Flat earth proven false


New member
It is impossible, using scripture alone, to come to the conclusion that we are on a ball, spinning wildly, among billions of other universes.

It is possible, however, taking scripture literally, to come to a FE conclusion.

The same old, same old mantra of yours that IP was ever on you about, finally catches up to you.


Your same old endlessly repeated few words from you, no actually fully laid out Scripture as a solid evidence that what you assert is sound, throw in a mocking chuckle or two, and you have proven your case - in your mind, at least.



Seriously, STP - you have not proven your case one way or the other - at least others are actually attempting to prove theirs.

Rom. 14:5; in memory of Rom. 5:6-8 - in each our stead.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
The same old, same old mantra of yours that IP was ever on you about, finally catches up to you.


Your same old endlessly repeated few words from you, no actually fully laid out Scripture as a solid evidence that what you assert is sound, throw in a mocking chuckle or two, and you have proven your case - in your mind, at least.



Seriously, STP - you have not proven your case one way or the other - at least others are actually attempting to prove theirs.

Rom. 14:5; in memory of Rom. 5:6-8 - in each our stead.


Thanks for chiming in!


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Show me the verses that lead you to a spinning ball in an ever expanding universe...thanks
Please stop including "expanding universe" and other materialist theories as de facto components of the globe earth. The globe earth DOES NOT rely on secular theories of origins.


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Rent a balloon and go up as high as you can go. Tell us what your eyes see.
The horizon should not meet your eye level if you are high enough, and if you are on a ball.

We will take your word for what you witness. Maybe we can put together a TOL fund to finance your trip? :D
Why don't you do it yourself? You're the one (along with PJ, Dave, etc) that needs convincing that the earth isn't flat.


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Have you researched how the Globe idea came about? Who the players were? The groups they were a part of? The events leading up to the formation of NASA? These things are important in showing the motive to lie.

On the contrary, when you stand in your backyard and look up into the sky, you must deny reality to believe that you are spinning very fast and flying through space. What your common sense tell you does not match what they tell you. But you believe them anyway...

It's similar to believing in transubstantiation...you have to take someone's word for it despite what you personally experience.

Fast relative to what? When I look up at the sky, I see that the very large spherical earth rotates at a rate of once per day, revolves around the sun once per year, that the moon revolves around the earth about once per month, that the planets (which topic we still haven't gotten to yet) revolve around the Sun in their own time. Fast? Sure, but when you consider how large the earth is, that level of "fast" seems relatively frozen in relation to other things.

Your main problem is that you don't seem to be able to even begin to comprehend the scale of everything.

In this video, Bob presents a simulation made by people who have mapped out billions of galaxies, and he does it from a Creationist worldview. I strongly encourage you (even if PJ and Dave don't) to watch it.



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Only 3 minutes
Why don't you take a balloon ride yourself, and record video of you doing it, instead of presenting other people's videos to support your position.

If you can do that, I will watch the video you make of the trip. I'm not going to waste my time on nonsense.


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Only 3 minutes

Also, just looking at the thumbnail of the video shown on TOL, I can clearly see that the horizon in the thumbnail is clearly curved. Don't believe me, take a ruler, put it up against your screen where the horizon is, and see how "flat" it is. :mock:

Right Divider

Body part
Have you researched how the Globe idea came about? Who the players were? The groups they were a part of? The events leading up to the formation of NASA? These things are important in showing the motive to lie.

On the contrary, when you stand in your backyard and look up into the sky, you must deny reality to believe that you are spinning very fast and flying through space. What your common sense tell you does not match what they tell you. But you believe them anyway...

It's similar to believing in transubstantiation...you have to take someone's word for it despite what you personally experience.
Why do you consider ONE REVOLUTION PER DAY to be "very fast"?
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Ok earth is flat..now what? Thanks for this worthless piece of information guys.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Nathon Detroit

Rent a balloon and go up as high as you can go. Tell us what your eyes see.
The horizon should not meet your eye level if you are high enough, and if you are on a ball.

We will take your word for what you witness. Maybe we can put together a TOL fund to finance your trip? :D
I'm not the one making the claim the earth is flat. Why don't YOU take a ballon ride and tell me what you see?


Well-known member
During a lunar eclipse, the earth casts a curved shadow on the moon. In fact in a total lunar eclipse, the shadow of the earth precisely covers the whole moon exactly, and the moon is spherical.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
During a lunar eclipse, the earth casts a curved shadow on the moon. In fact in a total lunar eclipse, the shadow of the earth precisely covers the whole moon exactly, and the moon is spherical.
