False ‘Message Bible’ Creator Changes Mind on Homosexuality, Says He Would Officiate


New member

Neither is ethical.


How much of the New Testament does your worldview include?

In Case 1, you are condemned for your lack of concern for young gay people according to Matthew 25:41-46. They are in need of your help to decrease the homophobia in the world, but you have only increased it.

If you call Case 2 immoral, you are condemned because in Luke 10:25-28 you must love the ruling power or else you don't have eternal life, the alternative being that outlined in 2 Thessalonians 1:8-9 where you suffer everlasting punishment for not following the gospels.

Of course if you just stick to the Torah, there really isn't a punishing hell to be worried about.



How much of the New Testament does your worldview include?

In Case 1, you are condemned for your lack of concern for young gay people according to Matthew 25:41-46. They are in need of your help to decrease the homophobia in the world, but you have only increased it.

If you call Case 2 immoral, you are condemned because in Luke 10:25-28 you must love the ruling power or else you don't have eternal life, the alternative being that outlined in 2 Thessalonians 1:8-9 where you suffer everlasting punishment for not following the gospels.

Of course if you just stick to the Torah, there really isn't a punishing hell to be worried about.


Do you have a question about the Torah?




New member

I accept your scripture but not the way that you are using it.

What do you mean by the New Testament?


What is wrong with my use of scripture?

What do you mean, what do you mean by the New Testament??



What is wrong with my use of scripture?

What do you mean, what do you mean by the New Testament??


You are not using the scripture that you provided references for for its intended purpose.

Often people refer to Matthew through Revelation as the New Testament. I do not.




New member

You are not using the scripture that you provided references for for its intended purpose.
And what is the 'intended purpose' of scripture?

Often people refer to Matthew through Revelation as the New Testament. I do not.
I can think of some other names for it too...

Now we have dealt with the trivial question of what to call it, do you have an answer to my question?



And what is the 'intended purpose' of scripture?

I can think of some other names for it too...

Now we have dealt with the trivial question of what to call it, do you have an answer to my question?


The Bible is The Word of God. It is God's Word to us. It comes to us from God.

As a Jew I do not have a worldview. When I was a Christian I learned about Christ and Christianity but also the Christian Worldview.

As a Jew, of Israel, as a proselyte and a convert to Judaism and Israel, I read, study, observe, keep, and teach the Torah. I accept the TaNaKh and Matthew through Revelation.

What is the question that you are asking?




New member
The plain fact is, Peterson didn't change his mind...he's just now willing to say it publicly. He always thought same sex marriage was "ok".


New member
So it's OK for people in the christian club to pass nasty judgement on young gay people and drive them to suicide, as long as the others in the club are pleased.

Not sure what kind of god requires that of its followers.

See what your hobby has done to your humanity? There are people who can help with that kind of destructive addiction.


1. If the Bible says that homosexuality is a sin, then yes, a Christian is to speak out against the sin.

2. If the Bible says that alcoholism is a sin, then yes, a Christian is to speak out against the sin.

3. If the Bible says that murder is a a sin, then yes, a a Christian is to speak out against the sin.

In all these cases, and many more, the Christian is to present the option of an alternate, specifically, a life change, like we all need (redemption, justification, sanctification). I hate the sin, not the sinner, for I too am a sinner.

I don't get why you are singling out homosexuality in your argument. Your argument can be applied to ALL sins, yet not all these other "sinners" are committing suicide over it.....why not?


New member
1. If the Bible says that homosexuality is a sin, then yes, a Christian is to speak out against the sin.

2. If the Bible says that alcoholism is a sin, then yes, a Christian is to speak out against the sin.

3. If the Bible says that murder is a a sin, then yes, a a Christian is to speak out against the sin.

In all these cases, and many more, the Christian is to present the option of an alternate, specifically, a life change, like we all need (redemption, justification, sanctification). I hate the sin, not the sinner, for I too am a sinner.
I am in favour of free speech, and against censorship. So you can make comments and call people names and be ignored for it, which is rightly what usually happens. However, there are people vulnerable to particular rants from the christian club rule book. No one cares that you think alcoholism is a 'sin' or murder is. Murder has been ethically wrong since long before Judeo-christianity was invented. But some young people who are still finding their sexuality find it difficult enough to deal with prejudice without you wading in. What if my club rules said that obsessive compulsive disorder was a sin? You should rightly tell me not to put further pressure on vulnerable people.

