Literal lunatic
Why do you do this?
I asked you a simple question if you believe NASA is part of conspiracy, and pj believes it is.
Would you believe me just because I say it is?
Why do you do this?
I asked you a simple question if you believe NASA is part of conspiracy, and pj believes it is.
Would you believe me just because I say it is?
Nope, I was going to comment how illogical it is to believe that NASA is a part of conspiracy without searching.
Now look at Sherman's post and tell me where Kansas City is, knowing before hand that it is north of St. Louis and south of Omaha.
I don't know what that picture trying to prove either way.
And I am not interested.
My point is that many NASA workers are rocket scientist, Do you believe they waste their skills and knowledge for silly conspiracy?
Conspiracies happen all the time.Conspiracy theories are for the naive.
Conspiracies happen all the time.
There was a conspiracy involved in the murder of Christ.
:thumb: Totally agree!Those are actual conspiracies recorded in history, not the bone headed conspiracy theories flying around today.
I'm becoming more and more convinced that the primary promoters of FE know darn well it's not true, but like to deceive gullible people and see how far they can go with that.FE is promoted today, partly to give some of those conspiracy theories legs to stand on.
I think that is a large part of the motivation.I'm becoming more and more convinced that the primary promoters of FE know darn well it's not true, but like to deceive gullible people and see how far they can go with that.
:thumb: Totally agree!
I'm becoming more and more convinced that the primary promoters of FE know darn well it's not true, but like to deceive gullible people and see how far they can go with that.
I think that is a large part of the motivation.
Bingo! Conspiracy theories are the fodder of the gullible.
Could be.I also believe this theory was promoted to discredit Christians. It's very much like that 'Uganda Knuckles' meme character out there. It was created and pushed by trolls.
:thumb: Totally agree!
I'm becoming more and more convinced that the primary promoters of FE know darn well it's not true, but like to deceive gullible people and see how far they can go with that.
So.... it must have been flat earther's that posted the really purdy fake CGI just to make nasa look bad?
I am amazed at the sheer amount of history and science that flat earths must ignore or declare false to have any chance at supporting their theory. It is equally amazing how they are not bothered by that. Once you start to declare parts of history as faked, how an you possibly determine if ANY history is accurate or not?
Good point , so who really has to deny history to keep the 24,000 mile ball?
No, it is the flat earthers that assert such foolishness without any proof at all.