Fiona Hill: "The president was trying to stage a coup"


Well-known member
Then why say " It isn't partisan to expect SC justices to recuse themselves from cases whenever their impartiality might reasonably be questioned. Federal law requires exactly that of federal judges. The SC should be no different. "? You invoked the entire Court. So apparently you didn't get your own memo.


Why would I think or suspect that he is corrupt, apart from general paranoia? or racism?

Because his wife has an opinion? Don't you have those? You just displayed one above. Should we think that people associated with you are corrupt because you have opinions? Is this how you see people generally, as all potentially corrupt? Corrupt until proven otherwise?

He did nothing that is even circumstantial let alone a smoking gun to indicate he's corrupt.

Because . . . you don't understand a thing about judicial philosophy, apparently. My answer would go over your head, again. Democrat cheerleader, pretending to be impartial, unbiased and above the fray but you're not.
Democrats demand republican or conservative judges refuse themselves but they rarely ever recuse themselves.

The lawsuit will be heard by U.S. District Court Judge Donald Middlebrooks, who was appointed by former President Bill Clinton. In 2015, Middlebrooks threw out a civil racketeering suit filed against Hillary Clinton that claimed she had used her private email server and position as secretary of state to promise changes in U.S. foreign policy in exchange for speaking fees and donations to the Clinton Foundation.

Trump accused this judge of having a "conflict of interest" and said he should recuse himself from the lawsuit.


Well-known member
His sole vote of dissent on the issue of releasing January 6th records that would include his wife's texts mean nothing to you?
The fact that the democrat inquisitors were seeking his wife's private info as well does not mean he is wrong to object to unconstitutional witchhunt violations of personal rights and freedom.


Well-known member
Meanwhile, the Russians want the US to remove Biden from office and put their "partner" Trump back in the presidency.

In other news, @marke just filed for Russian citizenship.
Who keeps telling you what the Russians supposedly want and why are you listening to that unverifiable leftist conspiracy theory nonsense?


Well-known member
The fact that the democrat inquisitors were seeking his wife's private info as well does not mean he is wrong to object to unconstitutional witchhunt violations of personal rights and freedom.
A judge is supposed to be a neutral arbiter of the law. Judges are largely supposed to police themselves. Failure to recuse oneself in a matter where personal interests or the interests of a spouse is at issue will be an ethics violation warranting discipline.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Meanwhile, the Russians want the US to remove Biden from office
What I find remarkable about the controversy with President Biden saying Putin the Moron should be removed from power is that the president weeks ago called the moron a, and I quote, "tyrant".

No news. No headlines. No controversy.

What's the difference? What "tyrant" shouldn't be removed from power?


Well-known member
Because whenever there's an 8-to-1 vote, the one must be corrupt?
Nope. You purposely miss the point. His wife's texts were among the documents he was deciding on. Capeeeeesh? Being the only one to rule the way he did under these circumstances is suspicious, wouldn't you say? Judges are ethically bound to avoid even the appearance of impropriety.

What planet do you live on?
What dimension are you from?


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
I admit the truth even when its is a tangent sometimes. In the case of Justice Thomas, his vote on that issue was inappropriate. And, no concurrence by other justices makes it glaringly obvious. On any lessor court, he would be reprimanded by the bar without question.
And that's part of this issue, is that the Supreme Court justices sit like kings and queens in some ways, they are according to our constitution possessed of great power, they are in many ways our peak legislators, but our Congress has the power to remove corrupt justices and no (serious) mention of impeachment means there's no story here at all.


