False ‘Message Bible’ Creator Changes Mind on Homosexuality, Says He Would Officiate

patrick jane

Alabama Baptist Convention says it is ‘saddened’ the college ‘voted to affirm the recognition of a student group that identifies with values contrary to biblical teachings on sexuality
Good to see a baptist institution standing up for freedom of association sodomy and expression molestation.

So it seems


Your strategy is much better than Lon's (sorry Lon, but it is). Just stick with the same platitude and repeat it until the person at whom it is aimed starts to double-guess and wonder if actually there might be something in it.
You should wonder if actually you don't know what a platitude actually is, because it's disturbing how frequently you've incorrectly labeled the RESURRECTION platitudinal.

"He is risen" (Mt28:6KJV Mk16:6KJV Lk24:6KJV) is not, a platitude. Just by definition, this isn't an argument I'm making, I'm saying you're misusing the word platitude. Check your dictionary.
Of course there isn't.
You can't just dismiss the RESURRECTION by saying something like "of course [not]." It's way, way too important a thing---whether fiction or nonfiction---to do that. You have to address it.
If you mean to claim that ancient Jews that were successfully executed by the Romans can get up and walk, then your belief of that is a major achievement by the meme that has hijacked your mind. How do you get out of that one? It would be a significant volte-face, as they say en France.

Not sure what to suggest. Maybe just honesty with those who might have also committed to the idea. Just say, you know, had a rethink and clearly dead Jews don't just up and walk. You might lose some friends, or they might just say, yeah I was wondering about that too.

What's the downside, in considering my condition inoperable? You can't just say, "Because it's a meme," you have to show where the meme is harmful to me or to anybody else, and also it would help if you could show also, that it does me no good, and by analogy to financial opportunity cost, that the meme is keeping me from something better, and hopefully something better by a wide margin.

And, to put it another way, what's so great about thinking the Good News (Mt28:6KJV Mk16:6KJV Lk24:6KJV) is fiction, as compared to thinking that it is nonfiction?


New member
You should wonder if actually you don't know what a platitude actually is, because it's disturbing how frequently you've incorrectly labeled the RESURRECTION platitudinal.
I think I've got the meaning of platitude more right this time than I usually do.

platitude platɪtjuːd/ noun
a remark or statement, especially one with a moral content, that has been used too often to be interesting or thoughtful.

Your use of 'He is risen' was repeated; you seem to think it has moral content; but you had used it so often that it had ceased to be thoughtful or interesting. You could have been more interested if it wasn't just a bald assertion, and you could have been more thoughtful by explaining how it applied to the topic at hand.
You can't just dismiss the RESURRECTION by saying something like "of course [not]." It's way, way too important a thing---whether fiction or nonfiction---to do that. You have to address it.
Coming back from the dead is not that interesting if you look at the whole of the Judeo-christian scriptures. It is commonplace. Saul of Tarsus claimed in Acts 26:23 and 1 Corinthians 15:20 that Jesus was the first to be resurrected but a witch raised Samuel from the dead in 1 Samuel 28:11, 14; Elijah raised a boy from the dead in 1 Kings 17:21-22; Elisha brough a dead boy to life in 2 Kings 4:32-35; and repeated the feat with a man's body in 2 Kings 13:21; Moses and Elijah had a conversation with Jesus after being raised from the dead on different occasions in Luke 9:30; then Jesus had a go in Matthew 9:23-25, Luke 7:12-15, and with Lazarus in John 11:43. To cap off all that, many bodies of the saints arose when Jesus died, as alleged in Matthew 9:50-53. So what is particularly special about Jesus's resurrection?

What's the downside, in considering my condition inoperable? You can't just say, "Because it's a meme," you have to show where the meme is harmful to me or to anybody else, and also it would help if you could show also, that it does me no good, and by analogy to financial opportunity cost, that the meme is keeping me from something better, and hopefully something better by a wide margin.
If you don't care about whether any of it is true, which has to be the first question, then all there is left I suppose is the bigotry, hatred, attempts to gain influence over the private affairs of non-christians, claims by churches for tax exemptions to finance their special club activities, attempts at lying to children about natural history and cosmology... see many other examples in my other many posts on the topic. Christianity has been one of the biggest cons in all human history.
And, to put it another way, what's so great about thinking the Good News (Mt28:6KJV Mk16:6KJV Lk24:6KJV) is fiction, as compared to thinking that it is nonfiction?
Because it is important to me what can reasonably be said to be true. It is not reasonable to claim that people walk again after they are dead. Is that important to you, or do you not mind that the meme might be lying to you as part of its own Darwinian survival and reproduction strategy? There are several parasites that influence the working of the host's brain to the parasite's advantage, and memes are ideas that do pretty much the same thing.



