I thank God I can express opinions that correspond to God's opinions.Your *opinion* has been noted.
I thank God I can express opinions that correspond to God's opinions.Your *opinion* has been noted.
You kind of went off on a tangent that didn't answer the question.No, they do NOT have the consent of their VICTIMS.
But feel free to make more ridiculous comparisons.
Church members that counter God's decisions are not church members at all.It’s up to the church members to make that decision.
Every temptation demands a choice.Well of course they do. Violating another person and thieving are actions so it's entirely a choice when people do so. Any more stupid questions?
Yawn away although it's scripture you're yawning at.
Far right fundamentalism is not Christianity.
That's not a soundbite, it simply isn't.
It's also not an appeal to popularity either, it's simply stating fact.
It's not apathy to oppose that which you advocate so that's bemusing.
I'm against religious legalism in general
so it's somewhat baffling how you can confuse that with apathy.
Have I reduced you to nothing other than one facet? How so?
You don't agree else you'd recognize fact.
Oh, you made a conscious choice to be attracted to the opposite sex?
Yawn away again as much as you like, there's a difference and you should have been more than well aware of the fact.
It’s up to the church members to make that decision.
I have left churches based on their teachings as well as the quality of the leadership and congregation.
Outside of needing to create chaos, why attend a church that does not coincide with your personal, spiritual beliefs?
Well of course they do. Violating another person and thieving are actions so it's entirely a choice when people do so. Any more stupid questions?
I thank God I can express opinions that correspond to God's opinions.
You kind of went off on a tangent that didn't answer the question.
Just as thieves can say "NO" to temptation
so can those disposed to group masturbation say "NO" to their temptation.
Pedophiles often claim that their victim DID consentThe VICTIM did not consent.
Church members that counter God's decisions are not church members at all.
They are fools in league with the devil.
I'm not talking about victimhood.Not comparable. The victim is the person being ripped off. Their victim did not say “please come in and take my stuff!”
The VICTIM did not consent.
I probably would have left before the festering devilishness manifested itself overtly.That’s nice. So you in your awesome perfection would be on your way out … yes?
Can the attraction be refused as well? Heterosexuals can choose to be in a relationship, get married or stay single and celibate if they want. Homosexuals can do the same.Every temptation demands a choice.
To choose to succumb to the temptation to commit adultery with a member of one's own sex can be refused as well as any other temptation.
Of course it's not false, it's from the very passage of scripture you quoted from.False.
It's more Christian than the churchianity (hi @Right Divider!) that most people adhere to these days.
Saying it doesn't make it so.
Saying it doesn't make it so.
It's apathy to not care about whether someone is sinning.
Because you're not even talking about the same thing at this point.
Nobody's expecting or condoning you to have an affair or some such Hoping.I'm not talking about victimhood.
You inserted it into the discussion.
I am talking about being able to resist temptation.
If I can resist the temptation to commit adultery, so can they.
Of course it's not false, it's from the very passage of scripture you quoted from.
Pfffft, why, cos you say so?
Rhubarb and rhubarb (to return the silly nothing soundbites in kind).
It's pompous judgment to sit on some self constructed high horse and advocate that others be beholden to your religious ideals.
Not sure how you can consider my position to be 'good' considering your brand of legalism is what I oppose...
Still not getting how I've reduced you to one single facet either, are you solely defined by your religious beliefs?
When did you "choose" to find the opposite sex attractive?
Saying 'false' in the face of fact is silly,
just as it's silly to conflate prejudice with discrimination. The two are obviously often intertwined but they're not the same thing.
Um, ya, that passage of scripture you quoted is what I'm referring to. You can ignore the parts that apply to you if ya like but hey...False.
At least what I say makes sense.
Says the one sitting on the self-constructed high horse advocating that others be beholden to your religious ideals.
Quit judging, you hypocrite.
Maybe you should pay more attention then.
I'll let you figure that one out yourself.
Anytime I'm faced with their perversity. Which is increasingly more and more often these days.
What you say isn't fact.
Um, ya, that passage of scripture you quoted is what I'm referring to. You can ignore the parts that apply to you if ya like but hey...
Well yeah, it pretty much is cos you say so and like all manner of others who declare their 'Christianity' to be superior it can also be so easily discarded.
If what you say made sense you wouldn't have gone on to make the laughable claim that
I'm the one demanding that others be beholden to my religious ideals JR.
When have I advocated that people be subjugated to laws that do any such thing?
Oh, that's right, never.
C'mon man, get a grip.
Oh, your brand of legalism is hardly new so no need to 'pay more attention' thanks...
If you can't explain how I've reduced you to a single facet then hint - it's cos I haven't.
Um, so...in response to my question as to when you chose to find the opposite sex attractive you reply with this?
"Anytime I'm faced with their perversity. Which is increasingly more and more often these days."
How is that supposed to make any sort of sense?!
I'll take a shot and presume you mean perversity in regards to homosexuals
but even that doesn't make any sense.
You only became attracted to women after being faced with homosexuality? Best you explain this one really...
Where it comes to pointing out facts, it doesn't matter who says it.
Yawn away dude. Just know better than to conflate the two in future.
It's scripture, whatever your 'references' may happen to be. I'm using part of the same scripture myself.Not what I'm referring to. You'd think you'd have figured that out by now.
Says the one spouting off random words...
Every time you claim that homosexuals have a right to be perverse.
Is that you're best Biden impression? You need to do better than that if you want to make it to the finals!
Sorry to break it to you, but quoting scripture that supports what I believe isn't legalism.
You should take some time, ask God to give you understanding, and ponder it for a while. I'm sure it may take twice as long as most people, but you'll figure it out eventually.
What else would I be talking about?
You've gotten that far, now keep going.
Appeal to incredulity.
No, I think I'll let you stumble around in the dark for a bit. Maybe you'll find the light switch and turn it on, and maybe you won't.
Problem is, nothing you say is fact.
YAWN. You're so boring.
Attraction is simply temptation with an extra "A".Can the attraction be refused as well? Heterosexuals can choose to be in a relationship, get married or stay single and celibate if they want. Homosexuals can do the same.