Ghost drunkenness? What?
It's to do with public confession of Christ. Jesus said, "he who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned."
Someone who believes, will want to be seen to be surrendering their life to Christ in front of witnesses (1Tim 6:12).
A question for those who do not believe water baptism has anything to do with salvation but is a practice that (for whatever reason) should be followed by every believer.
If someone professes faith in Christ's death, burial and resurrection for his/her sin and justification, but for some reason that person does not want to submit to water baptism, is he/she sinning? Or is it a matter on which saved people are at liberty to disagree according to their consciences and readings of Scripture?
If you believe water baptism is some means of grace or otherwise necessary to salvation, please exercise self-control and do not answer; the question is not for you.
Invalid question.
Baptism does not regenerate souls, so not being baptized has nothing to do with not being raised to new spiritual life.
Should regenerated believers be baptized to witness to God's grace and bring glory to His name? Yes.
Why do you need me to tell you again?
Jesus instructs to do something. It is down to you to choose to do it or not.
If He was even speaking to or about you, sure.
No one was buried in water, though.
That is extrabiblical human tradition. The water baptisms submitted to during the Gospels and Acts, as practiced in the Bible, are nowhere said to be symbolic of anything.
Inadvisable, why? What's the risk?
If He was even speaking to or about you, sure.
Mads do not have the words of Jesus abiding in them. If they did they would do what he said.
I believe Paul was talking about water baptism when he said we are buried with Him in baptism wherein ye are also raised with Him through faith of the operation of God who hath raised Him from the dead