New member
Hall of Fame
Don't forget about the baby eating and voodoo dolls.

I think one day I will be dead and it will be all over at that point, and I think you secretly know that is true too. It's the least ridiculous of the suggested options.


The fact that you can see creation, and deny intelligence, shows that you are the one with the ridiculous belief.


New member
Hall of Fame
It's really about love, isn't it? Here are two cases:

1. Two young people, of the same gender, fall in love. They are devoted to the well-being of one another and care for one another through good times and bad.

2. A ruling power makes a rule that everyone has to love it, and if they don't then they will be punished for a very long time.

Which strikes you as the more ethical situation?


Neither, which is more ethical to you?

1)The fact there is a hell and some people are "loving" you into it or

2)Warning you that there is and that there is a way to avoid it?


New member
Hall of Fame

US university rejects $3m donation from Christian organisation that demanded it shut down LGBT student group

Alabama Baptist Convention says it is ‘saddened’ the college ‘voted to affirm the recognition of a student group that identifies with values contrary to biblical teachings on sexuality’

Good to see a baptist institution standing up for freedom of association and expression.


Then you think prayers and an invitation to receive Christ should be offered at atheist meetings?


New member
Einstein believed in intelligent design.
The Intelligent Design movement started in the early 1980s, thirty years after Einstein's death.

I recommend reading much more if you really want to know what Einstein believed. And be prepared, if you do, for your way of believing to be called 'naive and childlike' by him. And be prepared to completely misunderstand what he said and wrote on religion, because most people do. Try reading Spinoza to get some idea of Einsteins god as metaphor for the comprehensibility and order in the universe. It's not a personal god that you can ask where you left your car keys. It's a god that isn't really there. Good luck.

Although I'm not sure why you bring up Einstein. What does he have to do with it?



New member
Hall of Fame
The Intelligent Design movement started in the early 1980s, thirty years after Einstein's death.

I recommend reading much more if you really want to know what Einstein believed. And be prepared, if you do, for your way of believing to be called 'naive and childlike' by him.

Although I'm not sure why you bring up Einstein. What does he have to do with it?


You brought him up, i responded to what you said. Check this on what he believed about the One greater than he:


I do agree, hes smarter than you and doesnt deny a Creator.


New member
The fact that you can see creation, and deny intelligence, shows that you are the one with the ridiculous belief.
You only see creation if you go looking for something that you believe was created. But if you see intelligence, have you ever asked yourself where the intelligence came from, how it came to be? I'd suggest you haven't. So you might 'believe in' an eternal god (no idea what that means) that creates intelligent things. Well, how does a god create intelligence? Where did the intelligence come from in the first place to do the creating? There is an answer to that, and it's called mutation and natural selection, and it completely explains how intelligence comes into being, and if your god exists then the best explaination for the intelligence of that god is also some process of evolution by natural selection.

I think the problem with your post mainly is that you are afraid of asking any of these kinds of questions, so whatever the right answer is I must reject your approach as fearful. Why would you worship something that makes you fearful? Because you fear what it will do to you? And all you would have done is used the brain you think this god gave you to use.

Christianity: the club for people who don't mind really not knowing.



New member
How is it a death threat to tell you that you are dead inside already?
If someone says to you 'You're dead already', especially if it's in a New York accent, then why would you not suspect it of being a death threat?

Well, as it happens I don't think it means anything at all, and the person who wrote it has failed to convince me that it is anything real.



New member
Hall of Fame
If someone says to you 'You're dead already', especially if it's in a New York accent, then why would you not suspect it of being a death threat?

Well, as it happens I don't think it means anything at all, and the person who wrote it has failed to convince me that it is anything real.


Then it was completely stupid to say that, right?

Learn something:

Ephesians 2:2 As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, 2 in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient.

You being without Christ, are already dead.


New member
Then it was completely stupid to say that, right?
No, because in my country it is illegal to make a death threat, and I think it is the same where you are.

Learn something:

Ephesians 2:2 As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, 2 in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient.

You being without Christ, are already dead.
So which of the several 'deaths' in christianity are we talking about now? The one that happens to us all, or some other fantasy death that is all about a vengeful god and your fear of it?