If variations of sexuality that don't meet your club's standards were actually doing harm to humanity, then you could have a point. But they don't, and so you don't. In my country, many religious busy-bodies opposed the decriminalisation of homosexual acts in 1986. Last year was the 30th anniversary of the passing of that law and there were some of those same religious people openly admitting that the grave consequences they foretold had actually not come to pass, and there had only been good come from it. So I don't know what your particular fears are, but I suspect they are much less real than those of a young gay person in the closet and frightened to death of coming out.

By the way, speak for yourself and members of your club when it comes to who is in 'need' of your club rituals that you call redemption, justification, and sanctification. I certainly don't need those.

I don't get why you are singling out homosexuality in your argument. Your argument can be applied to ALL sins, yet not all these other "sinners" are committing suicide over it.....why not?
I refer you to the title of the thread and the OP.



New member

The Bible is The Word of God. It is God's Word to us. It comes to us from God.

As a Jew I do not have a worldview. When I was a Christian I learned about Christ and Christianity but also the Christian Worldview.

As a Jew, of Israel, as a proselyte and a convert to Judaism and Israel, I read, study, observe, keep, and teach the Torah. I accept the TaNaKh and Matthew through Revelation.

What is the question that you are asking?


I fear you would have to think too hard were I to repeat it.



New member
I am in favour of free speech, and against censorship. So you can make comments and call people names and be ignored for it, which is rightly what usually happens. However, there are people vulnerable to particular rants from the christian club rule book. No one cares that you think alcoholism is a 'sin' or murder is. Murder has been ethically wrong since long before Judeo-christianity was invented. But some young people who are still finding their sexuality find it difficult enough to deal with prejudice without you wading in. What if my club rules said that obsessive compulsive disorder was a sin? You should rightly tell me not to put further pressure on vulnerable people.

If variations of sexuality that don't meet your club's standards were actually doing harm to humanity, then you could have a point. But they don't, and so you don't. In my country, many religious busy-bodies opposed the decriminalisation of homosexual acts in 1986. Last year was the 30th anniversary of the passing of that law and there were some of those same religious people openly admitting that the grave consequences they foretold had actually not come to pass, and there had only been good come from it. So I don't know what your particular fears are, but I suspect they are much less real than those of a young gay person in the closet and frightened to death of coming out.

By the way, speak for yourself and members of your club when it comes to who is in 'need' of your club rituals that you call redemption, justification, and sanctification. I certainly don't need those.

I refer you to the title of the thread and the OP.

Yeah, when you said murder existed before judeo-christianity was invented...lost all credibility.

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New member
Yeah, when you said murder existed before judeo-christianity was invented...lost all credibility.
Humans murdering other humans dates back to whenever there were first humans. That is a minimum of 185,000 years ago, but you could make arguments for up to millions of years ago, depending on what species you would like to consider 'human'.

Judaism is about 3000 years old, although you could possibly push its origins back to 5000 years ago, into the Cannanite polytheistic religion, influenced by Egyptian and Mesopotamian religions. And, obviously, christianity was invented about 2000 years ago.

So murder definitely existed before the invention of Judeo-christianity, which has existed only for the last 3% of 'human' history.

Your turn.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Humans murdering other humans dates back to whenever there were first humans. That is a minimum of 185,000 years ago, but you could make arguments for up to millions of years ago, depending on what species you would like to consider 'human'.

Judaism is about 3000 years old, although you could possibly push its origins back to 5000 years ago, into the Cannanite polytheistic religion, influenced by Egyptian and Mesopotamian religions. And, obviously, christianity was invented about 2000 years ago.

So murder definitely existed before the invention of Judeo-christianity, which has existed only for the last 3% of 'human' history.

Your turn.


We have the names of the first murderer and the first victim

What are the names of the murderer and the victim in your 185000 year old fantasy?