False ‘Message Bible’ Creator Changes Mind on Homosexuality, Says He Would Officiate


New member

You do not need to believe in the Trinity to be a Christian. You can be a Christian and not believe in the Trinity.

I do not know what you are asking about club rules. I am referring to and talking about God's Law, which is not up for negotiation.


In your ambition to be president, have you considered that you might be president over a people with many different ethical systems, and that your ethical system seems to be based on the bible, which might seem to you like an essential thing for all people to follow, but to other people looks a bit like a club for believers?

Your club has rules, which are written in scripture, as you have homophobically pointed out. Why should those who are not in the Jewish Beliefs club have to follow your Jewish Belief club rules?



New member
Attitude is much of this. :plain: If you were the poster child, I'd avoid Atheism just on that point alone, sport. :wave:
Like Einstein (and there isn't a great deal about me that is like Einstein), I don't like the term atheist either. It defines me in terms of other people's delusions.



New member
The blind man sez:

It's official

You're a retard :nono:
Compared to what you called Obama, it looks like I got away lightly.

I always appreciate name-calling, it is a demonstration of your opponent's fear and lack of any valid argument.



New member
You don't have to, you can worship demons and yourself all you want in this life, but do know one day you will bend your knee to God and confess Him as God.
Don't forget about the baby eating and voodoo dolls.

I think one day I will be dead and it will be all over at that point, and I think you secretly know that is true too. It's the least ridiculous of the suggested options.



In your ambition to be president, have you considered that you might be president over a people with many different ethical systems, and that your ethical system seems to be based on the bible, which might seem to you like an essential thing for all people to follow, but to other people looks a bit like a club for believers?

Your club has rules, which are written in scripture, as you have homophobically pointed out. Why should those who are not in the Jewish Beliefs club have to follow your Jewish Belief club rules?


I do not know what you are talking about. The United States of America was founded upon the Judeo-Christian Principle, Ethic, and Religion. That is not going to change.

Can you imagine a world without God and His Law? If you were left to your own desires you would not experience the joy, safety, and protection of and in God's Law. This is why God gave us His Law. Because He cares for us and wants the best for us.




New member

I do not know what you are talking about. The United States of America was founded upon the Judeo-Christian Principle, Ethic, and Religion. That is not going to change.

Can you imagine a world without God and His Law? If you were left to your own desires you would not experience the joy, safety, and protection of and in God's Law. This is why God gave us His Law. Because He cares for us and wants the best for us.


Good luck to you. For the sake of justice I hope you never make president.



New member

You are welcome to think about and share your idea of what is justice.


Thank you for the invitation. I think justice is when people don't make homophobic rants that make suicide more likely in young people, some of whom take a while to develop confidence in their place along the continuum of sexuality, wherever it ends up.



Well-known member
Like Einstein (and there isn't a great deal about me that is like Einstein), I don't like the term atheist either. It defines me in terms of other people's delusions.

Old and wrinkly? Flunked math? Messy hair? Baggy pants? Jewish? :think:


New member
Old and wrinkly? Flunked math? Messy hair? Baggy pants? Jewish? :think:
None of those things, quite. But I'm certainly not capable of reconciling the quantum world with relativity, which I imagine is what Einstein would be working on / objecting to if he were alive today.



Thank you for the invitation. I think justice is when people don't make homophobic rants that make suicide more likely in young people, some of whom take a while to develop confidence in their place along the continuum of sexuality, wherever it ends up.


All people should live according to God's Law. This is not about suicide. No one should commit suicide. It is against God's Law.

Is it justice when a criminal goes free? After serving time? Once they have been convicted? Before they are a convicted criminal? If a crime is committed and nothing is done about it, is that justice? If someone steals something, should they return it?




New member

All people should live according to God's Law. This is not about suicide. No one should commit suicide. It is against God's Law.
It's really about love, isn't it? Here are two cases:

1. Two young people, of the same gender, fall in love. They are devoted to the well-being of one another and care for one another through good times and bad.

2. A ruling power makes a rule that everyone has to love it, and if they don't then they will be punished for a very long time.

Which strikes you as the more ethical situation?



It's really about love, isn't it? Here are two cases:

1. Two young people, of the same gender, fall in love. They are devoted to the well-being of one another and care for one another through good times and bad.

2. A ruling power makes a rule that everyone has to love it, and if they don't then they will be punished for a very long time.

Which strikes you as the more ethical situation?


Neither is ethical.

