Faithful Christians abstain from drinking alcohol

Gary K

New member
Again, you keep pushing this false narrative. The Bible condemns drunkenness and not drinking.

Christ was not claimed to be a wine-bibber by drinking grape juice.
How do you know that? Where is your evidence?

Jesus was accused of throwing demons out of people by the power of Beelzebub. Matthew 20:25, Matthew 12:24, Mark 3:22

What relationship to reality is there to any of the accusations of the enemies of Jesus against Him?


Well-known member
No one is saying there isn't risk, recklessness, etc, just as there is with overeating (gluttony).

The question is, Is God displeased when someone drinks at all, even without becoming anywhere close to drunk?

If He were, the Bible would be unmistakably, consistently clear on the point. But...

Example, as has been pointed out, Paul says elders should not be given to MUCH wine...not NO wine.

If you want to place a prohibition upon yourself against drinking, as I have (but for different reasons), you're at liberty to do so and no one can or should judge you for it.

But when you start speaking for God on something He simply did not say, you'd best be careful.

The above is from one who no longer drinks, fwiw. Could I? Yep. Do I? Nope.
I don't try to force my views on anyone but just like everyone, I express my views. I have taught kids in a Christian environment that God disapproves of all alcoholic intoxication of any degree and therefore Christians should not drink fermented, leavened, or alcoholic beverages.


Well-known member
It's simply a logical deduction. Would you accuse someone that does not drink alcohol of being a drunk?
If Jesus drank wine that moved aright in the cup, then how much did God want Him to drink or not drink in order to control His level of intoxication?


Well-known member
I don't try to force my views on anyone
Didn't say you were. I said you're speaking where God hasn't.
God disapproves of all alcoholic intoxication of any degree
No one here disagrees with that. It's very clear in the Bible.
THEREFORE Christians should not drink fermented, leavened, or alcoholic beverages.
Do you not see the disconnect there?

Maybe this will help:

Do you believe that any amount of ingested alcohol, no matter how small, causes intoxication?

Gary K

New member
It's simply a logical deduction. Would you accuse someone that does not drink alcohol of being a drunk?
What I would do or not do is not the question here.

Was the Pharisees accusation that Jesus cast out demons via the power of Beelzebub based upon the fact that Jesus did in fact cast out demons through the power of Beelzebub? Do you assume that the accusation against Him was based upon truth? Were the Pharisees big truth tellers where Jesus was concerned?


Well-known member
Didn't say you were. I said you're speaking where God hasn't.

No one here disagrees with that. It's very clear in the Bible.

Do you not see the disconnect there?

Maybe this will help:

Do you believe that any amount of ingested alcohol, no matter how small, causes intoxication?
The Bible does not clearly distinguish between low blood-alcohol levels and high blood-alcohol levels. I have learned by education and experience the dangers of alcohol addiction, as well as the dangers of addictions to sex, drugs, smoking, gambling, and other sins and perversions. That is why I teach kids to stay as far away from those things as they can so they do not get tricked and trapped into a lifestyle that displeases God and will kill them.

Substantial research has established that the effect of alcohol on the human depends on the blood alcohol concentration. At a very low blood alcohol level people usually feel relaxation and mild euphoria and some loss of inhibition or shyness. However, at blood alcohol levels that exceed the legal limit for driving in United States, significant impairment of motor skills may occur. At a blood alcohol level of 0.3% and higher, complete loss of consciousness may occur and a blood alcohol level of 0.5% and higher may even cause death

Gary K

New member
Didn't say you were. I said you're speaking where God hasn't.

No one here disagrees with that. It's very clear in the Bible.

Do you not see the disconnect there?

Maybe this will help:

Do you believe that any amount of ingested alcohol, no matter how small, causes intoxication?
Odd. First you agree that the Bible condemns any degree of intoxication. That means the Bible condemns any consumption of alcohol as ingestion of any alcohol affects the body and mind. As an alky I know this. I can't drink, period, because of this as it sets in motion things inside me that I cannot control. Less than one beer or hard drink does that to me.

So I definetly believe no matter how small the amount of alcohol ingested it causes intoxication. Alcoholics are living proof of this.


Well-known member
The Bible does not clearly distinguish between low blood-alcohol levels and high blood-alcohol levels.

The Bible does not clearly distinguish between low blood-alcohol levels and high blood-alcohol levels. I have learned by education and experience the dangers of alcohol addiction, as well as the dangers of addictions to sex, drugs, smoking, gambling, and other sins and perversions. That is why I teach kids to stay as far away from those things as they can so they do not get tricked and trapped into a lifestyle that displeases God and will kill them.

Substantial research has established that the effect of alcohol on the human depends on the blood alcohol concentration. At a very low blood alcohol level people usually feel relaxation and mild euphoria and some loss of inhibition or shyness. However, at blood alcohol levels that exceed the legal limit for driving in United States, significant impairment of motor skills may occur. At a blood alcohol level of 0.3% and higher, complete loss of consciousness may occur and a blood alcohol level of 0.5% and higher may even cause death

That does not answer the question.

Do you think it sin to drink any amount of alcohol?


Staff member
Super Moderator
So I definetly believe no matter how small the amount of alcohol ingested it causes intoxication. Alcoholics are living proof of this.
Just because a small amount of alcohol causes intoxication in you, that doesn't mean it causes intoxication in everyone else.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Odd. First you agree that the Bible condemns any degree of intoxication. That means the Bible condemns any consumption of alcohol as ingestion of any alcohol affects the body and mind. As an alky I know this. I can't drink, period, because of this as it sets in motion things inside me that I cannot control. Less than one beer or hard drink does that to me.

So I definetly believe no matter how small the amount of alcohol ingested it causes intoxication. Alcoholics are living proof of this.
I think of myself as very sensitive to the stuff. Most people I know who 'drink socially' drink a lot more than I do to get the same effect I get from a half-beer. They'll drink 2-6 whole beers but I get 'buzzed' at half a beer, if I'm patient and let it set in. So I just recalibrated what I think of as normal drinking for me. It also lines up with Paul's biblical counsel to Timothy, to just have a little wine.

"For courage." jk. For health. Of course it turns out that even drinking one whole drink a day injures your brain microscopically, so 'for health' has to mean at most something like half a drink or just a "little" wine, which corroborates the Scripture.


Well-known member
Those who don't drink do not push the envelope of God's approval by flirting with intoxification.
Perhaps the Lord is convicting you about abstaining from alcohol.
Well and good. Outlawing it won't work, as has been proven over time.

We live in a world of sin, and preaching against sin won't lead a single person to Christ.

Focus on the good news....that which gives hope to the lost and down-trodden.


Well-known member
That does not answer the question.

Do you think it sin to drink any amount of alcohol?
There may be exceptions I am unaware of but apart from the unknown possible exceptions I do believe drinking intoxicating beverages is a sin.


Staff member
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Gold Subscriber
There may be exceptions I am unaware of but apart from the unknown possible exceptions I do believe drinking intoxicating beverages is a sin.

Is fermenting foods a sin?


Well-known member
Perhaps the Lord is convicting you about abstaining from alcohol.
Well and good. Outlawing it won't work, as has been proven over time.

We live in a world of sin, and preaching against sin won't lead a single person to Christ.

Focus on the good news....that which gives hope to the lost and down-trodden.
Preachers who refuse to preach against sin do not serve as salt and light to the world.