Flat earth proven false


New member
Considering that "conspiracy" means "a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful," and the Biblical flood story is just a simple recording of history, you are wrong in calling it a conspiracy.

Could you please retract your false accusation against the Biblical Flood and the Bible?
Whoever wrote down the flood myth may have been recording what he thought was a factual account of history, or he may have thought it was important politically. But those who promote such a story today are as far off reality as the flat earthers are. The flood myth just sounds more plausible, but the list of facts that disprove it could be easily made as long as the flat earth list.

Just ask Stripe or 6days why people deny the Jewish flood story. You know already who they will blame, don't you. That's a conspiracy to them. But what do you call it when the flood and other articles of Israeli justification, like the exodus, aren't true but have rich backers promoting them on TV for political reasons? When the outcome is the kind of tensions that might kick off their prized armageddon, it is certainly a harmful conspiracy.

I guess it gets difficult when trying to determine who has secret agendas for benefiting themselves and who is just plain gullible.



Well-known member
Wow,this must be just a poor mans thing in that no one had enough finances to get on a jet and fly around the world? lol,it's 2018 and the rest of us have done it and know it's round...rotfl,