Well-known member
A judge is supposed to be a neutral arbiter of the law. Judges are largely supposed to police themselves. Failure to recuse oneself in a matter where personal interests or the interests of a spouse is at issue will be an ethics violation warranting discipline.
You are right to wish judges were neutral but you are wrong if you think they are. Democrats do not appoint judges who are neutral on abortion, for example, but they appoint judges whose biased minds are completely hardened against giving babies in the womb any mercy from adults who want them dead. Judge Rudolph Contreras, an Obama appointee, oversaw the General Flynn case until after the democrat attack prosecutors obtained a guilty plea and then Judge Contreras recused himself and the case was given to a Clinton appointee who proved he was willingn to ignore the law, refuse to abide by court orders, and refuse to allow the case to be resolved until he could no longer hold ouit against the pressure against him for his foolish hatred and persecution of Flynn, an innocent victim of the democrat gestapo.

Why did Judge Contreras recuse himself after the Flynn case and not before? Strangely, he refused to say, which was in itself a violation of common practice. As it turns out, however, the mysterious leftist judge appointed by Obama may have also been the crooked judge who approved the illegal FISA applications submitted by Obama officials in the Justice Department. The more we learn about Justice officials under Obama the more we see how corrupt they all seemed to be collectively and in lock-step with their fascist, worse than Watergate, Spygate-in-chief, BO Obama.

Judge Rudolph Contreras recused himself from the case surrounding Michael Flynn, and people are wondering why. There’s one very distinct possibility.

Judge Rudolph Contreras is one of a very small group of FISA Court Judges. –LINK
My instincts tell me that Judge Contreras was most likely the judge who signed off on the FISA warrant that led to the surveillance of Donald Trump’s campaign officials, that included National Security Advisor General Michael Flynn.
Those FBI FISA warrants are now coming under scrutiny.
It would be EXPLOSIVE if it turned out that the FISA warrants were gained by deception, misleading information, manipulated information, or fraud…. and that warrant led to the wiretapping and surveillance of General Michael Flynn was authorized by Contreras…. who would now be the judge in Flynn’s case.
Yes, the conflict of interest would be beyond stunning.
Oh, like I keep sayin’….
Stay tuned!


Well-known member
Nope. You purposely miss the point. His wife's texts were among the documents he was deciding on. Capeeeeesh? Being the only one to rule the way he did under these circumstances is suspicious, wouldn't you say? Judges are ethically bound to avoid even the appearance of impropriety.

What dimension are you from?
Democrats do not recuse themselves when ruling in cases in which they have a predisposition to bias or history of animosity towards a defendant. Obama appointee Judge Amy Berman Jackson refused to recuse herself from Roger Stone's appeal after presiding over the trial in which it was later discovered the jury forewoman had a history of virulent anti-Trump and anti-republican activism. Such undeclared bias on the part of the jury forewoman was grounds for a mistrial, but the case was decided by the corrupted jury before the facts about the crooked forewoman came out and Jackson refused to allow an appeal on that basis, itself a violation of law. Of course Jackson had no intention of allowing some other judge to handle the Roger Stone appeal because she had no guarantee another judge would be as hateful and partisan as she.

The federal judge who sentenced Roger Stone to prison last week issued a scathing opinion Sunday night denying his request that she recuse herself from ruling on his motion for a new trial.

Late Friday Stone’s defense team filed a motion requesting Judge Jackson recuse herself from ruling if he should receive a new trial because a juror allegedly hid her bias against Stone.
Moments before Judge Jackson handed down Stone’s sentence on Thursday afternoon, she praised jurors as serving “with integrity under difficult circumstances.”

Here is more about the corrupt judge that should be taken up by good lawmakers as grounds for her impeachment:

Judge Amy Berman Jackson is a Corrupt Mueller ‘Witch Hunter’ Coming for Roger Stone

The Ham Sandwich Mueller Criminal Complaint against Roger Stone.

Given to an Obama judge with Fast & Furious blood on her hands.

HUGE JUDGE JACKSON CONFLICT OF INTEREST Note: Her former law partners at Trout Cacheris, PLLC boast on their website that they have been permitted by Mueller to make appearances in the Mueller Witch Hunt, despite the fact that their partner Amy Berman Jackson is the judge in the case.